--- name: inline code in: 'This is an empty dictionary: @{}@' html: '

This is an empty dictionary: {}

' --- name: inline code escapement in: 'Please type @cat "file.txt" > otherfile.txt@ at the prompt.' html: '

Please type cat "file.txt" > otherfile.txt at the prompt.

' --- name: inline code escapement with digits in: |- Regex-based string substitution with Ruby's gsub!: @"123<789".gsub!(/ "123789"@ html: |-

Regex-based string substitution with Ruby’s gsub!: "123<789".gsub!(/</, "") => "123789"

--- name: inlne code escapement describing textile paragraph styling in: 'This paragraph is aligned left but if you add this: @p>.@ to the beginning it will be aligned right.' html: '

This paragraph is aligned left but if you add this: p>. to the beginning it will be aligned right.

' --- name: escaping in blockcode in: 'bc. This is within a block of code, so < and > should be entities. You can talk about a

tag if you wish and it will be properly escaped.' html: '

This is within a block of code, so < and > should be entities.  You can talk about a <p class="foo"> tag if you wish and it will be properly escaped.
' --- name: escaping in pre in: '
This is within a block of code, so < and > should be entities.  You can talk about a 

tag in pre tags too.

' html: '
This is within a block of code, so < and > should be entities.  You can talk about a <p class="foo"> tag in pre tags too.
' --- name: escaping in normal text in: |- This is a regular paragraph. AT&T. £38 > $38. html: |-

This is a regular paragraph. AT&T. £38 > $38.

latex: "This is a regular paragraph. AT\\&T. \\pounds{}38 \\textgreater{} \\$38.\n\n" --- name: preservation of existing entities in: "Math fact: 3 < 5 & 5 > 3 but £6 > $6. Oh, and 2 ÷ 4 is ½." html: "

Math fact: 3 < 5 & 5 > 3 but £6 > $6. Oh, and 2 ÷ 4 is ½.

" latex: "Math fact: 3 \\textless{} 5 \\& 5 \\textgreater{} 3 but \\pounds{}6 \\textgreater{} \\$6. Oh, and 2 \\textdiv{} 4 is \\sfrac{1}{2}.\n\n" --- name: escaping of existing entities in blockcode in: "bc. Math fact: 3 < 5 & 5 > 3 but £5 > $5. " html: "
Math fact: 3 &lt; 5 &amp; 5 &gt; 3 but &pound;5 &#62; $5.
" latex: "\\begin{verbatim}\nMath fact: 3 < 5 & 5 > 3 but £5 > $5.\\end{verbatim}\n" --- name: no formatting within pre in: |-
  # *test*
  __not italics__
  no hard breaks
html: |-
  # *test*
  __not italics__
  no hard breaks
--- name: no formatting within blockcode in: |- bc. __not italics__ html: |-
__not italics__
--- name: double-equals as inline notextile in: |- p. Regular paragraph ==Escaped portion -- will not be formatted by Textile at all== p. Back to normal. html: |-

Regular paragraph

Escaped portion -- will not be formatted by Textile at all

Back to normal.

--- name: notextile tags in: |- # *test* html: |- # *test* valid_html: false --- name: unfinished notextile tag in: |- # *test* html: |- # *test* valid_html: false --- name: unfinished script tag in: |-