class CKEditorComponent extends HTMLElement { /** * List of attributes that trigger updates when changed. * * @static * @returns {string[]} Array of attribute names to observe */ static get observedAttributes() { return ['config', 'plugins', 'translations', 'type']; } /** * List of input attributes that trigger updates when changed. * * @static * @returns {string[]} Array of input attribute names to observe */ static get inputAttributes() { return ['name', 'required', 'value']; } /** @type {Promise|null} Promise to initialize editor instance */ instancePromise = Promise.withResolvers(); /** @type {import('ckeditor5').Watchdog|null} Editor watchdog */ watchdog = null; /** @type {import('ckeditor5').Editor|null} Current editor instance */ instance = null; /** @type {Record} Map of editable elements by name */ editables = {}; /** @type {String} Initial HTML passed to component */ #initialHTML = ''; /** @type {CKEditorContextComponent|null} */ #context = null; /** @type {String} ID of editor within context */ #contextEditorId = null; /** @type {Object} Description of ckeditor bundle */ #bundle = null; /** @type {(event: CustomEvent) => void} Event handler for editor change */ get oneditorchange() { return this.#getEventHandler('editorchange'); } set oneditorchange(handler) { this.#setEventHandler('editorchange', handler); } /** @type {(event: CustomEvent) => void} Event handler for editor ready */ get oneditorready() { return this.#getEventHandler('editorready'); } set oneditorready(handler) { this.#setEventHandler('editorready', handler); } /** @type {(event: CustomEvent) => void} Event handler for editor error */ get oneditorerror() { return this.#getEventHandler('editorerror'); } set oneditorerror(handler) { this.#setEventHandler('editorerror', handler); } /** * Gets event handler function from attribute or property * * @private * @param {string} name - Event name without 'on' prefix * @returns {Function|null} Event handler or null */ #getEventHandler(name) { if (this.hasAttribute(`on${name}`)) { const handler = this.getAttribute(`on${name}`); if (!isSafeKey(handler)) { throw new Error(`Unsafe event handler attribute value: ${handler}`); } return window[handler] || new Function('event', handler); } return this[`#${name}Handler`]; } /** * Sets event handler function * * @private * @param {string} name - Event name without 'on' prefix * @param {Function|string|null} handler - Event handler */ #setEventHandler(name, handler) { if (typeof handler === 'string') { this.setAttribute(`on${name}`, handler); } else { this.removeAttribute(`on${name}`); this[`#${name}Handler`] = handler; } } /** * Lifecycle callback when element is connected to DOM * Initializes the editor when DOM is ready * @protected */ connectedCallback() { this.#context = this.closest('ckeditor-context-component'); this.#initialHTML = this.innerHTML; try { execIfDOMReady(async () => { if (this.#context) { await this.#context.instancePromise.promise; this.#context.registerEditor(this); } await this.reinitializeEditor(); }); } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to initialize editor:', error); const event = new CustomEvent('editor-error', { detail: error }); this.dispatchEvent(event); this.oneditorerror?.(event); } } /** * Handles attribute changes and reinitializes editor if needed * @protected * @param {string} name - Name of changed attribute * @param {string|null} oldValue - Previous attribute value * @param {string|null} newValue - New attribute value */ async attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) { if (oldValue !== null && oldValue !== newValue && CKEditorComponent.observedAttributes.includes(name) && this.isConnected) { await this.reinitializeEditor(); } } /** * Lifecycle callback when element is removed from DOM * Destroys the editor instance * @protected */ async disconnectedCallback() { if (this.#context) { this.#context.unregisterEditor(this); } try { await this.