module ActiveFedora module SolrQueryBuilder # Construct a solr query for a list of ids # This is used to get a solr response based on the list of ids in an object's RELS-EXT relationhsips # If the id_array is empty, defaults to a query of "id:NEVER_USE_THIS_ID", which will return an empty solr response # @param [Array] id_array the ids that you want included in the query def self.construct_query_for_ids(id_array) ids = id_array.reject { |x| x.blank? } return "id:NEVER_USE_THIS_ID" if ids.empty? "{!terms f=#{SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID}}#{ids.join(',')}" end # Create a raw query clause suitable for sending to solr as an fq element # @param [String] key # @param [String] value def self.raw_query(key, value) "_query_:\"{!raw f=#{key}}#{value.gsub('"', '\"')}\"" end def self.solr_name(*args) Solrizer.default_field_mapper.solr_name(*args) end # Create a query with a clause for each key, value # @param [Hash, Array>] field_pairs key is the predicate, value is the target_uri # @param [String] join_with ('AND') the value we're joining the clauses with # @example # construct_query_for_rel [[:has_model, "info:fedora/afmodel:ComplexCollection"], [:has_model, "info:fedora/afmodel:ActiveFedora_Base"]], 'OR' # # => _query_:"{!raw f=has_model_ssim}info:fedora/afmodel:ComplexCollection" OR _query_:"{!raw f=has_model_ssim}info:fedora/afmodel:ActiveFedora_Base" # # construct_query_for_rel [[Book.reflect_on_association(:library), "foo/bar/baz"]] def self.construct_query_for_rel(field_pairs, join_with = 'AND') field_pairs = field_pairs.to_a if field_pairs.kind_of? Hash clauses = pairs_to_clauses(field_pairs.reject { |_, target_uri| target_uri.blank? }) clauses.empty? ? "id:NEVER_USE_THIS_ID" : clauses.join(" #{join_with} ".freeze) end private # Given an list of 2 element lists, transform to a list of solr clauses def self.pairs_to_clauses(pairs) do |field, target_uri| raw_query(solr_field(field), target_uri) end end # @param [String, ActiveFedora::Relation] field # @return [String] the corresponding solr field for the string def self.solr_field(field) case field when ActiveFedora::Reflection::AssociationReflection field.solr_key else solr_name(field, :symbol) end end end end