module RubyXL class Worksheet < PrivateClass include Enumerable attr_accessor :sheet_name, :sheet_data, :cols, :merged_cells, :pane, :validations, :sheet_view, :legacy_drawing, :extLst, :workbook, :row_styles def initialize(workbook, sheet_name='Sheet1',sheet_data=[[nil]],cols=[], merged_cells=[]) @workbook = workbook @sheet_name = sheet_name @sheet_data = sheet_data @cols = cols @merged_cells = merged_cells @row_styles={} @sheet_view = { :attributes => { :workbookViewId => 0, :zoomScale => 100, :tabSelected => 1, :view=>'normalLayout', :zoomScaleNormal => 100 } } @extLst = nil @legacy_drawing=nil end # allows for easier access to sheet_data def [](row=0) return @sheet_data[row] end def each @sheet_data.each {|i| yield i} end #returns 2d array of just the cell values (without style or formula information) def extract_data return {|row| {|c| if c.is_a?(Cell) then c.value else nil end}} end def get_table(headers=[],opts={}) validate_workbook if !headers.is_a?(Array) headers = [headers] end row_num = find_first_row_with_content(headers) if row_num.nil? return nil end table_hash = {} table_hash[:table] = [] header_row = @sheet_data[row_num] header_row.each_with_index do |header_cell, index| break if index>0 && !opts[:last_header].nil? && !header_row[index-1].nil? && !header_row[index-1].value.nil? && header_row[index-1].value.to_s==opts[:last_header] next if header_cell.nil? || header_cell.value.nil? header = header_cell.value.to_s table_hash[:sorted_headers]||=[] table_hash[:sorted_headers] << header table_hash[header] = [] original_row = row_num + 1 current_row = original_row cell = @sheet_data[current_row][index] # makes array of hashes in table_hash[:table] # as well as hash of arrays in table_hash[header] table_index = current_row - original_row cell_test= (!cell.nil? && !cell.value.nil?) while cell_test || !table_hash[:table][table_index].empty? table_hash[header] << (cell_test ? cell.value : nil) table_index = current_row - original_row if table_hash[:table][table_index].nil? table_hash[:table][table_index] = {} end table_hash[:table][table_index][header] = cell.value if cell_test current_row += 1 if @sheet_data[current_row].nil? cell = nil else cell = @sheet_data[current_row][index] end cell_test= (!cell.nil? && !cell.value.nil?) end end return table_hash end #changes color of fill in (zer0 indexed) row def change_row_fill(row=0,rgb='ffffff') validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) increase_rows(row) Color.validate_color(rgb) if @row_styles[(Integer(row)+1).to_s].nil? @row_styles[(Integer(row)+1).to_s] = {} @row_styles[(Integer(row)+1).to_s][:style] = '0' end @row_styles[(Integer(row)+1).to_s][:style] = modify_fill(@workbook,Integer(@row_styles[(Integer(row)+1).to_s][:style]),rgb) @sheet_data[Integer(row)].each do |c| unless c.nil? c.change_fill(rgb) end end end # Changes font name of row def change_row_font_name(row=0, font_name='Verdana') # Get style object xf_id = xf_id(get_row_style(row)) # Get copy of font object with modified name font = deep_copy(@workbook.fonts[xf_id[:fontId].to_s][:font]) font[:name][:attributes][:val] = font_name.to_s # Update font and xf array change_row_font(row, Worksheet::NAME, font_name, font, xf_id) end # Changes font size of row def change_row_font_size(row=0, font_size=10) # Get style object xf_id = xf_id(get_row_style(row)) # Get copy of font object with modified size font = deep_copy(@workbook.fonts[xf_id[:fontId].to_s][:font]) font[:sz][:attributes][:val] = font_size # Update font and xf array change_row_font(row, Worksheet::SIZE, font_size, font, xf_id) end # Changes font color of row def change_row_font_color(row=0, font_color='000000') Color.validate_color(font_color) # Get style object xf_id = xf_id(get_row_style(row)) # Get copy of font object with modified color font = deep_copy(@workbook.fonts[xf_id[:fontId].to_s][:font]) font = modify_font_color(font, font_color.to_s) # Update font and xf array change_row_font(row, Worksheet::COLOR, font_color, font, xf_id) end # Changes font italics settings of row def change_row_italics(row=0, italicized=false) # Get style object xf_id = xf_id(get_row_style(row)) # Get copy of font object with modified italics settings font = deep_copy(@workbook.fonts[xf_id[:fontId].to_s][:font]) font = modify_font_italics(font, italicized) # Update font and xf array change_row_font(row, Worksheet::ITALICS, italicized, font, xf_id) end # Changes font bold settings of row def change_row_bold(row=0, bolded=false) # Get style object xf_id = xf_id(get_row_style(row)) # Get copy of font object with modified bold settings font = deep_copy(@workbook.fonts[xf_id[:fontId].to_s][:font]) font = modify_font_bold(font, bolded) # Update font and xf array change_row_font(row, Worksheet::BOLD, bolded, font, xf_id) end # Changes font underline settings of row def change_row_underline(row=0, underlined=false) # Get style object xf_id = xf_id(get_row_style(row)) # Get copy of font object with modified underline settings font = deep_copy(@workbook.fonts[xf_id[:fontId].to_s][:font]) font = modify_font_underline(font, underlined) # Update font and xf array change_row_font(row, Worksheet::UNDERLINE, underlined, font, xf_id) end # Changes font strikethrough settings of row def change_row_strikethrough(row=0, struckthrough=false) # Get style object xf_id = xf_id(get_row_style(row)) # Get copy of font object with modified strikethrough settings font = deep_copy(@workbook.fonts[xf_id[:fontId].to_s][:font]) font = modify_font_strikethrough(font, struckthrough) # Update font and xf array change_row_font(row, Worksheet::STRIKETHROUGH, struckthrough, font, xf_id) end def change_row_height(row=0,height=10) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) increase_rows(row) if height.to_i.to_s == height.to_s height = Integer(height) elsif height.to_f.to_s == height.to_s height = Float(height) else raise 'You must enter a number for the height' end if @row_styles[(row+1).to_s].nil? @row_styles[(row+1).to_s] = {} @row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:style] = '0' end @row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:height] = height @row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:customHeight] = '1' end def change_row_horizontal_alignment(row=0,alignment='center') validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) validate_horizontal_alignment(alignment) change_row_alignment(row,alignment,true) end def change_row_vertical_alignment(row=0,alignment='center') validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) validate_vertical_alignment(alignment) change_row_alignment(row,alignment,false) end def change_row_border_top(row=0,weight='thin') change_row_border(row, :top, weight) end def change_row_border_left(row=0,weight='thin') change_row_border(row, :left, weight) end def change_row_border_right(row=0,weight='thin') change_row_border(row, :right, weight) end def change_row_border_bottom(row=0,weight='thin') change_row_border(row, :bottom, weight) end def change_row_border_diagonal(row=0,weight='thin') change_row_border(row, :diagonal, weight) end # Changes font name of column def change_column_font_name(col=0, font_name='Verdana') # Get style object xf_id = xf_id(get_col_style(col)) # Get copy of font object with modified name font = deep_copy(@workbook.fonts[xf_id[:fontId].to_s][:font]) font[:name][:attributes][:val] = font_name.to_s # Update font and xf array change_column_font(col, Worksheet::NAME, font_name, font, xf_id) end # Changes font size of column def change_column_font_size(col=0, font_size=10) # Get style object xf_id = xf_id(get_col_style(col)) # Get copy of font object with modified size font = deep_copy(@workbook.fonts[xf_id[:fontId].to_s][:font]) font[:sz][:attributes][:val] = font_size # Update font and xf array change_column_font(col, Worksheet::SIZE, font_size, font, xf_id) end # Changes font color of column def change_column_font_color(col=0, font_color='000000') Color.validate_color(font_color) # Get style object xf_id = xf_id(get_col_style(col)) # Get copy of font object with modified color font = deep_copy(@workbook.fonts[xf_id[:fontId].to_s][:font]) font = modify_font_color(font, font_color.to_s) # Update font and xf array change_column_font(col, Worksheet::COLOR, font_color, font, xf_id) end # Changes font italics settings of column def change_column_italics(col=0, italicized=false) # Get style object xf_id = xf_id(get_col_style(col)) # Get copy of font object with modified italics settings font = deep_copy(@workbook.fonts[xf_id[:fontId].to_s][:font]) font = modify_font_italics(font, italicized) # Update font and xf array change_column_font(col, Worksheet::ITALICS, italicized, font, xf_id) end # Changes font bold settings of column def change_column_bold(col=0, bolded=false) # Get style object xf_id = xf_id(get_col_style(col)) # Get copy of font object with modified bold settings font = deep_copy(@workbook.fonts[xf_id[:fontId].to_s][:font]) font = modify_font_bold(font, bolded) # Update font and xf array