#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[.. lib]) help = < Configuration is read from '/_config.yml' but can be overriden using the following options: HELP require 'optparse' require 'playersdk' exec = { } options = { } opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = help opts.on("--config [PATH]", "Location of the YAML task list to use") do |location| options['config_path'] = location unless location.nil? end opts.on("--verbose", "Use verbose output mode") do options['verbose'] = true end opts.on("--version", "Display current version") do puts "Videojuicer Player SDK " + PlayerSDK.version exit 0 end end # Read command line options into `options` hash opts.parse! # Get source and destintation from command line case ARGV.size when 0 when 1 options['workspace_dir'] = ARGV[0] else puts "Invalid options. Run `playersdk --help` for assistance." exit(1) end config = PlayerSDK.configuration(options) # Creates a new PlayerSDK compiler instance compiler = PlayerSDK::Compiler.new(config) compiler.process()