#destroy(); } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to destroy editor:', error); } } /** * Runs a callback after the editor is ready. It waits for editor * initialization if needed. * * @param {(editor: import('ckeditor5').Editor) => void} callback - Callback to run * @returns {Promise} */ runAfterEditorReady(callback) { if (this.instance) { return Promise.resolve(callback(this.instance)); } return this.instancePromise.promise.then(callback); } /** * Determines appropriate editor element tag based on editor type * * @private * @returns {string} HTML tag name to use */ get #editorElementTag() { switch (this.getAttribute('type')) { case 'ClassicEditor': return 'textarea'; default: return 'div'; } } /** * Gets the CKEditor context instance if available. * * @private * @returns {import('ckeditor5').ContextWatchdog|null} */ get #contextWatchdog() { return this.#context?.instance; } /** * Destroys the editor instance and watchdog if available */ async #destroy() { if (this.#contextEditorId) { await this.#contextWatchdog.remove(this.#contextEditorId); } await this.instance?.destroy(); await this.watchdog?.destroy(); } /** * Gets editor configuration with resolved element references * * @private * @returns {EditorConfig} */ #getConfig() { const config = JSON.parse(this.getAttribute('config') || '{}'); return resolveElementReferences(config); } /** * Creates a new CKEditor instance * * @private * @param {Record|CKEditorMultiRootEditablesTracker} editablesOrContent - Editable or content * @returns {Promise<{ editor: import('ckeditor5').Editor, watchdog: editor: import('ckeditor5').EditorWatchdog }>} Initialized editor instance * @throws {Error} When initialization fails */ async #initializeEditor(editablesOrContent) { await Promise.all([ this.#ensureStylesheetsInjected(), this.#ensureWindowScriptsInjected(), ]); // Depending on the type of the editor the content supplied on the first // argument is different. For ClassicEditor it's a element or string, for MultiRootEditor // it's an object with editables, for DecoupledEditor it's string. let content = editablesOrContent; if (editablesOrContent instanceof CKEditorMultiRootEditablesTracker) { content = editablesOrContent.getAll(); } else if (typeof editablesOrContent !== 'string') { content = editablesOrContent.main; } // Broadcast editor initialization event. It's good time to load add inline window plugins. const beforeInitEventDetails = { ...content instanceof HTMLElement && { element: content }, ...content instanceof String && { data: content }, ...content instanceof Object && { editables: content } }; window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('ckeditor:attach:before', { detail: beforeInitEventDetails}) ); // Start fetching constructor. const Editor = await this.#getEditorConstructor(); const [plugins, translations] = await Promise.all([ this.#getPlugins(), this.#getTranslations() ]); const config = { ...this.#getConfig(), ...translations.length && { translations }, plugins, }; // Broadcast editor mounting event. It's good time to map configuration. window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('ckeditor:attach', { detail: { config, ...beforeInitEventDetails } }) ); console.warn('Initializing CKEditor with:', { config, watchdog: this.hasWatchdog(), context: this.#context }); // Initialize watchdog if needed let watchdog = null; let instance = null; let contextId = null; if (this.#context) { contextId = uid(); await this.#contextWatchdog.add( { creator: (_element, _config) => Editor.create(_element, _config), id: contextId, sourceElementOrData: content, type: 'editor', config, } ); instance = this.#contextWatchdog.getItem(contextId); } else if (this.hasWatchdog()) { // Let's create use with plain watchdog. const { EditorWatchdog } = await import('ckeditor5'); const watchdog = new EditorWatchdog(Editor); await watchdog.create(content, config); instance = watchdog.editor; } else { // Let's create the editor without watchdog. instance = await Editor.create(content, config); } console.warn('CKEditor initialized:', { instance, watchdog, config: instance.config._config, }); return { contextId, instance, watchdog, }; } /** * Re-initializes the editor by destroying existing instance and creating new one * * @private * @returns {Promise} */ async reinitializeEditor() { if (this.instance) { this.instancePromise = Promise.withResolvers(); await this.#destroy(); this.instance = null; } = 'block'; if (!this.isMultiroot() && !this.isDecoupled()) { this.innerHTML = `<${this.#editorElementTag}>${this.#initialHTML}`; this.#assignInputAttributes(); } // Let's track changes in editables if it's a multiroot editor. if(this.isMultiroot()) { this.editables = new CKEditorMultiRootEditablesTracker(this, this.