module Skr class SoLine < Skr::Model acts_as_uom is_sku_loc_line parent: 'sales_order' belongs_to :sales_order belongs_to :sku_loc, export: true has_one :sku, :through => :sku_loc, export: true has_one :location, :through => :sales_order has_many :pt_lines, :before_add=>:setup_new_pt_line, :inverse_of=>:so_line, extend: Concerns::PT::Lines, :listen=>{save: :update_qty_picking} has_many :inv_lines, :before_add=>:setup_new_inv_line, :inverse_of=>:so_line, extend: Concerns::INV::Lines, :listen=>{save: :update_qty_invoiced} has_many :uom_choices, :through => :sku, :source => :uoms, export: true validates :sales_order, :sku_loc, set: true validates :price, :qty, :numericality=>true validates :qty_allocated, :numericality=>{ :greater_than_or_equal_to=>0 } validate :ensure_allocation_is_correct validate :ensure_so_is_open, on: :create has_additional_events :qty_change before_validation :set_defaults_from_associations before_create :allocate_max_available before_destroy :ensure_deleteable scope :open, ->{ joins(:sales_order).merge( arel_table[:qty].gt( arel_table[:qty_invoiced] ) ) } scope :allocated, ->{ where( arel_table[:qty_allocated].gt( 0 ) ) } scope :unallocated, ->{ t = table_name; where( "#{t}.qty_allocated < #{t}.qty - #{t}.qty_invoiced - #{t}.qty_canceled" ) } scope :unshipped, lambda {|unused=nil| t = table_name; where( "#{t}.qty > #{t}.qty_invoiced + #{t}.qty_canceled" ) } scope :pickable, ->{ where( arel_table[:qty_allocated].gt( arel_table[:qty_picking] ) ) } def location=(location) self.cancel! self.sku_loc = self.sku.sku_locs.find_or_create_for( location ) self.allocate_max_available! self end # allocate the maximum available qty to the line def allocate_max_available self.qty_allocated = [ 0, [ sku_loc.qty_available+qty_allocated, qty ].min ].max if self.sku.does_track_inventory? self end # A line is fully allocated if the qty_allocated is less than the qty ordered - the qty invoiced - the qty canceled # @return [Boolean] def is_fully_allocated? self.qty_allocated >= qty - qty_invoiced - qty_canceled end # The pickable qty is the qty allocated - the qty already on pick tickets # @return [Fixnum] def pickable_qty qty_allocated - qty_picking end def cancel! self.update_attributes :qty_allocated => 0, :qty_picking=> 0 pt_lines.picking.each{ |ptl| ptl.cancel! } end def total qty * price end private def update_qty_invoiced(inv = nil) inv_qty = inv_lines.ea_qty/uom_size update_attributes( :qty_invoiced=> inv_qty, :qty_allocated => [ qty_allocated - inv_qty, 0 ].max ) end def update_qty_picking(pt = nil) update_attributes( :qty_picking=> pt_lines.ea_picking_qty/uom_size ) end def fire_after_save_events %w{ allocated picking invoiced canceled }.each do | event | if changes[ "qty_#{event}" ] fire_pubsub_event( :qty_change ) break end end super end def set_defaults_from_associations self.uom = sku.uoms.default if self.uom_code.blank? self.description = sku.description if self.description.blank? self.sku_code = sku.code if !price && sales_order && sales_order.customer && sku_loc && uom.present? self.price = Skr.config.pricing_provider.price( sku_loc:sku_loc, customer:sales_order.customer, uom:uom, qty:qty ) end true end def setup_new_inv_line( line ) line.qty = self.sku.is_other_charge? ? self.qty : self.qty_allocated setup_new_line(line) end def setup_new_pt_line( line ) line.qty = self.sku.is_other_charge? ? self.qty : self.pickable_qty setup_new_line(line) end def setup_new_line(line) line.price = self.price line.sku_loc = self.sku_loc line.uom = self.uom true end def ensure_allocation_is_correct return true unless qty_allocated_changed? diff = qty_allocated - qty_allocated_was if qty_allocated > qty errors.add(:qty_allocated, "must be less than qty ordered (#{qty})") end if diff > 0 && sku_loc && diff > sku_loc.qty_available errors.add(:qty_allocated, "new allocation (#{qty_allocated}) - old allocation (#{qty_allocated_was}) can't be more than qty available (#{ sku_loc.qty_available })") return false end true end def ensure_so_is_open unless errors.add(:base,"Cannot add item #{self.sku_code} to non-open Sales Order") return false end true end def ensure_deleteable if qty_allocated > 0 errors.add(:base,'Cannot delete line when allocated') return false end if qty_invoiced > 0 errors.add(:base,"Cannot delete line after it's shipped") return false end true end end end # Skr module