#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA require "gtk3" require "optparse" require "fileutils" current_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) gresource_bin = "#{current_path}/demo.gresource" gresource_xml = "#{current_path}/demo.gresource.xml" system("glib-compile-resources", "--target", gresource_bin, "--sourcedir", current_path, gresource_xml) gschema_bin = "#{current_path}/gschemas.compiled" system("glib-compile-schemas", current_path) at_exit do FileUtils.rm_f([gresource_bin, gschema_bin]) end resource = Gio::Resource.load(gresource_bin) Gio::Resources.register(resource) ENV["GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR"] = current_path TITLE_COLUMN = 0 FILENAME_COLUMN = 1 STYLE_COLUMN = 2 def script_info(path) title = depend = nil file = File.open(path) file.each do |ln| if !title && ln =~ /^=\s+(.*)$/ title = Regexp.last_match(1) if title =~ /^(.*)\((.+?)\)$/ title = Regexp.last_match(1) depend = Regexp.last_match(2) end end break if title end [title, depend] end def generate_index # Target scripts scripts = Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "*.rb")) # Generate index tree children = {} index = [] scripts.each do |script| next if "main.rb" == File.basename(script) title, depend = script_info(script) next if depend && !Gtk.const_defined?(depend) if title =~ %r{^(.+?)/(.+)$} parent = Regexp.last_match(1) child = Regexp.last_match(2) unless children[parent] children[parent] = [] index += [[parent, nil, []]] end children[parent] += [[child, script]] else index += [[title, script]] end end # Sort children children.each_key do |parent| children[parent].sort! do |a, b| a[0] <=> b[0] end end # Expand children index.collect! do |row| row[2] = children[row[0]] if row[2] row end index.sort! do |a, b| a[0] <=> b[0] end index end def append_children(model, source, parent = nil) source.each do |title, filename, children| iter = model.append(parent) iter[TITLE_COLUMN] = title iter[FILENAME_COLUMN] = filename iter[STYLE_COLUMN] = Pango::FontDescription::STYLE_NORMAL append_children(model, children, iter) if children end end def get_demo_name_from_filename(filename) File.basename(filename, ".rb").tr("-", "_") end def get_class_name_from_filename(filename) pattern = get_demo_name_from_filename(filename) class_name = pattern.split("_").map(&:capitalize).join class_name << "Demo" end def list_demos(source, is_child = false) source.each do |title, filename, children| if is_child printf("%-30.30s", "\t" + title) printf("%-30.30s", get_demo_name_from_filename(filename)) puts "" elsif filename printf("%-38.38s", title) printf("%-30.30s", get_demo_name_from_filename(filename)) puts "" else puts "#{title} : " end list_demos(children, true) if children end end def find_demo_filename_from_name(source, name) demo_filename = nil source.each do |_title, filename, children| if filename && name == get_demo_name_from_filename(filename) demo_filename = filename end break if demo_filename (demo_filename = find_demo_filename_from_name(children, name)) if children end demo_filename end def get_demo_filename_from_name(name) index = generate_index filename = find_demo_filename_from_name(index, name) puts "Demo not found" unless filename filename end def run_demo_from_file(filename, window) class_name = get_class_name_from_filename(filename) require filename unless Object.const_defined?(class_name) klass = Object.const_get(class_name) demo = klass.new(window) demo_window = demo.run if demo_window && demo_window.is_a?(Gtk::Window) demo_window.set_transient_for(window) demo_window.modal = true end demo_window end def select_treeview_item(treeview, filename) to_select = nil treeview.model.each do |model, path, iter| if iter[FILENAME_COLUMN] == filename to_select = path break end end treeview.expand_to_path(to_select) treeview.set_cursor(to_select, treeview.columns[FILENAME_COLUMN]) end class Demo < Gtk::Application def initialize super("org.gtk.Demo", [:non_unique, :handles_command_line]) @current_file = nil action = Gio::SimpleAction.new("quit") action.signal_connect "activate" do |_action, _parameter| quit end add_action(action) action = Gio::SimpleAction.new("about") action.signal_connect "activate" do |_action, _parameter| Gtk::AboutDialog.show(active_window, "program_name" => "GTK+ Demo", "version" => Gtk::Version::STRING, "copyright" => "(C) 1997-2013 The GTK+ Team", "license_type" => Gtk::License::LGPL_2_1, "website" => "http://www.gtk.org", "comments" => "Program to demonstrate GTK+ widgets", "authors" => ["The GTK+ Team"], "logo_icon_name" => "gtk3-demo", "title" => "About GTK+ Demo") end add_action(action) @options = {} @exit_status = 0 signal_connect "startup" do |application| @builder = Gtk::Builder.new(:resource => "/ui/main.ui") appmenu = @builder["appmenu"] application.set_app_menu(appmenu) @info_buffer = Gtk::TextBuffer.new @source_buffer = Gtk::TextBuffer.new @info_buffer.create_tag("title", "font" => "Sans 18") @source_buffer.create_tag("comment", "foreground" => "red") @source_buffer.create_tag("const", "foreground" => "ForestGreen") @source_buffer.create_tag("string", "foreground" => "RosyBrown", "weight" => Pango::FontDescription::WEIGHT_BOLD) @source_buffer.create_tag("reserved", "foreground" => "purple") end