#queryEditables()); } else if (this.isDecoupled()) { this.editables = null; } else { this.editables = this.#queryEditables(); } try { const { watchdog, instance, contextId } = await this.#initializeEditor(this.editables || this.#getConfig().initialData || ''); this.watchdog = watchdog; this.instance = instance; this.#contextEditorId = contextId; this.#setupContentSync(); this.#setupEditableHeight(); this.#setupDataChangeListener(); this.instancePromise.resolve(this.instance); // Broadcast editor ready event const event = new CustomEvent('editor-ready', { detail: this.instance }); this.dispatchEvent(event); this.oneditorready?.(event); } catch (err) { this.instancePromise.reject(err); throw err; } } /** * Sets up data change listener that broadcasts content changes * * @private */ #setupDataChangeListener() { const getRootContent = rootName => this.instance.getData({ rootName }); const getAllRoots = () => this.instance.model.document .getRootNames() .reduce((acc, rootName) => ({ ...acc, [rootName]: getRootContent(rootName) }), {}); this.instance?.model.document.on('change:data', () => { const event = new CustomEvent('editor-change', { detail: { editor: this.instance, data: getAllRoots(), }, bubbles: true }); this.dispatchEvent(event); this.oneditorchange?.(event); }); } /** * Checks if current editor is classic type * * @returns {boolean} */ isClassic() { return this.getAttribute('type') === 'ClassicEditor'; } /** * Checks if current editor is balloon type * * @returns {boolean} */ isBallon() { return this.getAttribute('type') === 'BalloonEditor'; } /** * Checks if current editor is multiroot type * * @returns {boolean} */ isMultiroot() { return this.getAttribute('type') === 'MultiRootEditor'; } /** * Checks if current editor is decoupled type * * @returns {boolean} */ isDecoupled() { return this.getAttribute('type') === 'DecoupledEditor'; } /** * Checks if current editor has watchdog enabled * * @returns {boolean} */ hasWatchdog() { return this.getAttribute('watchdog') === 'true'; } /** * Queries and validates editable elements * * @private * @returns {Record} * @throws {Error} When required editables are missing */ #queryEditables() { if (this.isDecoupled()) { return {}; } if (this.isMultiroot()) { const editables = [...this.querySelectorAll('ckeditor-editable-component')]; return editables.reduce((acc, element) => { if (! { throw new Error('Editable component missing required "name" attribute'); } acc[] = element; return acc; }, Object.create(null)); } const mainEditable = this.querySelector(this.#editorElementTag); if (!mainEditable) { throw new Error(`No ${this.#editorElementTag} element found`); } return { main: mainEditable }; } /** * Copies input-related attributes from component to the main editable element * * @private */ #assignInputAttributes() { const textarea = this.querySelector('textarea'); if (!textarea) { return; } for (const attr of CKEditorComponent.inputAttributes) { if (this.hasAttribute(attr)) { textarea.setAttribute(attr, this.getAttribute(attr)); } } } /** * Sets up content sync between editor and textarea element. * * @private */ #setupContentSync() { if (!this.instance) { return; } const textarea = this.querySelector('textarea'); if (!textarea) { return; } // Initial sync const syncInput = () => { = 'relative'; textarea.innerHTML = ''; textarea.value = this.instance.getData(); textarea.tabIndex = -1; Object.assign(, { display: 'flex', position: 'absolute', bottom: '0', left: '50%', width: '1px', height: '1px', opacity: '0', pointerEvents: 'none', margin: '0', padding: '0', border: 'none' }); }; syncInput(); // Listen for changes this.instance.model.document.on('change:data', () => { textarea.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true })); textarea.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true })); syncInput(); }); } /** * Sets up editable height for ClassicEditor * * @private */ #setupEditableHeight() { if (!this.isClassic() && !this.isBallon()) { return; } const { instance } = this; const height = Number.parseInt(this.getAttribute('editable-height'), 10); if (Number.isNaN(height)) { return; } instance.editing.view.change((writer) => { writer.setStyle('height', `${height}px`, instance.editing.view.document.getRoot()); }); } /** * Gets bundle JSON description from translations attribute */ #getBundle() { return this.