require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' describe Sprinkle::Installers::Installer do include Sprinkle::Deployment before do @package = mock(Sprinkle::Package, :name => 'package') @empty = { } @sequence = ['op1', 'op2'] @delivery = mock(Sprinkle::Deployment, :process => true) @installer = create_installer = @delivery @roles = [] @deployment = deployment do delivery :capistrano installer do; prefix '/usr/bin'; end end end def create_installer(&block) installer = @package, &block installer.stub!(:puts).and_return # this is actually an abstract class so we'll insert a few fake install sequences class << installer def install_sequence ['op1', 'op2'] end end installer end describe 'when created' do it 'should belong to a package' do @installer.package.should == @package end describe 'with a block to customize installer defaults' do it 'should accept an optional block to customize installers defaults' do @installer = create_installer do; prefix '/usr/local'; end @installer.prefix.should == '/usr/local' end it 'should override any deployment level defaults' do @installer = create_installer do; prefix '/usr/local'; end @installer.defaults(@deployment) @installer.prefix.should == '/usr/local' end end end describe 'during configuration' do before do @default = { } @defaults = { :installer => @default } @deployment.stub!(:defaults).and_return(@defaults) end it 'should be configurable via external defaults' do @installer.should respond_to(:defaults) end it 'should select the defaults for the particular concrete installer class' do @deployment.should_receive(:defaults).and_return(@defaults) @defaults.should_receive(:[]).with(:installer).and_return(@default) end it 'should configure the installer delivery mechansim' do @installer.should_receive(:instance_eval) end it 'should maintain an options hash set arbitrarily via method missing' do @installer.instance_eval do hsv 'gts' end @installer.hsv.should == 'gts' end after do @installer.defaults(@deployment) end end describe 'during installation' do it 'should request the install sequence from the concrete class' do @installer.should_receive(:install_sequence).and_return(@sequence) end describe 'when testing' do before do Sprinkle::OPTIONS[:testing] = true @logger = mock(ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger, :debug => true, :debug? => true) end it 'should not invoke the delivery mechanism with the install sequence' do @delivery.should_not_receive(:process) end it 'should print the install sequence to the console' do @installer.should_receive(:logger).twice.and_return(@logger) end end describe 'when in production' do it 'should invoke the delivery mechanism to process the install sequence' do @delivery.should_receive(:process).with(, @sequence, @roles) end end after do @installer.process(@roles) Sprinkle::OPTIONS[:testing] = false end end end