change_column_font(col, Worksheet::BOLD, bolded, font, xf_id) end # Changes font underline settings of column def change_column_underline(col=0, underlined=false) # Get style object xf_id = xf_id(get_col_style(col)) # Get copy of font object with modified underline settings font = deep_copy(@workbook.fonts[xf_id[:fontId].to_s][:font]) font = modify_font_underline(font, underlined) # Update font and xf array change_column_font(col, Worksheet::UNDERLINE, underlined, font, xf_id) end # Changes font strikethrough settings of column def change_column_strikethrough(col=0, struckthrough=false) # Get style object xf_id = xf_id(get_col_style(col)) # Get copy of font object with modified strikethrough settings font = deep_copy(@workbook.fonts[xf_id[:fontId].to_s][:font]) font = modify_font_strikethrough(font, struckthrough) # Update font and xf array change_column_font(col, Worksheet::STRIKETHROUGH, struckthrough, font, xf_id) end def change_column_width(col=0,width=13) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) increase_columns(col) i = get_cols_index(col) if width.to_i.to_s == width.to_s width = Integer(width) elsif width.to_f.to_s == width.to_s width = Float(width) else raise 'You must enter a number for the width' end change_cols(i,col) @cols.last[:attributes][:width] = width @cols.last[:attributes][:customWidth] = '1' end def change_column_fill(col=0, color_index='ffffff') validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) Color.validate_color(color_index) increase_columns(col) i = get_cols_index(col) if cols[i].nil? style_index = 0 else #just copies any style if there is none which already exists for this col #while it changes style/min/max, width *might* be preserved style_index = Integer(@cols[i][:attributes][:style]) end modify_fill(@workbook,style_index,color_index) change_cols(i,col) @sheet_data.each_with_index do |row,i| c = row[Integer(col)] unless c.nil? c.change_fill(color_index) end end end def change_column_horizontal_alignment(col=0,alignment='center') validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) validate_horizontal_alignment(alignment) change_column_alignment(col,alignment,true) end def change_column_vertical_alignment(col=0,alignment='center') validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) validate_vertical_alignment(alignment) change_column_alignment(col,alignment,false) end def change_column_border_top(col=0,weight='thin') change_column_border(col,:top,weight) end def change_column_border_left(col=0,weight='thin') change_column_border(col,:left,weight) end def change_column_border_right(col=0,weight='thin') change_column_border(col,:right,weight) end def change_column_border_bottom(col=0,weight='thin') change_column_border(col,:bottom,weight) end def change_column_border_diagonal(col=0,weight='thin') change_column_border(col,:diagonal,weight) end # merges cells within a rectangular range def merge_cells(row1=0,col1=0,row2=0,col2=0) validate_workbook @merged_cells << { :attributes => { :ref => '' } } cell1 = Cell.convert_to_cell(row1,col1) cell2 = Cell.convert_to_cell(row2,col2) @merged_cells.last[:attributes][:ref] = cell1+':'+cell2 end def add_cell(row=0, column=0, data='', formula=nil,overwrite=true) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) validate_nonnegative(column) unless @sheet_data.size > row && @sheet_data[row].size > column increase_columns(column) increase_rows(row) end datatype = 'str' unless formula.nil? datatype = '' end if overwrite || @sheet_data[row][column].nil? @sheet_data[row][column] =,row,column,data,formula,datatype) if (data.is_a?Integer) || (data.is_a?Float) @sheet_data[row][column].datatype = '' end col = @cols[get_cols_index(column)] if @row_styles[(row+1).to_s] != nil @sheet_data[row][column].style_index = @row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:style] elsif col != nil @sheet_data[row][column].style_index = col[:attributes][:style] end end add_cell_style(row,column) return @sheet_data[row][column] end def add_cell_obj(cell, overwrite=true) validate_workbook if cell.nil? return cell end row = cell.row column = cell.column validate_nonnegative(row) validate_nonnegative(column) unless @sheet_data.size > row && @sheet_data[row].size > column increase_columns(column) increase_rows(row) end if overwrite || @sheet_data[row][column].nil? @sheet_data[row][column] = cell end add_cell_style(row,column) return @sheet_data[row][column] end def delete_row(row_index=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row_index) if row_index >= @sheet_data.size return nil end deleted = @sheet_data.delete_at(row_index) row_num = row_index+1 row_num.upto(@sheet_data.size) do |index| @row_styles[(index-1).to_s] = deep_copy(@row_styles[index.to_s]) end @row_styles.delete(@sheet_data.size.to_s) #change row styles # raise row_styles.inspect #change cell row numbers (row_index...