module PDK module CLI @test_unit_cmd = @test_cmd.define_command do name 'unit' usage 'unit [options]' summary 'Run unit tests.' PDK::CLI.puppet_version_options(self) PDK::CLI.puppet_dev_option(self) flag nil, :list, 'List all available unit test files.' flag nil, :parallel, 'Run unit tests in parallel.' flag :v, :verbose, 'More verbose --list output. Displays a list of examples in each unit test file.' flag :c, 'clean-fixtures', 'Clean up downloaded fixtures after the test run.' option nil, :tests, 'Specify a comma-separated list of unit test files to run.', argument: :required, default: '' do |values| require 'pdk/cli/util/option_validator' PDK::CLI::Util::OptionValidator.comma_separated_list?(values) end # TODO # option nil, :runner_options, "options to pass through to the actual test-runner", argument: :required run do |opts, _args, _cmd| require 'pdk/tests/unit' require 'pdk/report' require 'pdk/util/bundler' PDK::CLI::Util.validate_puppet_version_opts(opts) PDK::CLI::Util.ensure_in_module!( message: 'Unit tests can only be run from inside a valid module directory.', log_level: :info ) PDK::CLI::Util.module_version_check PDK::CLI::Util.analytics_screen_view('test_unit', opts) # Ensure that the bundled gems are up to date and correct Ruby is activated before running or listing tests. puppet_env = PDK::CLI::Util.puppet_from_opts_or_env(opts) PDK::Util::RubyVersion.use(puppet_env[:ruby_version]) opts.merge!(puppet_env[:gemset]) PDK::Util::Bundler.ensure_bundle!(puppet_env[:gemset]) report = nil if opts[:list] examples = PDK::Test::Unit.list(opts) if examples.empty? puts 'No unit test files with examples were found.' else puts 'Unit Test Files:' files = { |example| example[:file_path] } files.uniq.each do |file| puts file next unless opts[:verbose] file_examples = { |example| example[:file_path] == file } file_examples.each do |file_example| puts format("\t%{id}\t%{description}", id: file_example[:id], description: file_example[:full_description]) end end end else report = report_formats = if opts[:format] opts[:interactive] = false PDK::CLI::Util::OptionNormalizer.report_formats(opts[:format]) else opts[:interactive] = true [{ method: PDK::Report.default_format, target: PDK::Report.default_target }] end exit_code = PDK::Test::Unit.invoke(report, opts) report_formats.each do |format| report.send(format[:method], format[:target]) end exit exit_code end end end end end