Check output of $$date
Today is $$date, I guess
/Today is \d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d, I guess/
Check output of $$time
Tick tock, it's $$time right now
/Tick tock, it's \d\d:\d\d:\d\d right now/
Trying $$b function, no param
This is $$b being called
This is NO PARAMETER being called
Trying $$b function, brackets
This is $$b[bold text] being called
This is bold text being called
Trying $$b function, unterminated brackets
This is $$b[bold text being called
This is bold text being called
Trying $$b function, colon param
This is $$b:token being called
This is token being called
Try $$i
There is $$i[some text] here
There is some text here
Try $$t
There is $$t[some text] here
There is some text here
Try $$s
There is $$s[some text] here
There is some text here
Try $$bi
There is $$bi[some text] here
There is some text here
Try $$bt
There is $$bt[some text] here
There is some text here
Try $$bs
There is $$bs[some text] here
There is some text here
Try $$it
There is $$it[some text] here
There is some text here
Try $$is
There is $$is[some text] here
There is some text here
Try $$ts
There is $$ts[some text] here
There is some text here
Try $$bit
There is $$bit[some text] here
There is some text here
Try $$bis
There is $$bis[some text] here
There is some text here
Try $$bts
There is $$bts[some text] here
There is some text here
Try $$its
There is $$its[some text] here
There is some text here
Try $$bits
There is $$bits[some text] here
There is some text here
Escaped brackets inside bracketed function parameter
Here is an $$t[\[:array, :expression\]] with escapes.
Here is an [:array, :expression] with escapes.
Escape brackets inside *
There are brackets *[\[\]] here
There are brackets [] here
Escape brackets inside _
There are brackets _[\[\]] here
There are brackets [] here
Escape brackets inside `
There are brackets `[\[\]] here
There are brackets [] here
Escape brackets inside ~
There are brackets ~[\[\]] here
There are brackets [] here
Line starts with underscore
_This for example
This for example
Line starts with double underscore
__This, for example
This, for example
Line has embedded underscores
This has some_embedded_underscores
This has some_embedded_underscores
Line has escaped underscores
This has some\_escaped\_underscores
This has some_escaped_underscores
Doubled underscore, midline
This is __doubled, it seems
This is doubled, it seems