class CodeRunner require SCRIPT_FOLDER + '/system_modules/launcher.rb' module GenericLinux include Launcher # @@ruby_command = "ruby1.9" def queue_status if use_launcher queue_status_launcher else if methods.include?(:rcp) and rcp.uses_mpi? and rcp.uses_mpi return %x[ps -e -U #{Process.uid} | grep mpi] + %x[ps -e -U #{Process.uid} | grep -G '\\bsh\\b'] + %x[ps -e -U #{Process.uid} -o pid,user,cmd | grep coderunner].grep(/launch/) else return %x[ps -e -U #{Process.uid} | grep '#{executable_name}'] + %x[ps -e -U #{Process.uid} | grep -G '\\bsh\\b'] end end end def run_command crenv = @code_run_environment ? @code_run_environment + ";" : nil if rcp.uses_mpi raise "Number of processors (nprocs) not specified" unless @nprocs return %[#{crenv} time mpirun -np #{@nprocs} #{executable_location}/#{executable_name} #{parameter_string} > #{output_file} 2> #{error_file}] else return %[#{crenv} #{executable_location}/#{executable_name} #{parameter_string} > #{output_file} 2> #{error_file}] end end def execute log 'execute_submission' # ppipe =, false) # trap(0){} # ppipe.fork do # trap(0, 'IGNORE') # trap(2, 'IGNORE') # pid = system(run_command + " & ") # fork{exec run_command} # ppipe.w_send(:pid, pid, tp: 0) #{Process.wait(pid)} # Need to pick up the dead process when it finishes # end # pid = ppipe.w_recv(:pid) # ppipe.die # eputs "HERE" # trap(0){} # trap(2, 'IGNORE') # pid = spawn("trap '' 2 && trap '' 0 && " + run_command + " & ") if prefix = ENV['CODE_RUNNER_LAUNCHER'] launch_id = "#{}#{$$}" fname = CodeRunner.launcher_directory + "/#{launch_id}" + '.start', 'w'){|file| file.puts "cd '#{Dir.pwd}';#{run_command}"} sleep 1 until FileTest.exist? fname + '.pid' pid = + '.pid').to_i FileUtils.rm fname + '.pid' else #pid = Kernel.spawn(run_command + " ") system run_command pid = -1 end # require 'rbconfig' # pid = spawn %[#{Config::CONFIG['bindir']}/#{Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']} -e 'puts fork{exec("#{run_command}")}' &] # eputs "THERE" #{Process.wait(pid)} # sleep 0.2 return pid end def cancel_job children = `ps --ppid #@job_no`.scan(/^\s*(\d+)/).map{|match| match[0].to_i} system "kill #{@job_no}" children.each do |pid| system "kill #{pid}" end end def error_file return "#{executable_name}.#{job_identifier}.e" end def output_file return "#{executable_name}.#{job_identifier}.o" end end end