# [![Application icon](https://github.com/sferik/t/raw/master/icon/t.png)][icon] [icon]: https://github.com/sferik/t/raw/master/icon/t.png # Twitter CLI [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/sferik/t.png?branch=master)][travis] [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/sferik/t.png?travis)][gemnasium] [![Pledgie](http://www.pledgie.com/campaigns/17330.png)][pledgie] #### A command-line power tool for Twitter. The CLI takes syntactic cues from the [Twitter SMS commands][sms], however it offers vastly more commands and capabilities than are available via SMS. [travis]: http://travis-ci.org/sferik/t [gemnasium]: https://gemnasium.com/sferik/t [pledgie]: http://www.pledgie.com/campaigns/17330 [sms]: https://support.twitter.com/articles/14020-twitter-sms-command ## Installation First, make sure you have Ruby installed. **On a Mac**, open `/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app` and type: ruby -v If the output looks something like this, you're in good shape: ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-darwin12.0.0] If the output looks more like this, you need to [install Ruby][ruby]: ruby: command not found **On Windows**, you can install Ruby with [RubyInstaller][]. Once you've verified that Ruby is installed: gem install t [ruby]: http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/ [rubyinstaller]: http://rubyinstaller.org/ ## Configuration Twitter API v1.1 requires OAuth for all of its functionality, so you'll need a registered Twitter application. If you've never registered a Twitter application before, it's easy! Just sign-in using your Twitter account and the fill out the short form at . If you've previously registered a Twitter application, it should be listed at . Once you've registered an application, make sure to set your application's Access Level to "Read, Write and Access direct messages", otherwise you'll receive an error that looks like this: Read-only application cannot POST Now, you're ready to authorize a Twitter account with your application. To proceed, type the following command at the prompt and follow the instructions: t authorize This command will direct you to a URL where you can sign-in to Twitter, authorize the application, and then enter the returned PIN back into the terminal. If you type the PIN correctly, you should now be authorized to use `t` as that user. To authorize multiple accounts, simply repeat the last step, signing into Twitter as a different user. You can see a list of all the accounts you've authorized by typing the command: t accounts The output of which will be structured like this: sferik UDfNTpOz5ZDG4a6w7dIWj uuP7Xbl2mEfGMiDu1uIyFN gem thG9EfWoADtIr6NjbL9ON (active) **Note**: One of your authorized accounts (specifically, the last one authorized) will be set as active. To change the active account, use the `set` subcommand, passing either just a username, if it's unambiguous, or a username and consumer key pair, like this: t set active sferik UDfNTpOz5ZDG4a6w7dIWj Account information is stored in a YAML-formatted file located at `~/.trc`. **Note**: Anyone with access to this file can impersonate you on Twitter, so it's important to keep it secure, just as you would treat your SSH private key. For this reason, the file is hidden and has the permission bits set to `0600`. ## Usage Examples Typing `t help` will list all the available commands. You can type `t help TASK` to get help for a specific command. t help #### Update your status t update "I'm tweeting from the command line. Isn't that special?" **Note**: If your tweet includes special characters (e.g. `!`), make sure to wrap it in single quotes instead of double quotes, so those characters are not interpreted by your shell. (However, if you use single quotes, your Tweet obviously can't contain any apostrophes.) #### Retrieve detailed information about a Twitter user t whois @sferik #### Retrieve stats for multiple users t users -l @sferik @gem #### Follow users t follow @sferik @gem #### Check whether one user follows another t does_follow @ev @sferik **Note**: If the first user does not follow the second, `t` will exit with a non-zero exit code. This allows you to execute commands conditionally, for example, send a user a direct message only if he already follows you: t does_follow @ev && t dm @ev "What's up, bro?" #### Create a list for everyone you're following t list create following-`date "+%Y-%m-%d"` #### Add everyone you're following to that list (up to 500 users) t followings | xargs t list add following-`date "+%Y-%m-%d"` #### List all the members of a list, in long format t list members -l following-`date "+%Y-%m-%d"` #### List all your lists, in long format t lists -l #### List all your friends, in long format, ordered by number of followers t friends -l --sort=followers #### List all your leaders (people you follow who don't follow you back) t leaders -l --sort=followers #### Unfollow everyone you follow who doesn't follow you back t leaders | xargs t unfollow #### Unfollow 10 people who haven't tweeted in the longest time t followings -l --sort=tweeted | head -10 | awk '{print $1}' | xargs t unfollow #### Twitter roulette: randomly follow someone who follows you (who you don't already follow) t groupies | shuf | head -1 | xargs t follow #### Favorite the last 10 tweets that mention you t mentions -n 10 -l | awk '{print $1}' | xargs t favorite #### Output the last 200 tweets in your timeline to a CSV file t timeline -n 200 --csv > timeline.csv #### Start streaming your timeline (Control-C to stop) t stream timeline #### Count the number of employees who work for Twitter t list members twitter team | wc -l #### Search Twitter for the 20 most recent Tweets that match a specified query t search all "query" #### Download the latest Linux kernel via BitTorrent (possibly NSFW, depending where you work) t search all "lang:en filter:links linux torrent" -n 1 | grep -o "http://t.co/[0-9A-Za-z]*" | xargs open #### Search Tweets you've favorited that match a specified query t search favorites "query" #### Search Tweets mentioning you that match a specified query t search mentions "query" #### Search Tweets you've retweeted that match a specified query t search retweets "query" #### Search Tweets in your timeline that match a specified query t search timeline "query" #### Search Tweets in another user's timeline that match a specified query t search timeline @sferik "query" ## Features * Deep search: Instead of using the Twitter Search API, [which only only goes back 6-9 days][search], `t search` fetches up to 3,200 tweets via the REST API and then checks each one against a regular expression. * Multi-threaded: Whenever possible, Twitter API requests are made in parallel, resulting in faster performance for bulk operations. * Designed for Unix: Output is designed to be piped to other Unix utilities, like grep, comm, cut, awk, bc, wc, and xargs for advanced text processing. * Generate spreadsheets: Convert the output of any command to CSV format simply by adding the `--csv` flag. * 95% C0 Code Coverage: Well tested, with a 2.5:1 test-to-code ratio. [search]: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/using-search # Using T for Backup [@jphpsf][jphpsf] wrote a [blog post][blog] explaining how to use `t` to backup your Twitter account. [jphpsf]: https://github.com/jphpsf [blog]: http://blog.jphpsf.com/2012/05/07/backing-up-your-twitter-account-with-t/ `t` was also mentioned on [an episode of the Ruby 5 podcast][ruby5]. [ruby5]: http://ruby5.envylabs.com/episodes/273-episode-269-may-4th-2012/stories/2400-t-command-line-power-tool-for-twitter If you discuss `t` in a blog post or podcast, [let me know][email] and I'll link it here. [email]: mailto:sferik@gmail.com ## Relationship Terminology There is some ambiguity in the terminology used to describe relationships on Twitter. For example, some people use the term "friends" to mean everyone you follow. In `t`, "friends" refers to just the subset of people who follow you back (i.e., friendship is bidirectional). Here is the full table of terminology used by `t`: ___________________________________________________ | | | | YOU FOLLOW THEM | YOU DON'T FOLLOW THEM | _________________________|_________________________|_________________________|_________________________ | | | | | | THEY FOLLOW YOU | friends | groupies | followers | |_________________________|_________________________|_________________________|_________________________| | | | | THEY DON'T FOLLOW YOU | leaders | |_________________________|_________________________| | | | followings | |_________________________| ## Screenshots ![Timeline](https://github.com/sferik/t/raw/master/screenshots/timeline.png) ![List](https://github.com/sferik/t/raw/master/screenshots/list.png) ## History The [twitter gem][gem] previously contained a command-line interface, up until version 0.5.0, when it was [removed][]. This project is offered as a sucessor to that effort, however it is a clean room implementation that contains none of the original code. [gem]: https://rubygems.org/gems/twitter [removed]: https://github.com/jnunemaker/twitter/commit/dd2445e3e2c97f38b28a3f32ea902536b3897adf ![History](https://github.com/sferik/t/raw/master/screenshots/history.png) ## Supported Ruby Versions This library aims to support and is [tested against][travis] the following Ruby implementations: * Ruby 1.8.7 * Ruby 1.9.2 * Ruby 1.9.3 If something doesn't work on one of these Ruby versions, it's a bug. This library may inadvertently work (or seem to work) on other Ruby implementations, however support will only be provided for the versions listed above. If you would like this library to support another Ruby version, you may volunteer to be a maintainer. Being a maintainer entails making sure all tests run and pass on that implementation. When something breaks on your implementation, you will be responsible for providing patches in a timely fashion. If critical issues for a particular implementation exist at the time of a major release, support for that Ruby version may be dropped. ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2011 Erik Michaels-Ober. See [LICENSE][] for details. Application icon by [@nvk][nvk]. [license]: https://github.com/sferik/t/blob/master/LICENSE.md [nvk]: http://rodolfonovak.com