require 'brakeman/checks/base_check' class Brakeman::CheckSimpleFormat < Brakeman::CheckCrossSiteScripting Brakeman::Checks.add self @description = "Checks for simple_format XSS vulnerability (CVE-2013-6416) in certain versions" def run_check if version_between? "4.0.0", "4.0.1" @inspect_arguments = true @ignore_methods = Set[:h, :escapeHTML] check_simple_format_usage generic_warning unless @found_any end end def generic_warning message = "Rails #{rails_version} has a vulnerability in simple_format (CVE-2013-6416). Upgrade to Rails version 4.0.2" warn :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :warning_code => :CVE_2013_6416, :message => message, :confidence => CONFIDENCE[:med], :gem_info => gemfile_or_environment, :link_path => "" end def check_simple_format_usage tracker.find_call(:target => false, :method => :simple_format).each do |result| @matched = false process_call result[:call] if @matched warn_on_simple_format result, @matched end end end def process_call exp @mark = true actually_process_call exp exp end def warn_on_simple_format result, match return if duplicate? result add_result result @found_any = true warn :result => result, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :warning_code => :CVE_2013_6416_call, :message => "Values passed to simple_format are not safe in Rails #{rails_version}", :confidence => CONFIDENCE[:high], :link_path => "", :user_input => match end end