module Redwood class ThreadViewMode < LineCursorMode ## this holds all info we need to lay out a message class MessageLayout attr_accessor :top, :bot, :prev, :next, :depth, :width, :state, :color, :star_color, :orig_new, :toggled_state end class ChunkLayout attr_accessor :state end INDENT_SPACES = 2 # how many spaces to indent child messages HookManager.register "detailed-headers", < $config[:slip_rows] @thread = thread @hidden_labels = hidden_labels ## used for dispatch-and-next @index_mode = index_mode @dying = false @layout = { } @chunk_layout = { } earliest, latest = nil, nil latest_date = nil altcolor = false @thread.each do |m, d, p| next unless m earliest ||= m @layout[m].state = initial_state_for m @layout[m].toggled_state = false @layout[m].color = altcolor ? :alternate_patina_color : :message_patina_color @layout[m].star_color = altcolor ? :alternate_starred_patina_color : :starred_patina_color @layout[m].orig_new = m.has_label? :read altcolor = !altcolor if latest_date.nil? || > latest_date latest_date = latest = m end end @wrap = true @layout[latest].state = :open if @layout[latest].state == :closed @layout[earliest].state = :detailed if earliest.has_label?(:unread) || @thread.size == 1 end def toggle_wrap @wrap = !@wrap regen_text buffer.mark_dirty if buffer end def draw_line ln, opts={} if ln == curpos super ln, :highlight => true else super end end def lines; @text.length; end def [] i; @text[i]; end ## a little hacky---since regen_text can depend on buffer features like the ## content_width, we don't call it in the constructor, and instead call it ## here, which is set before we're responsible for drawing ourself. def buffer= b super regen_text end def show_header m = @message_lines[curpos] or return BufferManager.spawn_unless_exists("Full header for #{}") do m.raw_header.ascii end end def show_message m = @message_lines[curpos] or return BufferManager.spawn_unless_exists("Raw message for #{}") do m.raw_message.ascii end end def toggle_detailed_header m = @message_lines[curpos] or return @layout[m].state = (@layout[m].state == :detailed ? :open : :detailed) update end def reply type_arg=nil m = @message_lines[curpos] or return mode = m, type_arg BufferManager.spawn "Reply to #{m.subj}", mode end def reply_all; reply :all; end def subscribe_to_list m = @message_lines[curpos] or return if m.list_subscribe && m.list_subscribe =~ // ComposeMode.spawn_nicely :from => AccountManager.account_for(m.recipient_email), :to => [Person.from_address($1)], :subj => ($3 || "subscribe") else BufferManager.flash "Can't find List-Subscribe header for this message." end end def unsubscribe_from_list m = @message_lines[curpos] or return BufferManager.flash "Can't find List-Unsubscribe header for this message." unless m.list_unsubscribe if m.list_unsubscribe =~ // ComposeMode.spawn_nicely :from => AccountManager.account_for(m.recipient_email), :to => [Person.from_address($1)], :subj => ($3 || "unsubscribe") elsif m.list_unsubscribe =~ /<(http.*)?>/ unless HookManager.enabled? "goto" BufferManager.flash "You must add a goto.rb hook before you can goto an unsubscribe URI." return end begin u = URI.parse($1) rescue URI::InvalidURIError => e BufferManager.flash("Invalid unsubscribe link") return end "goto", :uri => Shellwords.escape(u.to_s) end end def forward if(chunk = @chunk_lines[curpos]) && chunk.is_a?