(@sheet_data.size-1)).each do |index| @sheet_data[index].map {|c| c.row -= 1 if c} end return deleted end #inserts row at row_index, pushes down, copies style from below (row previously at that index) #USE OF THIS METHOD will break formulas which reference cells which are being "pushed down" def insert_row(row_index=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row_index) increase_rows(row_index) @sheet_data.insert(row_index,[row_index].size)) row_num = row_index+1 #copy cell styles from row above, (or below if first row) @sheet_data[row_index].each_index do |i| if row_index > 0 old_cell = @sheet_data[row_index-1][i] else old_cell = @sheet_data[row_index+1][i] end unless old_cell.nil? #only add cell if style exists, not copying content if @row_styles[(row_num+1).to_s].nil? @row_styles[(row_num+1).to_s] = {:style=>0} end if old_cell.style_index != 0 && old_cell.style_index.to_s != @row_styles[(row_num+1).to_s][:style].to_s c =,row_index,i) c.style_index = old_cell.style_index @sheet_data[row_index][i] = c end end end #copy row styles from row above, (or below if first row) (@row_styles.size+1).downto(row_num+1) do |i| @row_styles[i.to_s] = @row_styles[(i-1).to_s] end if row_index > 0 @row_styles[row_num.to_s] = @row_styles[(row_num-1).to_s] else @row_styles[row_num.to_s] = nil#@row_styles[(row_num+1).to_s] end #update row value for all rows below (row_index+1).upto(@sheet_data.size-1) do |i| row = @sheet_data[i] row.each do |c| unless c.nil? c.row += 1 end end end return @sheet_data[row_index] end def delete_column(col_index=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col_index) if col_index >= @sheet_data[0].size return nil end #delete column {|r| r.delete_at(col_index)} #change column numbers for cells to right of deleted column @sheet_data.each_with_index do |row,row_index| (col_index...(row.size)).each do |index| if @sheet_data[row_index][index].is_a?(Cell) @sheet_data[row_index][index].column -= 1 end end end #shift column styles #shift col styles 'left' @cols.each do |col| if Integer(col[:attributes][:min]) >= col_index col[:attributes][:min] = (Integer(col[:attributes][:min]) - 1).to_s end if Integer(col[:attributes][:max]) >= col_index col[:attributes][:max] = (Integer(col[:attributes][:max]) - 1).to_s end end end # inserts column at col_index, pushes everything right, takes styles from column to left # USE OF THIS METHOD will break formulas which reference cells which are being "pushed down" def insert_column(col_index=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col_index) increase_columns(col_index) old_index = col_index > 0 ? col_index-1 : col_index+1 old_col = @cols[get_cols_index(old_index)] if old_index == 1 old_col = nil end #go through each cell in column @sheet_data.each_with_index do |r,i| #insert "column" in each row r.insert(col_index, nil) #copy styles over to each cell old_cell = r[old_index] unless old_cell.nil? #only add cell if style exists, not copying content if old_cell.style_index != 0 if !old_col.nil? && old_cell.style_index.to_s != old_col[:attributes][:style].to_s c =,i,col_index) c.style_index = old_cell.style_index @sheet_data[i][col_index] = c end end end end #copy over column-level styles new_col = change_cols(get_cols_index(old_index),old_index) @cols[-1] = deep_copy(old_col)#-1 = last new_col = @cols.last if @cols.last.nil? @cols.pop end #shift col styles 'right' @cols.each do |col| if Integer(col[:attributes][:min]) > col_index col[:attributes][:min] = (1 + Integer(col[:attributes][:min])).to_s end if Integer(col[:attributes][:max]) > col_index col[:attributes][:max] = (1 + Integer(col[:attributes][:max])).to_s end end unless new_col.nil? new_col[:attributes][:min] = (1 + Integer(new_col[:attributes][:min])).to_s new_col[:attributes][:max] = (1 + Integer(new_col[:attributes][:max])).to_s end #update column numbers @sheet_data.each do |row| (col_index+1).upto(row.size) do |j| unless row[j].nil? row[j].column += 1 end end end end def insert_cell(row=0,col=0,data=nil,formula=nil,shift=nil) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) validate_nonnegative(col) increase_rows(row) increase_columns(col) if shift && shift != :right && shift != :down raise 'invalid shift option' end if shift == :right @sheet_data[row].insert(col,nil) (row...