#! /usr/bin/env ruby # # check-subnet-ip-consumption # # # DESCRIPTION: # This plugin uses the EC2 API to determine if any subnet in a given region # has consumed IP addresses such that the consumption exceeds a user-specified threshold. # This plugin additionally uses the IAM API to resolve the account alias, # if the user uses the -s/--show-account-alias flag. # # OUTPUT: # plain-text # # PLATFORMS: # Linux # # DEPENDENCIES: # gem: aws-sdk # gem: sensu-plugin # gem: sensu-plugins-aws # # USAGE: # ./check-subnet-ip-consumption.rb -a -k -r -t # # NOTES: # Special thanks to Garrett Kuchta and Antonio Beyah for their assistance. # # LICENSE: # Nick Jacques # Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE # for details. require 'sensu-plugin/check/cli' require 'sensu-plugins-aws' require 'aws-sdk' class CheckSubnetIpConsumption < Sensu::Plugin::Check::CLI include Common option :aws_region, short: '-r AWS_REGION', long: '--aws-region REGION', description: 'AWS Region (defaults to us-east-1).', default: 'us-east-1' option :alert_threshold, short: '-t ', long: '--threshold ', proc: proc { |a| a.to_i }, default: 85, in: (0..100).to_a, description: 'Threshold (in percent) of consumed IP addresses (per subnet) to alert on' option :show_friendly_names, short: '-f', long: '--show-friendly-names', boolean: true, default: false, description: 'Show friendly names (using the Name tag) for AWS objects such as subnets or VPCs' option :show_account_alias, short: '-s', long: '--show-account-alias', boolean: true, default: false, description: 'Show the account alias in the alert output. Requires IAM read privileges.' option :verbosity, short: '-v ', long: '--verbosity ', proc: proc { |a| a.to_i }, in: (0..2).to_a, default: 0, description: 'Manipulate the verbosity of the alert output. Valid options are 0, 1, and 2 (from least to most verbose). Default is 0.' def iam_client @iam_client ||= Aws::IAM::Client.new end def ec2_client @ec2_client ||= Aws::EC2::Client.new end # Returns the alias of the AWS account (if there is one), "" (if there is not), or nil if -s/--show-account-alias is not used. def account_alias # Do not execute IAM API call unless the -s/--show_account_alias flag is specified # (to prevent excess API calls *and* errors if IAM rights are not allowed) return nil unless config[:show_account_alias] begin iam_account_alias = iam_client.list_account_aliases[:account_aliases].first return '' if iam_account_alias.empty? || iam_account_alias.nil? return iam_account_alias rescue => e unknown "An error occured while using AWS IAM to collect the account alias: #{e.message}" end end # Returns the value of the Name tag (if there is one) or "" (if there is not). Used with VPC and subnet objects. def extract_name_tag(tags) # Find the 'Name' key in the tags object and extract it. If the key isn't found, we get nil instead. name_tag = tags.find { |tag| tag.key == 'Name' } # If extracting the key/value was successful... if name_tag # ...extract the value (if there is one), or return !name_tag[:value].empty? ? name_tag[:value] : '' else # Otherwise, there's not a Name key, and thus the object has no name. '' end end # Returns the subnet's friendly name if -f/--show-friendly-names is used, otherwise returns the ID def display_subnet(alert) return alert[:subnet_name] if config[:show_friendly_names] alert[:subnet_id] end # Returns the VPC's friendly name if -f/--show-friendly-names is used, otherwise returns the ID def display_vpc(alert) return alert[:vpc_friendly_name] if config[:show_friendly_names] alert[:subnet_vpc_id] end def run # Subnets that meet the threshold criteria will store info hashes in this array consumption_alert = [] begin subnets = ec2_client.describe_subnets[:subnets] subnets.each