module Vim module Flavor class Flavor include ShellUtility # A short name of a repository. # Possible formats are "$user/$repo", "$repo" and "$repo_uri". attr_accessor :repo_name # A constraint to choose a proper version. attr_accessor :version_constraint # A group which this flavor belongs to. attr_accessor :group # A version of a plugin to be installed. attr_accessor :locked_version # repo_name of a flavor which requires this flavor. attr_accessor :requirer # Return true if this flavor's repository is already cloned. def cached? Dir.exists?(cached_repo_path) end def cached_version?(version) system <<-"END" { cd '#{cached_repo_path}' && git rev-list --quiet '#{version.to_revision}' -- } >/dev/null 2>&1 END end def cached_repo_path @cached_repo_path ||= "#{Env::home.to_stash_path}/repos/#{@repo_name.zap}" end def make_deployment_path(flavors_path) "#{flavors_path}/#{repo_name.zap}" end def self.github_repo_uri(user, repo) "#{Env::github_uri_prefix}#{user}/#{repo}#{Env::github_uri_suffix}" end def repo_uri @repo_uri ||= if /^([^\/]+)$/.match(repo_name) m = Regexp.last_match self.class.github_repo_uri('vim-scripts', m[1]) elsif /^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\/(.*)$/.match(repo_name) m = Regexp.last_match self.class.github_repo_uri(m[1], m[2]) elsif /^[a-z]+:\/\/.*$/.match(repo_name) repo_name else raise "Invalid repo_name: #{repo_name.inspect}" end end def clone() sh %Q[ { git clone '#{repo_uri}' '#{cached_repo_path}' } 2>&1 ] true end def fetch() sh %Q{ { cd '#{cached_repo_path}' && git fetch origin --tags 'refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*' } 2>&1 } end def checkout() sh %Q[ { cd '#{cached_repo_path}' && git checkout -f '#{locked_version.to_revision}' } 2>&1 ] end def deploy(flavors_path) deployment_path = make_deployment_path(flavors_path) sh %Q[ { cd '#{cached_repo_path}' && git checkout -f '#{locked_version.to_revision}' && git checkout-index -a -f --prefix='#{deployment_path}/' && { vim -u NONE -i NONE -n -N -e -s -c ' silent! helptags #{deployment_path}/doc qall! ' || true } } 2>&1 ] true end def use_appropriate_version() @locked_version = case when PlainVersion === version_constraint.base_version version_constraint.find_the_best_version(list_versions) when BranchVersion === version_constraint.base_version make_branch_version(version_constraint.base_version.branch) else throw "Unexpected version_constraint: #{version_constraint}" end end def use_specific_version(locked_version) @locked_version = locked_version end def list_tags() output = sh %Q[ { cd '#{cached_repo_path}' && git tag } 2>&1 ] output.split(/[\r\n]/) end def versions_from_tags(tags) tags. select {|t| t != '' && Version.correct?(t)}. map {|t| Version.create(t)} end def list_versions() versions_from_tags(list_tags()) end def satisfied_with?(version) version_constraint.compatible?(version) end def make_branch_version(branch) revision = sh(%Q[ cd '#{cached_repo_path}' && git rev-list -n1 'origin/#{branch}' -- ]).chomp, revision) end end end end