(Chunk::Attachment) ForwardMode.spawn_nicely :attachments => [chunk] elsif(m = @message_lines[curpos]) ForwardMode.spawn_nicely :message => m end end def bounce m = @message_lines[curpos] or return to = BufferManager.ask_for_contacts(:people, "Bounce To: ") or return defcmd = AccountManager.default_account.bounce_sendmail cmd = case (hookcmd = "bounce-command", :from => m.from, :to => to) when nil, /^$/ then defcmd else hookcmd end + ' ' + { |t| }.join(' ') bt = to.size > 1 ? "#{to.size} recipients" : to[0].to_s if BufferManager.ask_yes_or_no "Really bounce to #{bt}?" debug "bounce command: #{cmd}" begin IO.popen(cmd, 'w') do |sm| sm.puts m.raw_message end raise SendmailCommandFailed, "Couldn't execute #{cmd}" unless $? == 0 m.add_label :forwarded Index.save_message m rescue SystemCallError, SendmailCommandFailed => e warn "problem sending mail: #{e.message}" BufferManager.flash "Problem sending mail: #{e.message}" end end end include CanAliasContacts def alias p = @person_lines[curpos] or return alias_contact p update end def search p = @person_lines[curpos] or return mode = [p] BufferManager.spawn "Search for #{}", mode mode.load_threads :num => mode.buffer.content_height end def compose p = @person_lines[curpos] if p ComposeMode.spawn_nicely :to_default => p else ComposeMode.spawn_nicely end end def edit_labels old_labels = @thread.labels reserved_labels = { |l| LabelManager::RESERVED_LABELS.include? l } new_labels = BufferManager.ask_for_labels :label, "Labels for thread: ", @thread.labels.sort_by {|x| x.to_s} return unless new_labels @thread.labels = + new_labels new_labels.each { |l| LabelManager << l } update UpdateManager.relay self, :labeled, @thread.first Index.save_thread @thread UndoManager.register "labeling thread" do @thread.labels = old_labels Index.save_thread @thread UpdateManager.relay self, :labeled, @thread.first end end def toggle_starred m = @message_lines[curpos] or return toggle_label m, :starred end def toggle_new m = @message_lines[curpos] or return toggle_label m, :unread end def toggle_label m, label if m.has_label? label m.remove_label label else m.add_label label end ## TODO: don't recalculate EVERYTHING just to add a stupid little ## star to the display update UpdateManager.relay self, :single_message_labeled, m Index.save_thread @thread end ## called when someone presses enter when the cursor is highlighting ## a chunk. for expandable chunks (including messages) we toggle ## open/closed state; for viewable chunks (like attachments) we ## view. def activate_chunk chunk = @chunk_lines[curpos] or return if chunk.is_a? Chunk::Text ## if the cursor is over a text region, expand/collapse the ## entire message chunk = @message_lines[curpos] end layout = if chunk.is_a?(Message) @layout[chunk] elsif chunk.expandable? @chunk_layout[chunk] end if layout layout.state = (layout.state != :closed ? :closed : :open) #cursor_down if layout.state == :closed # too annoying update elsif chunk.viewable? view chunk end if chunk.is_a?(Message) && $config[:jump_to_open_message] jump_to_message chunk jump_to_next_open if layout.state == :closed end end def edit_as_new m = @message_lines[curpos] or return mode = => m.quotable_body_lines, :to =>, :cc =>, :subj => m.subj, :bcc => m.bcc, :refs => m.refs, :replytos => m.replytos) BufferManager.spawn "edit as new", mode mode.default_edit_message end def save_to_disk chunk = @chunk_lines[curpos] or return case chunk when Chunk::Attachment default_dir = $config[:default_attachment_save_dir] default_dir = ENV["HOME"] if default_dir.nil? || default_dir.empty? default_fn = File.expand_path File.join(default_dir, chunk.safe_filename) fn = BufferManager.ask_for_filename :filename, "Save attachment to file or directory: ", default_fn, true # if user selects directory use file name from message if fn and fn fn = File.join(fn, chunk.filename) end save_to_file(fn) { |f| f.print chunk.raw_content } if fn else m = @message_lines[curpos] fn = BufferManager.ask_for_filename :filename, "Save message to file: " return unless fn save_to_file(fn) do |f| m.each_raw_message_line { |l| f.print l } end end end def save_all_to_disk m = @message_lines[curpos] or return default_dir = ($config[:default_attachment_save_dir] || ".") folder = BufferManager.ask_for_filename :filename, "Save all attachments to folder: ", default_dir, true return unless folder num = 0 num_errors = 0 m.chunks.each do |chunk| next unless chunk.is_a?