# pry-moves ![](https://ruby-gem-downloads-badge.herokuapp.com/pry-moves?type=total) _An execution control add-on for [Pry][pry]._ * Install: `gem 'pry-moves'` * For non-rails (without auto-require), add to your script: `require 'pry-moves'` ## Commands: Documentation for latest version. For [v0.1.12 see documentation here](https://github.com/garmoshka-mo/pry-moves/tree/v0.1.12#commands) * `n` - **next** line in current frame, including block lines (moving to next line goes as naturally expected) * `nn` - **next** line in current frame, skipping block lines * `s` - **step** into function execution * `s method_name` - step into method `method_name` (For example from `User.new.method_name`). Partial name match supported. * `s +` - step into function, including hidden frames * `f` - **finish** execution of current frame (block or method) and stop at next line on higher level * `c` - **continue** * `b` - go to next breakpoint (breakpoints currently are methods which contain "debug" in their name) * `iterate` - go to next iteration of current block * `g 10` - **goto** line 10 * `bt` - show backtrace, excluding hidden frames * `bt +` `bt hidden` - show backtrace including hidden frames * `bt a` `bt all` - full backtrace with system and hidden frames * `bt 10` - go to backtrace line 10 * `bt save` - save backtrace to memory * `bt diff` - diff with saved backtrace * `bt > foo` - write backtrace to file `log/backtrace_foo.log` * `up`/`down`/`top`/`bottom` (`bm`) - move over call stack * `up +` - move up, including vapid frames (block callers, hidden frames) * `up pattern` - move up till first frame which method name or file position in format `folder/script.rb:12` matches regexp pattern * `%` - print current frame of call stack (alias to `whereami`) * `$` - fully print current function without line numbers * `debug some_method(some_param)` - call `some_method(some_param)` and interactively step into it. This way you can virtually "step back" by executing previous pieces of code from current method * `.method` or `123` or `:hash_key` - Continue traversing of last object in history. E.g. `orders` will list array, then `3` will enter `orders[3]`, then `.price` will enter `orders[3].price` * `watch variable` - display variable's value on each step * `@` - restart. Set config `PryMoves.reload_rake_tasks = true` to automatically reload rake tasks * `#` - exit with code 3, can be wrapped in bash script to fully reload ruby scripts * `!` - exit Variable & methods names takes precedence over commands. So if you have variable named `step`, to execute command `step` type `cmd step` or command's alias, e.g. `s` ## Examples To use, invoke `pry` normally: ```ruby def some_method binding.pry # Execution will stop here. puts 'Hello, World!' # Run 'step' or 'next' in the console to move here. end ``` ### Advanced example _Demo class source [here](https://github.com/garmoshka-mo/pry-moves/issues/1)_ ## Backtrace and call stack You can explicitly hide frames from call stack by defining variables like this: ```ruby def insignificant_method hide_from_stack = true something_insignificant yield end ``` * `hide_from_stack` - hide this function from stack * `pry_moves_stack_tip` - stop on first frame above this function * `pry_moves_stack_end` - limits stack from bottom, not possible to step below this frame ## Configuration Here is default configuration, you can reassign it: ```ruby PryMoves::Backtrace::filter = /(\/gems\/|\/rubygems\/|\/bin\/|\/lib\/ruby\/|\/pry-moves\/)/ ``` ## Threads, helpers To allow traveling to parent thread, use: ```ruby pre_callers = binding.callers Thread.new do Thread.current[:pre_callers] = pre_callers #... end ``` `pry-moves` can't stop other threads on `binding.pry`, so they will continue to run. This makes `pry-moves` not always suitable for debugging of multi-thread projects. Though you can pause other threads with helper which will suspend execution on current line, until ongoing debug session will be finished with `continue`: ```ruby PryMoves.synchronize_threads ``` _For example, you can put it into function which periodically reports status of thread (if you have such)_ Other helpers: * `PryMoves.open?` - if pry input dialog active. Can be used to suppress output from ongoing parallel threads ## pry-remote Rudimentary support for [`pry-remote`][pry-remote] (>= 0.1.1) is also included. Ensure `pry-remote` is loaded or required before `pry-moves`. For example, in a `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'pry' gem 'pry-remote' gem 'pry-moves' ``` ## Performance Please note that debugging functionality is implemented through [`set_trace_func`][set_trace_func], which imposes heavy performance penalty while tracing (while running code within `next`/`step`/`finish` commands). # Development ## Testing ``` bundle exec rspec DEBUG=true bundle exec rspec -e 'backtrace should backtrace' ``` ## ToDo * `iterate` - steps in into child sub-block - should skip ## Contributors * Gopal Patel ([@nixme](https://github.com/nixme)) * John Mair ([@banister](https://github.com/banister)) * Conrad Irwin ([@ConradIrwin](https://github.com/ConradIrwin)) * Benjamin R. Haskell ([@benizi](https://github.com/benizi)) * Jason R. Clark ([@jasonrclark](https://github.com/jasonrclark)) * Ivo Anjo ([@ivoanjo](https://github.com/ivoanjo)) Patches and bug reports are welcome. Just send a [pull request][pullrequests] or file an [issue][issues]. ## Acknowledgments * Gopal Patel's [pry-nav](https://github.com/nixme/pry-nav) * John Mair's [pry-stack_explorer](https://github.com/pry/pry-stack_explorer) * Ruby stdlib's [debug.rb][debug.rb] * [@Mon-Ouie][Mon-Ouie]'s [pry_debug][pry_debug] [pry]: http://pryrepl.org/ [pry-remote]: https://github.com/Mon-Ouie/pry-remote [set_trace_func]: http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/Kernel.html#method-i-set_trace_func [pullrequests]: https://github.com/garmoshka-mo/pry-moves/pulls [issues]: https://github.com/garmoshka-mo/pry-moves/issues [changelog]: https://github.com/garmoshka-mo/pry-moves/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md [debug.rb]: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/debug.rb [Mon-Ouie]: https://github.com/Mon-Ouie [pry_debug]: https://github.com/Mon-Ouie/pry_debug [pry-byebug]: https://github.com/deivid-rodriguez/pry-byebug