(@sheet_data[row].size)).each do |index| if @sheet_data[row][index].is_a?(Cell) @sheet_data[row][index].column += 1 end end elsif shift == :down @sheet_data <<[row].size) (@sheet_data.size-1).downto(row+1) do |index| @sheet_data[index][col] = @sheet_data[index-1][col] end end return add_cell(row,col,data,formula) end # by default, only sets cell to nil # if :left is specified, method will shift row contents to the right of the deleted cell to the left # if :up is specified, method will shift column contents below the deleted cell upward def delete_cell(row=0,col=0,shift=nil) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) validate_nonnegative(col) if @sheet_data.size <= row || @sheet_data[row].size <= col return nil end cell = @sheet_data[row][col] @sheet_data[row][col]=nil if shift && shift != :left && shift != :up raise 'invalid shift option' end if shift == :left @sheet_data[row].delete_at(col) @sheet_data[row] << nil (col...(@sheet_data[row].size)).each do |index| if @sheet_data[row][index].is_a?(Cell) @sheet_data[row][index].column -= 1 end end elsif shift == :up (row...(@sheet_data.size-1)).each do |index| @sheet_data[index][col] = @sheet_data[index+1][col] if @sheet_data[index][col].is_a?(Cell) @sheet_data[index][col].row -= 1 end end if @sheet_data.last[col].is_a?(Cell) @sheet_data.last[col].row -= 1 end end return cell end def get_row_fill(row=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) if @sheet_data.size <= row return nil end if @row_styles[(row+1).to_s].nil? return "ffffff" #default, white end xf = xf_attr_row(row) return @workbook.get_fill_color(xf) end def get_row_font_name(row=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) if @sheet_data.size <= row return nil end if @row_styles[(row+1).to_s].nil? return 'Verdana' end xf = xf_attr_row(row) return @workbook.fonts[xf[:fontId].to_s][:font][:name][:attributes][:val] end def get_row_font_size(row=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) if @sheet_data.size <= row return nil end if @row_styles[(row+1).to_s].nil? return '10' end xf = xf_attr_row(row) return @workbook.fonts[xf[:fontId].to_s][:font][:sz][:attributes][:val] end def get_row_font_color(row=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) if @sheet_data.size <= row return nil end if @row_styles[(row+1).to_s].nil? return '000000' end xf = xf_attr_row(row) color = @workbook.fonts[xf[:fontId].to_s][:font][:color] if color.nil? || color[:attributes].nil? || color[:attributes][:rgb].nil? return '000000' end return color[:attributes][:rgb] end def is_row_italicized(row=0) return get_row_bool(row,:i) end def is_row_bolded(row=0) return get_row_bool(row,:b) end def is_row_underlined(row=0) return get_row_bool(row,:u) end def is_row_struckthrough(row=0) return get_row_bool(row,:strike) end def get_row_height(row=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) if @sheet_data.size <= row return nil end if @row_styles[(row+1).to_s].nil? return 13 else @row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:height] end end def get_row_horizontal_alignment(row=0) return get_row_alignment(row,true) end def get_row_vertical_alignment(row=0) return get_row_alignment(row,false) end def get_row_border_top(row=0) return get_row_border(row,:top) end def get_row_border_left(row=0) return get_row_border(row,:left) end def get_row_border_right(row=0) return get_row_border(row,:right) end def get_row_border_bottom(row=0) return get_row_border(row,:bottom) end def get_row_border_diagonal(row=0) return get_row_border(row,:diagonal) end def get_column_font_name(col=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) if @sheet_data[0].size <= col return nil end style_index = get_cols_style_index(col) return @workbook.fonts[font_id( style_index ).to_s][:font][:name][:attributes][:val] end def get_column_font_size(col=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) if @sheet_data[0].size <= col return nil end style_index = get_cols_style_index(col) return @workbook.fonts[font_id( style_index ).to_s][:font][:sz][:attributes][:val] end def get_column_font_color(col=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) if @sheet_data[0].size <= col return nil end style_index = get_cols_style_index(col) font = @workbook.fonts[font_id( style_index ).to_s][:font] if font[:color].nil? || font[:color][:attributes].nil? || font[:color][:attributes][:rgb].nil? return '000000' end return font[:color][:attributes][:rgb] end def is_column_italicized(col=0) get_column_bool(col,:i) end def is_column_bolded(col=0) get_column_bool(col,:b) end def is_column_underlined(col=0) get_column_bool(col,:u) end def is_column_struckthrough(col=0) get_column_bool(col,:strike) end def get_column_width(col=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) if @sheet_data[0].size <= col return nil end cols_index = get_cols_index(col) if @cols[cols_index].nil? || @cols[cols_index][:attributes].nil? || @cols[cols_index][:attributes][:width].to_s == '' return 10 end return @cols[cols_index][:attributes][:width] end def get_column_fill(col=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) if @sheet_data[0].size <= col return nil end style_index = get_cols_style_index(col) if style_index == 0 return "ffffff" #default, white end return @workbook.get_fill_color(@workbook.cell_xfs[:xf][style_index][:attributes]) end def get_column_horizontal_alignment(col=0) get_column_alignment(col, :horizontal) end def get_column_vertical_alignment(col=0) get_column_alignment(col, :vertical) end def get_column_border_top(col=0) return get_column_border(col,:top) end def get_column_border_left(col=0) return get_column_border(col,:left) end def get_column_border_right(col=0) return get_column_border(col,:right) end def get_column_border_bottom(col=0) return get_column_border(col,:bottom) end def get_column_border_diagonal(col=0) return get_column_border(col,:diagonal) end private Worksheet::NAME = 0 Worksheet::SIZE = 1 Worksheet::COLOR = 2 Worksheet::ITALICS = 3 Worksheet::BOLD = 4 Worksheet::UNDERLINE = 5 Worksheet::STRIKETHROUGH = 6 #row_styles is assumed to not be nil at specified row def xf_attr_row(row) row_style = @row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:style] return @workbook.get_style_attributes(@workbook.get_style(row_style)) end def xf_attr_col(column) col_style = @cols[get_cols_index(column)][:style] return @workbook.get_style_attributes(@workbook.get_style(Integer(col_style))) end def get_row_bool(row,property) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) if @sheet_data.size <= row return nil end if @row_styles[(row+1).to_s].nil? return false end xf = xf_attr_row(row) return !@workbook.fonts[xf[:fontId].to_s][:font][property].nil? end def get_row_alignment(row,is_horizontal) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) if @sheet_data.size <= row || @row_styles[(row+1).to_s].nil? return nil end xf_obj = @workbook.get_style(@row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:style]) if xf_obj[:alignment].nil? || xf_obj[:alignment][:attributes].nil? return nil end if is_horizontal return xf_obj[:alignment][:attributes][:horizontal].to_s else return xf_obj[:alignment][:attributes][:vertical].to_s end end def get_row_border(row,border_direction) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) if @sheet_data.size <= row || @row_styles[(row+1).to_s].nil? return nil end if @workbook.borders[xf_attr_row(row)[:borderId]].nil? && !@workbook.borders[xf_attr_row(row)[:borderId].to_s].nil? @workbook.borders[xf_attr_row(row)[:borderId]] = deep_copy(@workbook.borders[xf_attr_row(row)[:borderId].to_s]) @workbook.borders.delete(xf_attr_row(row)[:borderId].to_s) end if @workbook.borders[xf_attr_row(row)[:borderId]][:border][border_direction][:attributes].nil? return nil end return @workbook.borders[xf_attr_row(row)[:borderId]][:border][border_direction][:attributes][:style] end def get_column_bool(col,property) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) if @sheet_data[0].size <= col return nil end style_index = get_cols_style_index(col) return !@workbook.fonts[font_id( style_index ).to_s][:font][property].nil? end def get_column_alignment(col, type) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) if @sheet_data[0].size <= col return nil end style_index = get_cols_style_index(col) xf_obj = @workbook.get_style(style_index) if xf_obj[:alignment].nil? return nil end return xf_obj[:alignment][:attributes][type] end def get_column_border(col, border_direction) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) style_index = get_cols_style_index(col) xf = @workbook.get_style_attributes(@workbook.get_style(style_index)) if @sheet_data[0].size <= col return nil end if @workbook.borders[xf[:borderId]].nil? && !