(Chunk::Attachment) fn = File.join(folder, chunk.safe_filename) num_errors += 1 unless save_to_file(fn, false) { |f| f.print chunk.raw_content } num += 1 end if num == 0 BufferManager.flash "Didn't find any attachments!" else if num_errors == 0 BufferManager.flash "Wrote #{num.pluralize 'attachment'} to #{folder}." else BufferManager.flash "Wrote #{(num - num_errors).pluralize 'attachment'} to #{folder}; couldn't write #{num_errors} of them (see log)." end end end def publish chunk = @chunk_lines[curpos] or return if HookManager.enabled? "publish" "publish", :chunk => chunk else BufferManager.flash "Publishing hook not defined." end end def edit_draft m = @message_lines[curpos] or return if m.is_draft? mode = m BufferManager.spawn "Edit message", mode BufferManager.kill_buffer self.buffer mode.default_edit_message else BufferManager.flash "Not a draft message!" end end def send_draft m = @message_lines[curpos] or return if m.is_draft? mode = m BufferManager.spawn "Send message", mode BufferManager.kill_buffer self.buffer mode.send_message else BufferManager.flash "Not a draft message!" end end def jump_to_first_open m = @message_lines[0] or return if @layout[m].state != :closed jump_to_message m#, true else jump_to_next_open #true end end def jump_to_next_and_open return continue_search_in_buffer if in_search? # err.. don't know why im doing this m = (curpos ... @message_lines.length).argfind { |i| @message_lines[i] } return unless m nextm = @layout[m].next return unless nextm if @layout[m].toggled_state == true @layout[m].state = :closed @layout[m].toggled_state = false update end if @layout[nextm].state == :closed @layout[nextm].state = :open @layout[nextm].toggled_state = true end jump_to_message nextm if nextm update if @layout[nextm].toggled_state end def jump_to_next_open force_alignment=nil return continue_search_in_buffer if in_search? # hack: allow 'n' to apply to both operations m = (curpos ... @message_lines.length).argfind { |i| @message_lines[i] } return unless m while nextm = @layout[m].next break if @layout[nextm].state != :closed m = nextm end jump_to_message nextm, force_alignment if nextm end def align_current_message m = @message_lines[curpos] or return jump_to_message m, true end def jump_to_prev_and_open force_alignment=nil m = (0 .. curpos).to_a.reverse.argfind { |i| @message_lines[i] } return unless m nextm = @layout[m].prev return unless nextm if @layout[m].toggled_state == true @layout[m].state = :closed @layout[m].toggled_state = false update end if @layout[nextm].state == :closed @layout[nextm].state = :open @layout[nextm].toggled_state = true end jump_to_message nextm if nextm update if @layout[nextm].toggled_state end def jump_to_prev_open m = (0 .. curpos).to_a.reverse.argfind { |i| @message_lines[i] } # bah, .to_a return unless m ## jump to the top of the current message if we're in the body; ## otherwise, to the previous message top = @layout[m].top if curpos == top while(prevm = @layout[m].prev) break if @layout[prevm].state != :closed m = prevm end jump_to_message prevm if prevm else jump_to_message m end end def jump_to_message m, force_alignment=false l = @layout[m] ## boundaries of the message message_left = l.depth * INDENT_SPACES message_right = message_left + l.width ## calculate leftmost colum left = if force_alignment # force mode: align exactly message_left else # regular: minimize cursor movement ## leftmost and rightmost are boundaries of all valid left-column ## alignments. leftmost = [message_left, message_right - buffer.content_width + 1].min rightmost = message_left leftcol.clamp(leftmost, rightmost) end jump_to_line # move vertically jump_to_col left # move horizontally set_cursor_pos # set cursor pos end def expand_all_messages @global_message_state ||= :closed @global_message_state = (@global_message_state == :closed ? :open : :closed) @layout.each { |m, l| l.state = @global_message_state } update end def collapse_non_new_messages @layout.each { |m, l| l.state = l.orig_new ? :open : :closed } update end def expand_all_quotes if(m = @message_lines[curpos]) quotes = { |c| (c.is_a?