#bundle ||= JSON.parse(this.getAttribute('bundle')); } /** * Checks if all required stylesheets are injected. If not, inject. */ async #ensureStylesheetsInjected() { await loadAsyncCSS(this.#getBundle().stylesheets || []); } /** * Checks if all required scripts are injected. If not, inject. */ async #ensureWindowScriptsInjected() { const windowScripts = (this.#getBundle().scripts || []).filter(script => !!script.window_name); await loadAsyncImports(windowScripts); } /** * Loads translation modules * * @private * @returns {Promise>} */ async #getTranslations() { const translations = this.#getBundle().scripts.filter(script => script.translation); return loadAsyncImports(translations); } /** * Loads plugin modules * * @private * @returns {Promise>} */ async #getPlugins() { const raw = this.getAttribute('plugins'); const items = raw ? JSON.parse(raw) : []; const mappedItems = => typeof item === 'string' ? { import_name: 'ckeditor5', import_as: item } : item ); return loadAsyncImports(mappedItems); } /** * Gets editor constructor based on type attribute * * @private * @returns {Promise} * @throws {Error} When editor type is invalid */ async #getEditorConstructor() { const CKEditor = await import('ckeditor5'); const editorType = this.getAttribute('type'); if (!editorType || !, editorType)) { throw new Error(`Invalid editor type: ${editorType}`); } return CKEditor[editorType]; } } class CKEditorMultiRootEditablesTracker { #editorElement; #editables; /** * Creates new tracker instance wrapped in a Proxy for dynamic property access * * @param {CKEditorComponent} editorElement - Parent editor component reference * @param {Record} initialEditables - Initial editable elements * @returns {Proxy} Proxy wrapping the tracker */ constructor(editorElement, initialEditables = {}) { this.#editorElement = editorElement; this.#editables = initialEditables; return new Proxy(this, { /** * Handles property access, returns class methods or editable elements * * @param {CKEditorMultiRootEditablesTracker} target - The tracker instance * @param {string|symbol} name - Property name being accessed */ get(target, name) { if (typeof target[name] === 'function') { return target[name].bind(target); } return target.#editables[name]; }, /** * Handles setting new editable elements, triggers root attachment * * @param {CKEditorMultiRootEditablesTracker} target - The tracker instance * @param {string} name - Name of the editable root * @param {HTMLElement} element - Element to attach as editable */ set(target, name, element) { if (target.#editables[name] !== element) { target.attachRoot(name, element); target.#editables[name] = element; } return true; }, /** * Handles removing editable elements, triggers root detachment * * @param {CKEditorMultiRootEditablesTracker} target - The tracker instance * @param {string} name - Name of the root to remove */ deleteProperty(target, name) { target.detachRoot(name); delete target.#editables[name]; return true; } }); } /** * Attaches a new editable root to the editor. * Creates new editor root and binds UI elements. * * @param {string} name - Name of the editable root * @param {HTMLElement} element - DOM element to use as editable * @returns {Promise} Resolves when root is attached */ async attachRoot(name, element) { await this.detachRoot(name); return this.#editorElement.runAfterEditorReady((editor) => { const { ui, editing, model } = editor; editor.addRoot(name, { isUndoable: false, data: element.innerHTML }); const root = model.document.getRoot(name); if (ui.getEditableElement(name)) { editor.detachEditable(root); } const editable = ui.view.createEditable(name, element); ui.addEditable(editable); editing.view.forceRender(); }); } /** * Detaches an editable root from the editor. * Removes editor root and cleans up UI bindings. * * @param {string} name - Name of root to detach * @returns {Promise} Resolves when root is detached */ async detachRoot(name) { return this.#editorElement.runAfterEditorReady(editor => { const root = editor.model.document.getRoot(name); if (root) { editor.detachEditable(root); editor.detachRoot(name, true); } }); } /** * Gets all currently tracked editable elements * * @returns {Record} Map of all editable elements */ getAll() { return this.#editables; } } customElements.define('ckeditor-component', CKEditorComponent);