# Troubleshooting ## ENOENT: no such file or directory - node-sass * If you get this error `ENOENT: no such file or directory - node-sass` on Heroku or elsewhere during `assets:precompile` or `bundle exec rails webpacker:compile` then you would need to rebuild node-sass. It's a bit of a weird error; basically, it can't find the `node-sass` binary. An easy solution is to create a postinstall hook - `npm rebuild node-sass` in `package.json` and that will ensure `node-sass` is rebuilt whenever you install any new modules. ## Can't find hello_react.js in manifest.json * If you get this error `Can't find hello_react.js in manifest.json` when loading a view in the browser it's because webpack is still compiling packs. Webpacker uses a `manifest.json` file to keep track of packs in all environments, however since this file is generated after packs are compiled by webpack. So, if you load a view in browser whilst webpack is compiling you will get this error. Therefore, make sure webpack (i.e `./bin/webpack-dev-server`) is running and has completed the compilation successfully before loading a view. ## throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event * If you get this error while trying to use Elm, try rebuilding Elm. You can do so with a postinstall hook in your `package.json`: ``` "scripts": { "postinstall": "npm rebuild elm" } ``` ## webpack or webpack-dev-server not found * This could happen if `webpacker:install` step is skipped. Please run `bundle exec rails webpacker:install` to fix the issue. * If you encounter the above error on heroku after upgrading from Rails 4.x to 5.1.x, then the problem might be related to missing `yarn` binstub. Please run following commands to update/add binstubs: ```bash bundle config --delete bin ./bin/rails app:update:bin # or rails app:update:bin ``` ## Running webpack on Windows If you are running webpack on Windows, your command shell may not be able to interpret the preferred interpreter for the scripts generated in `bin/webpack` and `bin/webpack-dev-server`. Instead you'll want to run the scripts manually with Ruby: ``` C:\path>ruby bin\webpack C:\path>ruby bin\webpack-dev-server ``` ## Invalid configuration object. webpack has been initialised using a configuration object that does not match the API schema. If you receive this error when running `$ ./bin/webpack-dev-server` ensure your configuration is correct; most likely the path to your "packs" folder is incorrect if you modified from the original "source_path" defined in `config/webpacker.yml`. ## Running Elm on Continuous Integration (CI) services such as CircleCI, CodeShip, Travis CI If your tests are timing out or erroring on CI it is likely that you are experiencing the slow Elm compilation issue described here: [elm-compiler issue #1473](https://github.com/elm-lang/elm-compiler/issues/1473) The issue is related to CPU count exposed by the underlying service. The basic solution involves using [libsysconfcpus](https://github.com/obmarg/libsysconfcpus) to change the reported CPU count. Basic fix involves: ```bash # install sysconfcpus on CI git clone https://github.com/obmarg/libsysconfcpus.git $HOME/dependencies/libsysconfcpus cd libsysconfcpus .configure --prefix=$HOME/dependencies/sysconfcpus make && make install # use sysconfcpus with elm-make mv $HOME/your_rails_app/node_modules/.bin/elm-make $HOME/your_rails_app/node_modules/.bin/elm-make-old printf "#\041/bin/bash\n\necho \"Running elm-make with sysconfcpus -n 2\"\n\n$HOME/dependencies/sysconfcpus/bin/sysconfcpus -n 2 $HOME/your_rails_app/node_modules/.bin/elm-make-old \"\$@\"" > $HOME/your_rails_app/node_modules/.bin/elm-make chmod +x $HOME/your_rails_app/node_modules/.bin/elm-make ``` ## Rake assets:precompile fails. ExecJS::RuntimeError This error occurs because you are trying to minify by terser a pack that's already been minified by Webpacker. To avoid this conflict and prevent appearing of ExecJS::RuntimeError error, you will need to disable uglifier from Rails config: ```ruby // production.rb # From Rails.application.config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier # To Rails.application.config.assets.js_compressor = Uglifier.new(harmony: true) ``` ### Angular: WARNING in ./node_modules/@angular/core/esm5/core.js, Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression To silent these warnings, please update `config/webpack/environment.js` ```js // environment.js const webpack = require('webpack') const { resolve } = require('path') const { environment, config } = require('@rails/webpacker') environment.plugins.append('ContextReplacement', new webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin( /angular(\\|\/)core(\\|\/)(@angular|esm5)/, resolve(config.source_path) ) ) ```