# set :rails_root, fetch(:blavosync_local_root, Pathname.new('.').realpath ) # set :content_dir, fetch(:blavosync_content_directories, "system" ) # set :content_path, fetch(:blavosync_content_path, File.join(fetch(:shared_path), content_dir) ) # set :public_path, fetch(:blavosync_public_path, File.join(fetch(:latest_release), 'public') ) # set :remote_backup_expires, fetch(:blavosync_remote_backup_expires, 100000 ) # set :zip, fetch(:blavosync_zip_command, "gzip" ) # set :unzip, fetch(:blavosync_unzip_command, "gunzip" ) # set :zip_ext, fetch(:blavosync_compressed_extension, "gz" ) # set :tmp_dir, fetch(:blavosync_tmp_dir, "tmp" ) # set :content_sync_method, fetch(:blavosync_content_sync_method, 'rsync' ) # set :from_env, fetch(:blavosync_from_env, (ENV['FROM_ENV'].nil? ? 'production' : ENV['RAILS_ENV']) ) # set :to_env, fetch(:blavosync_to_env, (ENV['TO_ENV'].nil? ? 'development' : ENV['TO_ENV']) ) # set :rsync_content_backup_file, fetch(:blavosync_rsync_content_backup_file, "#{shared_path}/system" ) # set :tar_content_backup_file, fetch(:blavosync_tar_content_backup_file, "#{shared_path}/backup_#{from_env}_content.tar.#{zip_ext}" ) # set :db_backup_file, fetch(:blavosync_db_backup_file, "#{shared_path}/backup_#{from_env}_db.sql" ) # set :db_backup_zip_file, fetch(:blavosync_db_backup_zip_file, "#{db_backup_file}.#{zip_ext}" ) # Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do |configuration| def rails_root Pathname.new('.').realpath end def content_dir exists?(:content_directory) ? fetch(:content_directory) : "system" end def content_path File.join(fetch(:shared_path), content_dir) end def public_path File.join(fetch(:latest_release), 'public') end def remote_backup_expires 100000 end def zip "gzip" end def unzip "gunzip" end def zip_ext "gz" end def tmp_dir "tmp" end def content_sync_method exists?(:sync_method) ? sync_method : 'rsync' end def from_env (ENV['FROM_ENV'].nil? ? 'production' : ENV['RAILS_ENV']) end def to_env (ENV['TO_ENV'].nil? ? 'development' : ENV['TO_ENV']) end def rsync_content_backup_file "#{shared_path}/#{content_dir}" end def tar_content_backup_file "#{shared_path}/backup_#{from_env}_content.tar.#{zip_ext}" end def db_backup_file "#{shared_path}/backup_#{from_env}_db.sql" end def db_backup_zip_file "#{db_backup_file}.#{zip_ext}" end def local_content_backup_dir(args={}) timestamp = args[:timestamp] || current_timestamp "#{tmp_dir}/#{fetch(:application)}-#{from_env}-content-#{timestamp.to_s.strip}" end def generate_remote_tar_content_backup run "cd #{fetch(:shared_path)} && tar czf #{rsync_content_backup_file} 'system'" end def local_db_conf(env = nil) env ||= fetch(:to_env) fetch(:config_structure, :rails).to_sym == :sls ? File.join('config', env.to_s, 'database.yml') : File.join('config', 'database.yml') end def pluck_pass_str(db_config) db_config['password'].nil? ? '' : "-p'#{db_config['password']}'" end def current_timestamp @current_timestamp ||= Time.now.to_i.to_s.strip end def retrieve_local_files(env, type) `ls -r #{tmp_dir} | awk -F"-" '{ if ($2 ~ /#{env}/ && $3 ~ /#{type}/) { print $4; } }'`.split(' ') end def most_recent_local_backup(env, type) retrieve_local_files(env, type).first.to_i end def last_mod_time(path) capture("stat -c%Y #{path}") rescue 0 end def server_cache_valid?(path) capture("[ -f #{path} ] || echo '1'").empty? && ((Time.now.to_i - last_mod_time(path)) <= remote_backup_expires) end def generate_remote_db_backup run "mysqldump #{mysql_connection_for(from_env)} > #{db_backup_file}" run "rm -f #{db_backup_zip_file} && #{zip} #{db_backup_file} && rm -f #{db_backup_file}" end def local_db_backup_file(args = {}) env = args[:env] || 'production' timestamp = args[:timestamp] || current_timestamp "#{tmp_dir}/#{fetch(:application)}-#{env}-db-#{timestamp.to_s.strip}.sql" end def mysql_connection_for(environment) db_settings = YAML.load_file(local_db_conf(environment))[environment] pass = pluck_pass_str(db_settings) host = (db_settings['host'].nil?) ? nil : "--host=#{db_settings['host']}" socket = (db_settings['socket'].nil?) ? nil : "--socket=#{db_settings['socket']}" user = (db_settings['username'].nil?) ? nil : "-u #{db_settings['username']}" database = (db_settings['database'].nil?) ? nil : " #{db_settings['database']}" [user, pass, host, socket, database ].join(" ") end def mysql_db_for(environment) restore_from = ENV['FROM'] || 'production' @from_db ||= YAML.load_file(local_db_conf(restore_from))[restore_from] @from_database ||= (@from_db['database'].nil?) ? nil : " #{@from_db['database']}" end namespace :local do desc <<-DESC Wrapper for local:sync_db and local:sync_content $> cap local:sync RAILS_ENV=production RESTORE_ENV=development DESC task :sync, :roles =>:app do sync_db if content_sync_method == 'tar' sync_content else rsync_content end end desc <<-DESC Wrapper for local:force_backup_db, local:force_backup_content, and the local:sync to get a completely fresh set of data from the server $> cap local:sync RAILS_ENV=production RESTORE_ENV=development DESC task :sync_init, :roles =>:app do force_backup_db force_backup_content sync end end end