set :db_name, "zena" # If you change this: no dots in this name ! set :server_ip, 'nil' # FIXME: set this to your remote server IP in the form: "" set :db_password, nil # FIXME: set password (can be anything). set :app_type, :passenger # You need to give the public key from the server to the git repository if the application is not public set :scm, 'git' set :repository, '' set :branch, 'master' # Uncomment if you are using rvm on the remote server # set :rvm_ruby_string, '1.8.7' if self[:server_ip] #================= ADVANCED SETTINGS =============# set :deploy_to, "/home/#{db_name}/app" set :sites_root, "/home/#{db_name}/sites" set :vhost_root, "/etc/apache2/sites-available" set :deflate, true set :debug_deflate, false set :debug_rewrite, false set :static, [] set :apache2_reload_cmd, "/etc/init.d/apache2 reload" set :debian_host, true set :ssh_user, "root" role :web, "#{ssh_user}@#{server_ip}" role :app, "#{ssh_user}@#{server_ip}" role :db, "#{ssh_user}@#{server_ip}", :primary => true # Set to 'true' if you use rvm on the remote server if self[:rvm_ruby_string] $:.unshift(File.expand_path('./lib', ENV['rvm_path'])) # Add RVM's lib directory to the load path. require "rvm/capistrano" # Load RVM's capistrano plugin. # Uncomment if you are not using a System wide install of rvm # set :rvm_type, :user end #================= END ADVANCED SETTINGS ==========# # We need to set RAILS_ROOT and RAILS_ENV to know which bricks we need to load, activate if !defined?(::RAILS_ROOT) ::RAILS_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) end if !defined?(::RAILS_ENV) ::RAILS_ENV = 'production' end deploy_path = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/lib/zena/deploy" if File.exist?("#{deploy_path}.rb") # We are running directly inside zena require deploy_path else # Zena app, using zena as gem env =, 'environment.rb')) if env =~ /config.gem.*zena.*version.*'(.*?)'/ gem 'zena', "= #{$1}" end require 'zena/deploy' end else puts <<-TXT *********************************************************** You should fix your configurations file 'config/deploy.rb' before running capistrano *********************************************************** TXT end