(Chunk::Quote) || c.is_a?(Chunk::Signature)) && c.lines.length > 1 } numopen = quotes.inject(0) { |s, c| s + (@chunk_layout[c].state == :open ? 1 : 0) } newstate = numopen > quotes.length / 2 ? :closed : :open quotes.each { |c| @chunk_layout[c].state = newstate } update end end def cleanup @layout = @chunk_layout = @text = nil # for good luck end def archive_and_kill; archive_and_then :kill end def spam_and_kill; spam_and_then :kill end def delete_and_kill; delete_and_then :kill end def kill_and_kill; kill_and_then :kill end def unread_and_kill; unread_and_then :kill end def do_nothing_and_kill; do_nothing_and_then :kill end def archive_and_next; archive_and_then :next end def spam_and_next; spam_and_then :next end def delete_and_next; delete_and_then :next end def kill_and_next; kill_and_then :next end def unread_and_next; unread_and_then :next end def do_nothing_and_next; do_nothing_and_then :next end def archive_and_prev; archive_and_then :prev end def spam_and_prev; spam_and_then :prev end def delete_and_prev; delete_and_then :prev end def kill_and_prev; kill_and_then :prev end def unread_and_prev; unread_and_then :prev end def do_nothing_and_prev; do_nothing_and_then :prev end def archive_and_then op dispatch op do @thread.remove_label :inbox UpdateManager.relay self, :archived, @thread.first Index.save_thread @thread UndoManager.register "archiving 1 thread" do @thread.apply_label :inbox Index.save_thread @thread UpdateManager.relay self, :unarchived, @thread.first end end end def spam_and_then op dispatch op do @thread.apply_label :spam UpdateManager.relay self, :spammed, @thread.first Index.save_thread @thread UndoManager.register "marking 1 thread as spam" do @thread.remove_label :spam Index.save_thread @thread UpdateManager.relay self, :unspammed, @thread.first end end end def delete_and_then op dispatch op do @thread.apply_label :deleted UpdateManager.relay self, :deleted, @thread.first Index.save_thread @thread UndoManager.register "deleting 1 thread" do @thread.remove_label :deleted Index.save_thread @thread UpdateManager.relay self, :undeleted, @thread.first end end end def kill_and_then op dispatch op do @thread.apply_label :killed UpdateManager.relay self, :killed, @thread.first Index.save_thread @thread UndoManager.register "killed 1 thread" do @thread.remove_label :killed Index.save_thread @thread UpdateManager.relay self, :unkilled, @thread.first end end end def unread_and_then op dispatch op do @thread.apply_label :unread UpdateManager.relay self, :unread, @thread.first Index.save_thread @thread end end def do_nothing_and_then op dispatch op end def dispatch op return if @dying @dying = true l = lambda do yield if block_given? BufferManager.kill_buffer_safely buffer end case op when :next @index_mode.launch_next_thread_after @thread, &l when :prev @index_mode.launch_prev_thread_before @thread, &l when :kill else raise ArgumentError, "unknown thread dispatch operation #{op.inspect}" end end private :dispatch def pipe_message chunk = @chunk_lines[curpos] chunk = nil unless chunk.is_a?(Chunk::Attachment) message = @message_lines[curpos] unless chunk return unless chunk || message command = BufferManager.ask(:shell, "pipe command: ") return if command.nil? || command.empty? output, success = pipe_to_process(command) do |stream| if chunk stream.print chunk.raw_content else message.each_raw_message_line { |l| stream.print l } end end unless success BufferManager.flash "Invalid command: '#{command}' is not an executable" return end if output BufferManager.spawn "Output of '#{command}'", else BufferManager.flash "'#{command}' done!" end end def status user_labels = do |l| l.to_s if LabelManager.user_defined_labels.member?