require 'rake/tasklib' require 'pact/provider/pact_spec_runner' require 'pact/provider/verification_report' require 'pact/tasks/task_helper' =begin To create a rake pact:verify:<something> task do | pact | pact.uri '' pact.uri '' end The pact.uri may be a local file system path or a remote URL. To run a pact:verify:xxx task you need to define a pact_helper.rb, ideally in spec/service_consumers. It should contain your service_provider definition, and load any provider state definition files. It should also load all your app's dependencies (eg by calling out to spec_helper) Eg. require 'spec_helper' require 'provider_states_for_my_consumer' Pact.service_provider "My Provider" do app { } end =end module Pact class VerificationTask < ::Rake::TaskLib attr_reader :pact_spec_config include Pact::TaskHelper def initialize(name) @pact_spec_config = [] @name = name yield self rake_task end def uri(uri, options = {}) @pact_spec_config << {uri: uri, support_file: options[:support_file], pact_helper: options[:pact_helper]} end private attr_reader :name def parse_pactfile config Pact::ConsumerContract.from_uri config[:uri] end def publish_report config, output, result, provider_ref, reports_dir consumer_contract = parse_pactfile config #TODO - when checking out a historical version, provider ref will be prod, however it will think it is head. Fix this!!!! report = :result => result, :output => output, :consumer => {:name =>, :ref => name}, :provider => {:name =>, :ref => provider_ref} ) FileUtils.mkdir_p reports_dir"#{reports_dir}/#{report.report_file_name}", "w") { |file| file << JSON.pretty_generate(report) } end def rake_task namespace :pact do desc "Verify provider against the consumer pacts for #{name}" task "verify:#{name}", :description, :provider_state do |t, args| options = {criteria: spec_criteria(args)} exit_statuses = pact_spec_config.collect do | config | #TODO: Change this to accept the ConsumerContract that is already parsed, so we don't make the same request twice pact_spec_runner =[config], options) exit_status = publish_report config, pact_spec_runner.output, exit_status == 0, 'head', Pact.configuration.reports_dir exit_status end handle_verification_failure do exit_statuses.count{ | status | status != 0 } end end end end end end