/** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * jQuery customfileinput plugin * Author: Scott Jehl, scott@filamentgroup.com * Copyright (c) 2009 Filament Group * licensed under MIT (filamentgroup.com/examples/mit-license.txt) * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $.fn.customFileInput = function(){ //apply events and styles for file input element var fileInput = $(this) .addClass('customfile-input') //add class for CSS .mouseover(function(){ upload.addClass('customfile-hover'); }) .mouseout(function(){ upload.removeClass('customfile-hover'); }) .focus(function(){ upload.addClass('customfile-focus'); fileInput.data('val', fileInput.val()); }) .blur(function(){ upload.removeClass('customfile-focus'); $(this).trigger('checkChange'); }) .bind('disable',function(){ fileInput.attr('disabled',true); upload.addClass('customfile-disabled'); }) .bind('enable',function(){ fileInput.removeAttr('disabled'); upload.removeClass('customfile-disabled'); }) .bind('checkChange', function(){ if(fileInput.val() && fileInput.val() != fileInput.data('val')){ fileInput.trigger('change'); } }) .bind('change',function(){ //get file name var fileName = $(this).val().split(/\\/).pop(); //get file extension var fileExt = 'customfile-ext-' + fileName.split('.').pop().toLowerCase(); //update the feedback uploadFeedback .text(fileName) //set feedback text to filename .removeClass(uploadFeedback.data('fileExt') || '') //remove any existing file extension class .addClass(fileExt) //add file extension class .data('fileExt', fileExt) //store file extension for class removal on next change .addClass('customfile-feedback-populated'); //add class to show populated state //change text of button uploadButton.text('Kies een bestand'); }) .click(function(){ //for IE and Opera, make sure change fires after choosing a file, using an async callback fileInput.data('val', fileInput.val()); setTimeout(function(){ fileInput.trigger('checkChange'); },100); }); //create custom control container var upload = $('
'); //create custom control button var uploadButton = $('').appendTo(upload); //create custom control feedback var uploadFeedback = $('').appendTo(upload); //match disabled state if(fileInput.is('[disabled]')){ fileInput.trigger('disable'); } //on mousemove, keep file input under the cursor to steal click upload .mousemove(function(e){ fileInput.css({ 'left': e.pageX - upload.offset().left - fileInput.outerWidth() + 20, //position right side 20px right of cursor X) 'top': e.pageY - upload.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop() - 3 }); }) .insertAfter(fileInput); //insert after the input fileInput.appendTo(upload); //return jQuery return $(this); };