module Unleash class Context attr_accessor :user_id, :session_id, :remote_address, :properties def initialize(params = {}) params_is_a_hash = params.is_a?(Hash) self.user_id = fetch(params, 'userId') self.session_id = fetch(params, 'sessionId') self.remote_address = fetch(params, 'remoteAddress') = if params_is_a_hash && ( params.fetch(:properties, nil) || params.fetch('properties', nil) ).is_a?(Hash) fetch(params, 'properties', {}) else {} end end def to_s "" end private # Fetch key from hash. Try first with using camelCase, and if not found, try with snake case. # This way we are are idiomatically compliant with ruby, but still giving priority to the same # key names as in the other clients. def fetch(params, camelcase_key, default_ret = '') return default_ret unless params.is_a?(Hash) return default_ret unless camelcase_key.is_a?(String) or camelcase_key.is_a?(Symbol) params.fetch(camelcase_key, nil) || params.fetch(snake_sym(camelcase_key), nil) || default_ret end # transform CamelCase to snake_case and make it a sym, if it is a string def snake_sym(key) key.is_a?(String) ? key.gsub(/(.)([A-Z])/,'\1_\2').downcase.to_sym : key end end end