do |subnet| # subnet.cidr_block contains '' notation. We want the mask number after the slash. subnet_netblock = subnet.cidr_block.split('/')[1].to_i # Subtract the mask number from 32 and use the result as the exponent of 2 to get the number of possible addresses in the netblock. # Then, subtract 5 from that number. Rationale: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonVPC/latest/UserGuide/VPC_Subnets.html#VPC_Sizing # AWS reserves the first four addresses and the last address in any netblock. subnet_total_capacity = (2**(32 - subnet_netblock)) - 5 # Determine how many IP addresses have been consumed subnet_consumed_capacity = (subnet_total_capacity - subnet.available_ip_address_count) # Divide consumed IPs by total IPs to get percentage. Multiply by 100 and round to get integer percents. subnet_consumed_pct = ((subnet_consumed_capacity.to_f / subnet_total_capacity.to_f) * 100).round(0) # Get the subnet's friendly name subnet_name_tag = extract_name_tag subnet[:tags] # Only get the VPC friendly names if explicitly asked for (otherwise this is a useless API hit) if config[:show_friendly_names] vpc = ec2_client.describe_vpcs(vpc_ids: [subnet.vpc_id])[:vpcs].first vpc_friendly_name = extract_name_tag vpc[:tags] end # Test if the subnet consumption % meets or exceeds the threshold % if subnet_consumed_pct >= config[:alert_threshold] # Add a hash containing subnet info to the consumption_alert array consumption_alert.push(subnet_id: subnet.subnet_id, subnet_name: subnet_name_tag, subnet_consumed_pct: subnet_consumed_pct, subnet_vpc_id: subnet.vpc_id, subnet_consumed_capacity: subnet_consumed_capacity, subnet_total_capacity: subnet_total_capacity, subnet_az: subnet[:availability_zone], cidr_block: subnet[:cidr_block], vpc_friendly_name: vpc_friendly_name) end end rescue => e unknown "An error occurred processing AWS EC2: #{e.message}" end # Process any alerts that might've been generated. if consumption_alert.empty? ok else # Compose alert messages at the configured verbosity alert_msg = [] verbosity0 = '%{subnet} at %{percent}%% [%{vpc}]' verbosity1 = '%{subnet} at %{percent}%% (%{consumed}/%{total}) [%{vpc}]' verbosity2 = '%{subnet} (%{cidr} in %{az}) at %{percent}%% (%{consumed}/%{total}) [%{vpc}]' case config[:verbosity] when 0 consumption_alert.each do |alert| alert_msg.push(verbosity0 % { subnet: (display_subnet alert).to_s, percent: alert[:subnet_consumed_pct], vpc: (display_vpc alert).to_s }) end when 1 consumption_alert.each do |alert| alert_msg.push(verbosity1 % { subnet: (display_subnet alert).to_s, percent: alert[:subnet_consumed_pct], consumed: alert[:subnet_consumed_capacity], total: alert[:subnet_total_capacity], vpc: (display_vpc alert).to_s }) end when 2 consumption_alert.each do |alert| alert_msg.push(verbosity2 % { subnet: (display_subnet alert).to_s, cidr: alert[:cidr_block], az: alert[:subnet_az], percent: alert[:subnet_consumed_pct], consumed: alert[:subnet_consumed_capacity], total: alert[:subnet_total_capacity], vpc: (display_vpc alert).to_s }) end end # Throw critical alert with optional account alias display alert_prefix = '%{count} subnets in %{region} exceeding %{threshold}%% IP consumption threshold: %{alerts}' alert_prefix_with_alias = '%{count} subnets in %{alias} (%{region}) exceeding %{threshold}%% IP consumption threshold: %{alerts}' case config[:show_account_alias] when true critical(alert_prefix_with_alias % { count: alert_msg.length, alias: account_alias, region: config[:aws_region], threshold: config[:alert_threshold], alerts: alert_msg.join(', ') }) when false critical(alert_prefix % { count: alert_msg.length, region: config[:aws_region], threshold: config[:alert_threshold], alerts: alert_msg.join(', ') }) end end end end