(l) end.compact.join(",") user_labels = (user_labels.empty? and "" or "<#{user_labels}>") [user_labels, super].join(" -- ") end def goto_uri unless (chunk = @chunk_lines[curpos]) BufferManager.flash "No URI found." return end unless HookManager.enabled? "goto" BufferManager.flash "You must add a goto.rb hook before you can goto a URI." return end # @text is a list of lines with this format: # [ # [[:text_color, "Some text"]] # [[:text_color, " continued here"]] # ] linetext = @text.slice(curpos, @text.length).flatten(1) .take_while{|d| d[0] == :text_color and d[1].strip != ""} # Only take up to the first "" alone on its line .map{|d| d[1].strip}.join("").strip found = false (linetext || "").scan(URI::regexp).each do |matches| begin link = $& # ruby magic: $& is the whole regexp match u = URI.parse(link) next unless u.absolute? next unless ["http", "https"].include?(u.scheme) reallink = Shellwords.escape(u.to_s) BufferManager.flash "Going to #{reallink} ..." "goto", :uri => reallink BufferManager.completely_redraw_screen found = true rescue URI::InvalidURIError => e debug "not a uri: #{e}" # Do nothing, this is an ok flow end end BufferManager.flash "No URI found." unless found end def fetch_and_verify message = @message_lines[curpos] crypto_chunk = {|chunk| chunk.is_a?(Chunk::CryptoNotice)}.first return unless crypto_chunk return unless crypto_chunk.unknown_fingerprint BufferManager.flash "Retrieving key #{crypto_chunk.unknown_fingerprint} ..." error = CryptoManager.retrieve crypto_chunk.unknown_fingerprint if error BufferManager.flash "Couldn't retrieve key: #{error.to_s}" else BufferManager.flash "Key #{crypto_chunk.unknown_fingerprint} successfully retrieved !" end # Re-trigger gpg verification message.reload_from_source! update end private def initial_state_for m if m.has_label?(:starred) || m.has_label?(:unread) :open else :closed end end def update regen_text buffer.mark_dirty if buffer end ## here we generate the actual content lines. we accumulate ## everything into @text, and we set @chunk_lines and ## @message_lines, and we update @layout. def regen_text @text = [] @chunk_lines = [] @message_lines = [] @person_lines = [] prevm = nil @thread.each do |m, depth, parent| unless m.is_a? Message # handle nil and :fake_root @text += chunk_to_lines m, nil, @text.length, depth, parent next end l = @layout[m] ## is this still necessary? next unless @layout[m].state # skip discarded drafts ## build the patina text = chunk_to_lines m, l.state, @text.length, depth, parent, l.color, l.star_color = @text.length = @text.length + text.length # updated below l.prev = prevm = nil l.depth = depth # l.state we preserve l.width = 0 # updated below @layout[l.prev].next = m if l.prev (0 ... text.length).each do |i| @chunk_lines[@text.length + i] = m @message_lines[@text.length + i] = m lw = text[i] { |x| x.is_a? String }.map { |x| x.display_length }.sum end @text += text prevm = m if l.state != :closed m.chunks.each do |c| cl = @chunk_layout[c] ## set the default state for chunks cl.state ||= if c.expandable? && c.respond_to?(:initial_state) c.initial_state else :closed end text = chunk_to_lines c, cl.state, @text.length, depth (0 ... text.length).each do |i| @chunk_lines[@text.length + i] = c @message_lines[@text.length + i] = m lw = text[i] { |x| x.is_a? String }.map { |x| x.display_length }.sum - (depth * INDENT_SPACES) l.width = lw if lw > l.width end @text += text end @layout[m].bot = @text.length end end end def message_patina_lines m, state, start, parent, prefix, color, star_color prefix_widget = [color, prefix] open_widget = [color, (state == :closed ? "+ " : "- ")] new_widget = [color, (m.has_label?(:unread) ? "N" : " ")] starred_widget = if m.has_label?(:starred) [star_color, "*"] else [color, " "] end attach_widget = [color, (m.has_label?