class Context def self.define(*args, &block) @@with_contracts ||= nil @@generate_file_path ||= nil (alias :method_missing :role_or_interaction_method) base_class, ctx, default_interaction, name = self.send(:create_context_factory, args, block) if (args.last.instance_of?(FalseClass) or args.last.instance_of?(TrueClass)) then ctx.generate_files_in(args.last) end return ctx.send(:finalize, name, base_class, default_interaction, @@generate_file_path, @@with_contracts) end def self.generate_files_in(*args, &b) if block_given? then return role_or_interaction_method(:generate_files_in, *args, &b) end @@generate_file_path = args[0] end private def get_definitions(b) sexp = b.to_sexp unless is_definition?(sexp[3]) then sexp = sexp[3] sexp = { |exp| is_definition?(exp) } if sexp sexp ||= [] end { |exp| is_definition?(exp) } end def self.create_context_factory(args, block) name, base_class, default_interaction = *args if default_interaction and (not base_class.instance_of?(Class)) then base_class = eval(base_class.to_s) end if base_class and ((not default_interaction) and (not base_class.instance_of?(Class))) then base_class, default_interaction = default_interaction, base_class end ctx = ctx.instance_eval do sexp = block.to_sexp temp_block = sexp[3] i = 0 while (i < temp_block.length) do exp = temp_block[i] unless temp_block[(i - 2)] and ((temp_block[(i - 2)][0] == :call) and (temp_block[(i - 1)] and (temp_block[(i - 1)][0] == :args))) then if ((exp[0] == :defn) or (exp[0] == :defs)) then add_method(exp) temp_block.delete_at(i) i = (i - 1) else if (exp[0] == :call) and ((exp[1] == nil) and (exp[2] == :private)) then @private = true end end end i = (i + 1) end ctx.instance_eval(&block) end return [base_class, ctx, default_interaction, name] end def self.with_contracts(*args) return @@with_contracts if (args.length == 0) value = args[0] if @@with_contracts and (not value) then raise("make up your mind! disabling contracts during execution will result in undefined behavior") end @@with_contracts = value end def createInfo(definition), @defining_role, @private) end def is_definition?(exp) exp and ((exp[0] == :defn) or (exp[0] == :defs)) end def role(*args, &b) role_name = args[0] if (args.length.!=(1) or (not role_name.instance_of?(Symbol))) then return role_or_interaction_method(:role, *args, &b) end @defining_role = role_name @roles = {} unless @roles @roles[role_name] = definitions = get_definitions(b) definitions.each { |exp| add_method(exp) } end def current_interpretation_context(*args, &b) if block_given? then return role_or_interaction_method(:current_interpretation_context, *args, &b) end, @contracts, @role_alias, nil) end def get_methods(*args, &b) return role_or_interaction_method(:get_methods, *args, &b) if block_given? name = args[0] sources = (@defining_role ? (@roles[@defining_role]) : (@interactions))[name] if @defining_role and (not sources) then @roles[@defining_role][name] = [] else @interactions[name] = [] end end def add_method(*args, &b) return role_or_interaction_method(:add_method, *args, &b) if block_given? exp = args[0] info = createInfo(exp) sources = get_methods( (sources << info) end def finalize(*args, &b) return role_or_interaction_method(:finalize, *args, &b) if block_given? name, base_class, default, file_path, with_contracts = *args code = generate_context_code(default, name) if file_path then name = name.to_s complete = ((((("class " + name) + (base_class ? (("<< " + : (""))) + "\n ") + code.to_s) + "\n end")"./" + file_path.to_s) + "/") + name) + ".rb"), "w") do |f| f.write(complete) end complete else c = base_class ? ( : ( if with_contracts then c.class_eval("def self.assert_that(obj)\n,obj)\nend\ndef self.refute_that(obj)\n,obj,false)\nend\ndef self.contracts\n @@contracts\nend\ndef self.contracts=(value)\n @@contracts = value\nend") c.contracts = contracts end Kernel.const_set(name, c) begin temp = c.class_eval(code) rescue SyntaxError p(("error: " + code)) end (temp or c) end end def generate_context_code(*args, &b) if block_given? then return role_or_interaction_method(:generate_context_code, *args, &b) end default, name = args getters = "" impl = "" interactions = "" @interactions.each do |method_name, methods| methods.each do |method| @defining_role = nil code = (" " + method.build_as_context_method(current_interpretation_context)) method.is_private ? ((getters << code)) : ((interactions << code)) end end if default then (interactions << (((((((("\n def*args)\n arity = " + name.to_s) + ".method(:new).arity\n newArgs = args[0..arity-1]\n obj = ") + name.to_s) + ".new *newArgs\n if arity < args.length\n methodArgs = args[arity..-1]\n obj.") + default.to_s) + " *methodArgs\n else\n obj.") + default.to_s) + "\n end\n end\n ")) (interactions << (("\n def call(*args);" + default.to_s) + " *args; end\n")) end @roles.each do |role, methods| (getters << (("attr_reader :" + role.to_s) + "\n ")) methods.each do |method_name, method_sources| unless (method_sources.length < 2) then raise(("Duplicate definition of " + method_name.to_s)) end unless (method_sources.length > 0) then raise(("No source for " + method_name.to_s)) end method_source = method_sources[0] @defining_role = role definition = method_source.build_as_context_method(current_interpretation_context) (impl << (" " + definition.to_s)) if definition end end private_string = (getters + impl).strip!.!=("") ? ("\n private\n") : ("") impl = impl.strip!.!=("") ? ((("\n " + impl) + "\n ")) : ("\n ") (((interactions + private_string) + getters) + impl) end def role_or_interaction_method(*arguments, &b) method_name, on_self = *arguments unless method_name.instance_of?(Symbol) then on_self = method_name method_name = :role_or_interaction_method end raise(("Method with out block " + method_name.to_s)) unless block_given? end def private() @private = true end def initialize() @roles = {} @interactions = {} @role_alias = {} end end