{ "type" : "object", "title" : "Internal Transfer", "name" : "internal_transfer", "description" : "A transfer initiates a transaction e.g get / send money. If the transfer fails no transaction is created!", "required" : ["account_id", "receiver", "amount", "external_uid"], "properties" : { "id" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/id" }, "external_uid" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/external_uid" }, "account_id" : { "description" : "Sending account.", "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/account_id" }, "user_id" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/user_id" }, "transaction_id" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/transaction_id" }, "receiver" : { "description" : "The transaction's receiver can be defined as a numerical fidor account id, a twitter name, an email or a phone number.", "oneOf" : [ { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/account_id" }, { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/twitter" }, { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/email" }, { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/phone" } ] }, "amount" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/amount" }, "currency" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/currency", "readonly" : true }, "subject" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/subject", "maxLength" : 300 }, "state" : { "description" : "State of the transfer. received: Order accepted by system | mobile_tan_sent: mtan for order processing was sent | pending_receiver_message: ??? | pending_receiver : ??? | pending_backoffice_transfer: ??? | success: transfer successfully executed | failure: An error occurred during execution | expired : mtan or receiver response expired", "enum" : [ "received", "mobile_tan_sent", "pending_receiver_message", "pending_receiver", "pending_backoffice_transfer", "success", "failure", "expired" ], "readonly" : true, "type" : "string" }, "created_at" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/created_at" }, "updated_at" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/updated_at" } }, "links" : [ { "rel" : "self", "href" : "internal_transfers/{id}" }, { "rel" : "instances", "href" : "internal_transfers", "properties" : { "filter[account_ids]" : { "title" : "Find internal transfers belonging to the given account ids. Single id or multiple ids comma-separated.", "format" : "date-time", "type" : "string" }, "filter[created_at_from]" : { "title" : "Creation date filter from >= date", "format" : "date-time", "type" : "string" }, "filter[created_at_to]" : { "title" : "Creation date filter to <= date", "format" : "date-time", "type" : "string" }, "filter[states]" : { "title" : "Filter by single or multiple csv delimited states", "enum" : [ "received", "mobile_tan_sent", "pending_receiver_message", "pending_receiver", "pending_backoffice_transfer", "success", "failure", "expired" ], "type" : "string" }, "page" : { "title" : "Page", "description" : "In paginated results set the page to look for", "type" : "integer" }, "per_page" : { "title" : "Per page", "description" : "Results per page. Default is 10, max is 100", "type" : "integer" }, "sort" : { "title" : "Sort", "enum" : [ "ASC", "DESC" ], "description" : "Sort the results in ASC or DESC", "type" : "string" } } }, { "rel" : "create", "href" : "internal_transfers", "method" : "POST" } ] }