(:attachment) ? "@" : " ")] case state when :open @person_lines[start] = m.from [[prefix_widget, open_widget, new_widget, attach_widget, starred_widget, [color, "#{m.from ? m.from.mediumname.fix_encoding! : '?'} to #{ { |l| l.shortname.fix_encoding! }.join(', ')} #{!} (#{!})"]]] when :closed @person_lines[start] = m.from [[prefix_widget, open_widget, new_widget, attach_widget, starred_widget, [color, "#{m.from ? m.from.mediumname.fix_encoding! : '?'}, #{!} (#{!}) #{m.snippet ? m.snippet.fix_encoding! : ''}"]]] when :detailed @person_lines[start] = m.from from_line = [[prefix_widget, open_widget, new_widget, attach_widget, starred_widget, [color, "From: #{m.from ? format_person(m.from) : '?'}"]]] addressee_lines = [] unless { |p, i| @person_lines[start + addressee_lines.length + from_line.length + i] = p } addressee_lines += format_person_list " To: ", end unless { |p, i| @person_lines[start + addressee_lines.length + from_line.length + i] = p } addressee_lines += format_person_list " Cc: ", end unless m.bcc.empty? m.bcc.each_with_index { |p, i| @person_lines[start + addressee_lines.length + from_line.length + i] = p } addressee_lines += format_person_list " Bcc: ", m.bcc end headers = headers["Date"] = "#{} (#{})" headers["Subject"] = m.subj show_labels = @thread.labels - LabelManager::HIDDEN_RESERVED_LABELS unless show_labels.empty? headers["Labels"] = { |x| x.to_s }.sort.join(', ') end if parent headers["In reply to"] = "#{parent.from.mediumname}'s message of #{}" end "detailed-headers", :message => m, :headers => headers from_line + (addressee_lines + { |k, v| " #{k}: #{v}" }).map { |l| [[color, prefix + " " + l]] } end end def format_person_list prefix, people ptext = { |p| format_person p } pad = " " * prefix.display_length [prefix + ptext.first + (ptext.length > 1 ? "," : "")] + ptext[1 .. -1].map_with_index do |e, i| pad + e + (i == ptext.length - 1 ? "" : ",") end end def format_person p p.longname + (ContactManager.is_aliased_contact?(p) ? " (#{ContactManager.alias_for p})" : "") end def maybe_wrap_text lines if @wrap config_width = $config[:wrap_width] if config_width and config_width != 0 width = [config_width, buffer.content_width].min else width = buffer.content_width end # lines can apparently be both String and Array, convert to Array for map. if lines.kind_of? String lines = lines.lines.to_a end lines = { |l| l.chomp.wrap width if l }.flatten end return lines end ## todo: check arguments on this overly complex function def chunk_to_lines chunk, state, start, depth, parent=nil, color=nil, star_color=nil prefix = " " * INDENT_SPACES * depth case chunk when :fake_root [[[:missing_message_color, "#{prefix}"]]] when nil [[[:missing_message_color, "#{prefix}"]]] when Message message_patina_lines(chunk, state, start, parent, prefix, color, star_color) + (chunk.is_draft? ? [[[:draft_notification_color, prefix + " >>> This message is a draft. Hit 'e' to edit, 'y' to send. <<<"]]] : []) else raise "Bad chunk: #{chunk.inspect}" unless chunk.respond_to?(:inlineable?) ## debugging if chunk.inlineable? lines = maybe_wrap_text(chunk.lines) { |line| [[chunk.color, "#{prefix}#{line}"]] } elsif chunk.expandable? case state when :closed [[[chunk.patina_color, "#{prefix}+ #{chunk.patina_text}"]]] when :open lines = maybe_wrap_text(chunk.lines) [[[chunk.patina_color, "#{prefix}- #{chunk.patina_text}"]]] + { |line| [[chunk.color, "#{prefix}#{line}"]] } end else [[[chunk.patina_color, "#{prefix}x #{chunk.patina_text}"]]] end end end def view chunk BufferManager.flash "viewing #{chunk.content_type} attachment..." success = chunk.view! BufferManager.erase_flash BufferManager.completely_redraw_screen unless success BufferManager.spawn "Attachment: #{chunk.filename}",, chunk.filename) BufferManager.flash "Couldn't execute view command, viewing as text." end end end end