signal_connect "activate" do |_application| begin run_application rescue => error report_error(error) @exit_status = 1 end end signal_connect "command-line" do |_application, command_line| begin parse_command_line(command_line.arguments) rescue SystemExit => error error.status rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => error puts error.message 1 rescue => error report_error(error) 1 else activate @exit_status end end end private def parse_command_line(arguments) parser = OptionParser.new parser.on("-r", "--run EXAMPLE", "Run an example") do |example| @options[:name] = example end parser.on("-a", "--autoquit", "Quit after a delay") do @options[:autoquit] = true end parser.on("-l", "--list", "List examples") do @options[:list] = true end parser.parse(arguments) end def report_error(error) puts "#{error.class}: #{error.message}" puts error.backtrace end def run_application if @options[:list] list_demos(generate_index) quit end window = @builder["window"] add_window(window) action = Gio::SimpleAction.new("run") action.signal_connect "activate" do |_action, _parameter| selection = @treeview.selection iter = selection.selected filename = iter[1] run_demo_from_file(filename, windows.first) if filename end window.add_action(action) @notebook = @builder["notebook"] @info_view = @builder["info-textview"] @source_view = @builder["source-textview"] headerbar = @builder["headerbar"] @treeview = @builder["treeview"] model = @treeview.model append_children(model, generate_index) @source_sw = @builder["source-scrolledwindow"] scrollbar = @source_sw.vscrollbar @menu = Gtk::Menu.new item = Gtk::MenuItem.new(:label => "Start") @menu.append(item) item.signal_connect "activate" do adj = scrollbar.adjustment adj.value = adj.lower end item = Gtk::MenuItem.new(:label => "End") @menu.append(item) item.signal_connect "activate" do adj = scrollbar.adjustment adj.value = adj.upper - adj.page_size end @info_sw = @builder["info-scrolledwindow"] @menu.show_all scrollbar.signal_connect "popup-menu" do |_widget, _button, _activate_time| @menu.popup(nil, nil, 0, Gtk.current_event_time) end @treeview.signal_connect "row-activated" do |_tree_view, path, _column| iter = model.get_iter(path) filename = iter[1] iter[2] = Pango::FontDescription::STYLE_ITALIC demo = run_demo_from_file(filename, windows.first) demo.signal_connect "destroy" do iter[2] = Pango::FontDescription::STYLE_NORMAL end end treeview_selection = @builder["treeview-selection"] treeview_selection.signal_connect "changed" do |selection, _model| iter = selection.selected filename = iter[1] title = iter[0] load_file(filename) if filename headerbar.set_title(title) end window.show_all if @options[:name] filename = get_demo_filename_from_name(@options[:name]) if filename select_treeview_item(@treeview, filename) run_demo_from_file(filename, windows.first) end end if @options[:autoquit] GLib::Timeout.add_seconds(1) do quit end end end def fill_buffers_from(file) start = @info_buffer.get_iter_at(:offset => 0) state = :before_header file.each do |line| case state when :before_header state = :in_header if line =~ /^=begin$/ when :in_header if line =~ /^=end$/ state = :body start = @source_buffer.get_iter_at(:offset => 0) elsif line =~ /^=\s+(.*)$/ title = Regexp.last_match(1) title.gsub!(/\s*\(.*\)$/, "") # Delete depend field last = start @info_buffer.insert(last, title) start = last.clone start.backward_chars(title.length) @info_buffer.apply_tag("title", start, last) start = last else @info_buffer.insert(start, line) end when :body # Reading program body @source_buffer.insert(start, line) end end end def load_file(filename) return if filename == @current_file # implement add_data_tab @info_buffer.delete(*@info_buffer.bounds) @source_buffer.delete(*@source_buffer.bounds) file = begin File.open(filename) rescue $stderr.puts "Cannot open: #{$ERROR_INFO}" if $DEBUG return end fill_buffers_from(file) fontify @source_view.buffer = @source_buffer @info_view.buffer = @info_buffer @current_file = filename end def fontify(start_iter = @source_buffer.start_iter, end_iter = @source_buffer.end_iter) str = @source_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, true) tokenizer = RubyTokenizer.new tokenizer.tokenize(str, start_iter.offset) do |tag, start, last| @source_buffer.apply_tag(tag.to_s, @source_buffer.get_iter_at(:offset => start), @source_buffer.get_iter_at(:offset => last)) end end class RubyTokenizer RESERVED_WORDS = %w(begin end module class def if then else while unless do case when require yield) RESERVED_WORDS_PATTERN = Regexp.compile(/(^|\s+)(#{RESERVED_WORDS.collect do |pat| Regexp.quote(pat) end.join("|")})(\s+|$)/) def tokenize(str, index = 0) until str.empty? tag = nil case str when /".+?"/, /'.+?'/ tag = :string when /#.*$/ tag = :comment when RESERVED_WORDS_PATTERN tag = :reserved when /[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]+/ tag = :const end if tag tokenize($LAST_MATCH_INFO.pre_match, index) do |*args| yield(*args) end yield(tag, index + $LAST_MATCH_INFO.begin(0), index + $LAST_MATCH_INFO.end(0)) index += (str.length - $LAST_MATCH_INFO.post_match.length) str = $LAST_MATCH_INFO.post_match else index += str.length str = "" end end end end end demo = Demo.new exit(demo.run([$PROGRAM_NAME] + ARGV))