class Gecode::FreeIntVar # Initiates an arithmetic absolute value constraint. def abs, :lhs => self) end alias_method :pre_arith_mult, :* if instance_methods.include? '*' # Begins a multiplication constraint involving the two int variable. def *(var) if var.kind_of? Gecode::FreeIntVar @model, :lhs => self, :var => var) else pre_arith_mult(var) if respond_to? :pre_arith_mult end end end # A module that gathers the classes and modules used by arithmetic constraints. module Gecode::Constraints::Int::Arithmetic #:nodoc: # Describes a CompositeStub for absolute value constraints, which constrain # the absolute value of an integer variable. # # == Examples # # # The absolute value of +x+ must be less than 2. # x.abs.must < 2 # # # The absolute value of +x+ must be in the range 5..7, with +bool+ as # # reification variable and +value+ as strength. #, :reify => bool, :strength => :value) class AbsExpressionStub < Gecode::Constraints::Int::CompositeStub def constrain_equal(variable, params, constrain) lhs, strength = @params.values_at(:lhs, :strength) if constrain bounds = [lhs.min.abs, lhs.max.abs] bounds.min..bounds.max end Gecode::Raw::abs(@model.active_space, lhs.bind, variable.bind, strength) end end # Describes a CompositeStub for multiplication constraint, which constrain # the value of the multiplication of two variables. # # == Examples # # # The value of +x*y+ must be equal to their sum. # (x*y).must == x + y # # # The valye of +x*y+ must be less than 17, with +bool+ as reification # # variable and +domain+ as strength. # (x*y).must_be.less_than(17, :reify => bool, :strength => :domain) class MultExpressionStub < Gecode::Constraints::Int::CompositeStub def constrain_equal(variable, params, constrain) lhs, lhs2, strength = @params.values_at(:lhs, :var, :strength) if constrain a_min = lhs.min; a_max = lhs.max b_min = lhs2.min; b_max = lhs2.max products = [a_min*b_min, a_min*b_max, a_max*b_min, a_max*b_max] products.min..products.max end Gecode::Raw::mult(@model.active_space, lhs.bind, lhs2.bind, variable.bind, strength) end end end