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Used by: * [dry-validation](https://github.com/dryrb/dry-validation) for params coercions * [rom-repository](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom-repository) for auto-mapped structs * [rom](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom)'s adapters for relation schema definitions * your project...? Articles: * ["Invalid Object Is An Anti-Pattern"](http://solnic.eu/2015/12/28/invalid-object-is-an-anti-pattern.html) ## dry-data vs virtus [Virtus](https://github.com/solnic/virtus) has been a successful library, unfortunately it is "only" a by-product of an ActiveRecord ORM which carries many issues typical to ActiveRecord-like features that we all know from Rails, especially when it comes to very complicated coercion logic, mixing unrelated concerns, polluting application layer with concerns that should be handled at the bounderies etc. `dry-data` has been created to become a better tool that solves *similar* (but not identical!) problems related to type-safety and coercions. It is a superior solution because: * Types are [categorized](#built-in-type-categories), which is especially important for coercions * Types are objects and they are easily reusable * Has [structs](#structs) and [values](#values) with *a simple DSL* * Has [constrained types](#constrained-types) * Has [optional types](#optional-types) * Has [defaults](#defaults) * Has [sum-types](#sum-types) * Has [enums](#enums) * Has [hash type with type schemas](#hashes) * Has [array type with member type](#arrays) * Suitable for many use-cases while remaining simple, in example: * Params coercions * Domain "models" * Defining various domain-specific, shared information using enums or values * Annotating objects * and more... * There's no const-missing magic and complicated const lookups like in Virtus * AND is roughly 10-12x faster than Virtus ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'dry-data' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install dry-data ## Usage You can use `dry-data` for defining various data types in your application, like domain entities and value objects or hashes with coercible values used to handle params. Built-in types are grouped under 5 categories: - default: pass-through without any checks - `strict` - doesn't coerce and checks the input type against the primitive class - `coercible` - tries to coerce and raises type-error if it failed - `form` - non-strict coercion types suitable for form params - `maybe` - accepts either a nil or something else ### Configuring Types Module In `dry-data` a type is an object with a constructor that knows how to handle input. On top of that there are high-level types like a sum-type, constrained type, optional type or default value type. To acccess all the built-in type objects you can configure `dry-data` with a namespace module: ``` ruby module Types end Dry::Data.configure do |config| config.namespace = Types end # after defining your custom types (if you've got any) you can finalize setup Dry::Data.finalize # this defines all types under your namespace, in example: Types::Coercible::String # => #, @primitive=String> ``` With types accessible as constants you can easily compose more complex types, like sum-types or constrained types, in hash schemas or structs: ``` ruby Dry::Data.configure do |config| config.namespace = Types end Dry::Data.finalize module Types Email = String.constrained(format: /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i) Age = Int.constrained(gt: 18) end class User < Dry::Data::Struct attribute :name, Types::String attribute :email, Types::Email attribute :age, Types::Age end ``` ### Built-in Type Categories Assuming you configured types under `Types` module namespace: Non-coercible: - `Types::Nil` - `Types::Symbol` - `Types::Class` - `Types::True` - `Types::False` - `Types::Date` - `Types::DateTime` - `Types::Time` Coercible types using kernel coercion methods: - `Types::Coercible::String` - `Types::Coercible::Int` - `Types::Coercible::Float` - `Types::Coercible::Decimal` - `Types::Coercible::Array` - `Types::Coercible::Hash` Optional strict types: - `Types::Maybe::Strict::String` - `Types::Maybe::Strict::Int` - `Types::Maybe::Strict::Float` - `Types::Maybe::Strict::Decimal` - `Types::Maybe::Strict::Array` - `Types::Maybe::Strict::Hash` Optional coercible types: - `Types::Maybe::Coercible::String` - `Types::Maybe::Coercible::Int` - `Types::Maybe::Coercible::Float` - `Types::Maybe::Coercible::Decimal` - `Types::Maybe::Coercible::Array` - `Types::Maybe::Coercible::Hash` Coercible types suitable for form param processing: - `Types::Form::Nil` - `Types::Form::Date` - `Types::Form::DateTime` - `Types::Form::Time` - `Types::Form::True` - `Types::Form::False` - `Types::Form::Bool` - `Types::Form::Int` - `Types::Form::Float` - `Types::Form::Decimal` ### Strict vs Coercible Types ``` ruby Types::Strict::Int[1] # => 1 Types::Strict::Int['1'] # => raises Dry::Data::ConstraintError # coercible type-check group Types::Coercible::String[:foo] # => 'foo' Types::Coercible::Array[:foo] # => [:foo] # form group Types::Form::Date['2015-11-29'] # => # ``` ### Optional Types All built-in types have their optional versions too, you can access them under `"Types::Maybe::Strict"` and `"Maybe::Coercible"` categories: ``` ruby Types::Maybe::Int[nil] # None Types::Maybe::Int[123] # Some(123) Types::Maybe::Coercible::Float[nil] # None Types::Maybe::Coercible::Float['12.3'] # Some(12.3) ``` You can define your own optional types too: ``` ruby maybe_string = Types::Strict::String.optional maybe_string[nil] # => None maybe_string[nil].fmap(&:upcase) # => None maybe_string['something'] # => Some('something') maybe_string['something'].fmap(&:upcase) # => Some('SOMETHING') maybe_string['something'].fmap(&:upcase).value # => "SOMETHING" ``` ### Defaults A type with a default value will return the configured value when the input is `nil`: ``` ruby PostStatus = Types::Strict::String.default('draft') PostStatus[nil] # "draft" PostStatus["published"] # "published" PostStatus[true] # raises ConstraintError ``` ### Sum-types You can specify sum types using `|` operator, it is an explicit way of defining what are the valid types of a value. In example `dry-data` defines `bool` type which is a sum-type consisting of `true` and `false` types which is expressed as `Types::True | Types::False` (and it has its strict version, too). Another common case is defining that something can be either `nil` or something else: ``` ruby nil_or_string = Types::Nil | Types::Strict::String nil_or_string[nil] # => nil nil_or_string["hello"] # => "hello" ``` ### Constrained Types You can create constrained types that will use validation rules to check if the input is not violating any of the configured contraints. You can treat it as a lower level guarantee that you're not instantiating objects that are broken. All types support constraints API, but not all constraints are suitable for a particular primitive, it's up to you to set up constraints that make sense. Under the hood it uses [`dry-logic`](https://github.com/dryrb/dry-logic) and all of its predicates are supported. ``` ruby string = Types::Strict::String.constrained(min_size: 3) string['foo'] # => "foo" string['fo'] # => Dry::Data::ConstraintError: "fo" violates constraints email = Types::Strict::String.constrained( format: /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i ) email["jane@doe.org"] # => "jane@doe.org" email["jane"] # => Dry::Data::ConstraintError: "fo" violates constraints ``` ### Enums In many cases you may want to define an enum. For example in a blog application a post may have a finite list of statuses. Apart from accessing the current status value it is useful to have all possible values accessible too. Furthermore an enum is a `int => value` map, so you can store integers somewhere and have them mapped to enum values conveniently. ``` ruby # assuming we have types loaded into `Types` namespace # we can easily define an enum for our post struct class Post < Dry::Data::Struct Statuses = Types::Strict::String.enum('draft', 'published', 'archived') attribute :title, Types::Strict::String attribute :body, Types::Strict::String attribute :status, Statuses end # enum values are frozen, let's be paranoid, doesn't hurt and have potential to # eliminate silly bugs Post::Statuses.values.frozen? # => true Post::Statuses.values.all?(&:frozen?) # => true # you can access values using indices or actual values Post::Statuses[0] # => "draft" Post::Statuses['draft'] # => "draft" # it'll raise if something silly was passed in Post::Statuses['something silly'] # => Dry::Data::ConstraintError: "something silly" violates constraints # nil is considered as something silly too Post::Statuses[nil] # => Dry::Data::ConstraintError: nil violates constraints ``` ### Hashes The built-in hash type has constructors that you can use to define hashes with explicit schemas and coercible values using the built-in types. #### Hash Schema ``` ruby # using simple kernel coercions hash = Types::Hash.schema(name: Types::String, age: Types::Coercible::Int) hash[name: 'Jane', age: '21'] # => { :name => "Jane", :age => 21 } # using form param coercions hash = Types::Hash.schema(name: Types::String, birthdate: Form::Date) hash[name: 'Jane', birthdate: '1994-11-11'] # => { :name => "Jane", :birthdate => # } ``` #### Strict Schema Strict hash will raise errors when keys are missing or value types are incorrect. ``` ruby hash = Types::Hash.strict(name: 'string', age: 'coercible.int') hash[email: 'jane@doe.org', name: 'Jane', age: 21] # => Dry::Data::SchemaKeyError: :email is missing in Hash input ``` #### Symbolized Schema Symbolized hash will turn string key names into symbols ``` ruby hash = Types::Hash.symbolized(name: Types::String, age: Types::Coercible::Int) hash['name' => 'Jane', 'age' => '21'] # => { :name => "Jane", :age => 21 } ``` ### Arrays The built-in array type supports defining member type: ``` ruby PostStatuses = Types::Strict::Array.member(Types::Coercible::String) PostStatuses[[:foo, :bar]] # ["foo", "bar"] ``` ### Structs You can define struct objects which will have readers for specified attributes using a simple dsl: ``` ruby class User < Dry::Data::Struct attribute :name, Types::Maybe::Coercible::String attribute :age, Types::Coercible::Int end user = User.new(name: nil, age: '21') user.name # None user.age # 21 user = User(name: 'Jane', age: '21') user.name # => Some("Jane") user.age # => 21 ``` ### Values You can define value objects which will behave like structs and have equality methods too: ``` ruby class Location < Dry::Data::Value attribute :lat, Types::Strict::Float attribute :lat, Types::Strict::Float end loc1 = Location.new(lat: 1.23, lng: 4.56) loc2 = Location.new(lat: 1.23, lng: 4.56) loc1 == loc2 # true ``` ## Status and Roadmap This library is in an early stage of development but you are encouraged to try it out and provide feedback. For planned features check out [the issues](https://github.com/dryrb/dry-data/labels/feature). ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/dryrb/dry-data.