@workbook.borders[xf[:borderId].to_s].nil? @workbook.borders[xf[:borderId]] = deep_copy(@workbook.borders[xf[:borderId].to_s]) @workbook.borders.delete(xf[:borderId].to_s) end if @workbook.borders[xf[:borderId]][:border][border_direction][:attributes].nil? return nil end return @workbook.borders[xf[:borderId]][:border][border_direction][:attributes][:style] end def deep_copy(hash) Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(hash)) end #validates Workbook, ensures that this worksheet is in @workbook def validate_workbook() unless @workbook.nil? || @workbook.worksheets.nil? @workbook.worksheets.each do |sheet| if sheet == self return end end end raise "This worksheet #{self} is not in workbook #{@workbook}" end # because cols is not ordered by col num, this actually gets # the index in the array based on which column is actually being asked for by the user def get_cols_index(col) i = @cols.size - 1 @cols.reverse_each do |column| if col >= (Integer(column[:attributes][:min])-1) if col <= (Integer(column[:attributes][:max])-1) break end end i -= 1 end if i < 0 i = @cols.size #effectively nil end i end def get_cols_style_index(col) cols_index = get_cols_index(col) if cols_index == @cols.size return 0 end return Integer(@cols[cols_index][:attributes][:style]) end #change cols array def change_cols(i,col_index) style = '0' if @cols[i].nil? @cols << {:attributes=>{:style=>nil,:min=>nil,:max=>nil,:width=>nil,:customWidth=>nil}} else @cols << deep_copy(@cols[i]) style = @cols[i][:attributes][:style] end @cols.last[:attributes][:style] = style @cols.last[:attributes][:min] = (Integer(col_index)+1).to_s @cols.last[:attributes][:max] = (Integer(col_index)+1).to_s @cols.last[:attributes][:width] = '10' @cols.last[:attributes][:customWidth] = '0' end # Helper method to update the row styles array # change_type - NAME or SIZE or COLOR etc # main method to change font, called from each separate font mutator method def change_row_font(row, change_type, arg, font, xf_id) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) increase_rows(row) # Modify font array and retrieve new font id font_id = modify_font(@workbook, font, xf_id[:fontId].to_s) # Get copy of xf object with modified font id xf = deep_copy(xf_id) xf[:fontId] = Integer(font_id) # Modify xf array and retrieve new xf id @row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:style] = modify_xf(@workbook, xf) if @sheet_data[row].nil? @sheet_data[row] = [] end @sheet_data[Integer(row)].each do |c| unless c.nil? font_switch(c, change_type, arg) end end end # Helper method to update the fonts and cell styles array # main method to change font, called from each separate font mutator method def change_column_font(col, change_type, arg, font, xf_id) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) increase_columns(col) i = get_cols_index(col) # Modify font array and retrieve new font id font_id = modify_font(@workbook, font, xf_id[:fontId].to_s) # Get copy of xf object with modified font id xf = deep_copy(xf_id) xf[:fontId] = Integer(font_id) # Modify xf array and retrieve new xf id modify_xf(@workbook, xf) change_cols(i, col) @sheet_data.each_with_index do |row, i| c = row[col] unless c.nil? font_switch(c, change_type, arg) end end end #performs correct modification based on what type of change_type is specified def font_switch(c,change_type,arg) case change_type when Worksheet::NAME unless arg.is_a?String raise 'Not a String' end c.change_font_name(arg) when Worksheet::SIZE unless arg.is_a?(Integer) || arg.is_a?(Float) raise 'Not a Number' end c.change_font_size(arg) when Worksheet::COLOR Color.validate_color(arg) c.change_font_color(arg) when Worksheet::ITALICS unless arg == !!arg raise 'Not a boolean' end c.change_font_italics(arg) when Worksheet::BOLD unless arg == !!arg raise 'Not a boolean' end c.change_font_bold(arg) when Worksheet::UNDERLINE unless arg == !!arg raise 'Not a boolean' end c.change_font_underline(arg) when Worksheet::STRIKETHROUGH unless arg == !!arg raise 'Not a boolean' end c.change_font_strikethrough(arg) else raise 'Invalid change_type' end end #increases number of rows until the array at index row is not nil def increase_rows(row) @sheet_data.size.upto(row) do @sheet_data <<[0].size) end end #increases number of columns until the array at index column is not nil def increase_columns(column) @sheet_data.each do |r| r.size.upto(column) do r << nil end end end # Helper method to get the font id for a style index def font_id(style_index) xf_id(style_index)[:fontId] end # Helper method to get the style attributes for a style index def xf_id(style_index) @workbook.get_style_attributes(@workbook.get_style(style_index)) end # Helper method to get the style index for a row def get_row_style(row) if @row_styles[(row+1).to_s].nil? @row_styles[(row+1).to_s] = {} @row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:style] = '0' @workbook.fonts['0'][:count] += 1 end return @row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:style] end # Helper method to get the style index for a column def get_col_style(col) i = get_cols_index(col) if @cols[i].nil? @workbook.fonts['0'][:count] += 1 return 0 else return Integer(@cols[i][:attributes][:style]) end end def change_row_alignment(row,alignment,is_horizontal) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) increase_rows(row) if @row_styles[(row+1).to_s].nil? @row_styles[(row+1).to_s] = {} @row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:style] = '0' end @row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:style] = modify_alignment(@workbook,@row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:style],is_horizontal,alignment) @sheet_data[row].each do |c| unless c.nil? if is_horizontal c.change_horizontal_alignment(alignment) else c.change_vertical_alignment(alignment) end end end end def change_column_alignment(col,alignment,is_horizontal) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) increase_columns(col) i = get_cols_index(col) if @cols[i].nil? style_index = 0 else style_index = Integer(@cols[i][:attributes][:style]) end style_index = modify_alignment(@workbook,style_index,is_horizontal,alignment) change_cols(i,col) @cols[i][:attributes][:style] = style_index @sheet_data.each_with_index do |row,i| c = row[Integer(col)] unless c.nil? if is_horizontal c.change_horizontal_alignment(alignment) else c.change_vertical_alignment(alignment) end end end end def change_row_border(row, direction, weight) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) validate_border(weight) increase_rows(row) if @row_styles[(row+1).to_s].nil? @row_styles[(row+1).to_s]= {} @row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:style] = '0' end @row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:style] = modify_border(@workbook,@row_styles[(row+1).to_s][:style]) if @workbook.borders[xf_attr_row(row)[:borderId]][:border][direction][:attributes].nil? @workbook.borders[xf_attr_row(row)[:borderId]][:border][direction][:attributes] = { :style => nil } end @workbook.borders[xf_attr_row(row)[:borderId]][:border][direction][:attributes][:style] = weight.to_s @sheet_data[row].each do |c| unless c.nil? case direction when :top c.change_border_top(weight) when :left c.change_border_left(weight) when :right c.change_border_right(weight) when :bottom c.change_border_bottom(weight) when :diagonal c.change_border_diagonal(weight) else raise 'invalid direction' end end end end def change_column_border(col,direction,weight) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) validate_border(weight) increase_columns(col) i = get_cols_index(col) if @cols[i].nil? style_index = 0 else style_index = Integer(@cols[i][:attributes][:style]) end style_index = modify_border(@workbook,style_index) change_cols(i,col) xf = @workbook.get_style_attributes(@workbook.get_style(style_index)) if @workbook.borders[xf[:borderId]][:border][direction][:attributes].nil? @workbook.borders[xf[:borderId]][:border][direction][:attributes] = { :style => nil } end @workbook.borders[xf[:borderId]][:border][direction][:attributes][:style] = weight.to_s @sheet_data.each_with_index do |row,i| c = row[Integer(col)] unless c.nil? case direction when :top c.change_border_top(weight) when :left c.change_border_left(weight) when :right c.change_border_right(weight) when :bottom c.change_border_bottom(weight) when :diagonal c.change_border_diagonal(weight) else raise 'invalid direction' end end end end def add_cell_style(row,column) xf = @workbook.get_style_attributes(@workbook.get_style(@sheet_data[row][column].style_index)) @workbook.fonts[xf[:fontId].to_s][:count] += 1 @workbook.fills[xf[:fillId].to_s][:count] += 1 @workbook.borders[xf[:borderId].to_s][:count] += 1 end # finds first row which contains at least all strings in cells_content def find_first_row_with_content(cells_content) validate_workbook index = nil @sheet_data.each_with_index do |row, index| cells_content = { |header| header.to_s.downcase.strip } original_cells_content = { |cell| cell.nil? ? '' : cell.value.to_s.downcase.strip } if (cells_content & original_cells_content).size == cells_content.size return index end end return nil end end #end class end