require 'matrix' if RUBY_VERSION<="1.9.0" class ::Vector alias_method :old_coerce, :coerce def coerce(other) case other when Numeric return, self else raise TypeError, "#{self.class} can't be coerced into #{other.class}" end end end end class ::Matrix def to_gsl out=[] self.row_size.times{|i| out[i]=self.row(i).to_a } GSL::Matrix[*out] end # Calculate marginal of rows def row_sum (0...row_size).collect {|i| row(i).to_a.inject(0) {|a,v| a+v} } end # Calculate marginal of columns def column_sum (0...column_size).collect {|i| column(i).to_a.inject(0) {|a,v| a+v} } end alias :old_par :[] # Select elements and submatrixes # Implement row, column and minor in one method # # * [i,j]:: Element i,j # * [i,:*]:: Row i # * [:*,j]:: Column j # * [i1..i2,j]:: Row i1 to i2, column j def [](*args) raise ArgumentError if args.size!=2 x=args[0] y=args[1] if x.is_a? Integer and y.is_a? Integer @rows[args[0]][args[1]] else # set ranges according to arguments rx=case x when Numeric x..x when :* 0..(row_size-1) when Range x end ry=case y when Numeric y..y when :* 0..(column_size-1) when Range y end Matrix.rows(rx.collect {|i| ry.collect {|j| @rows[i][j]}}) end end # Calculate sum of cells def total_sum row_sum.inject(0){|a,v| a+v} end end module GSL class Matrix def to_matrix rows=self.size1 cols=self.size2 out=(0...rows).collect{|i| (0...cols).collect {|j| self[i,j]} } ::Matrix.rows(out) end end end module Statsample # Method for variance/covariance and correlation matrices module CovariateMatrix def summary rp.add(self) rp.to_text end def type=(v) @type=v end def type if row_size.times.find {|i| self[i,i]!=1.0} :covariance else :correlation end end def correlation if(type==:covariance) matrix=Matrix.rows(row_size.times.collect { |i| column_size.times.collect { |j| if i==j 1.0 else self[i,j].quo(Math::sqrt(self[i,i])*Math::sqrt(self[j,j])) end } }) matrix.extend CovariateMatrix matrix.fields_x=fields_x matrix.fields_y=fields_y matrix.type=:correlation matrix else self end end def fields raise "Should be square" if !square? @fields_x end def fields=(v) raise "Matrix should be square" if !square? @fields_x=v @fields_y=v end def fields_x=(v) raise "Size of fields != row_size" if v.size!=row_size @fields_x=v end def fields_y=(v) raise "Size of fields != column_size" if v.size!=column_size @fields_y=v end def fields_x if @fields_x.nil? @fields_x=row_size.times.collect {|i| i} end @fields_x end def fields_y if @fields_y.nil? @fields_y=column_size.times.collect {|i| i} end @fields_y end def name=(v) @name=v end def name @name end # Select a submatrix of factors. You could use labels or index to select # the factors. # If you don't specify columns, will be equal to rows # Example: # a=Matrix[[1.0, 0.3, 0.2], [0.3, 1.0, 0.5], [0.2, 0.5, 1.0]] # a.extends CovariateMatrix # a.labels=%w{a b c} # a.submatrix(%{c a}, %w{b}) # => Matrix[[0.5],[0.3]] # a.submatrix(%{c a}) # => Matrix[[1.0, 0.2] , [0.2, 1.0]] def submatrix(rows,columns=nil) columns||=rows # Convert all labels on index row_index=rows.collect {|v| v.is_a?(Numeric) ? v : fields_x.index(v) } column_index=columns.collect {|v| v.is_a?(Numeric) ? v : fields_y.index(v) } fx=row_index.collect {|v| fields_x[v]} fy=column_index.collect {|v| fields_y[v]} matrix= Matrix.rows(row_index.collect {|i| row=column_index.collect {|j| self[i,j]}}) matrix.extend CovariateMatrix matrix.fields_x=fx matrix.fields_y=fy matrix.type=type matrix end def to_reportbuilder(generator) @name||= (type==:correlation ? "Correlation":"Covariance")+" Matrix">@name, :header=>[""]+fields_y) row_size.times {|i| t.add_row([fields_x[i]]+@rows[i].collect {|i1| sprintf("%0.3f",i1).gsub("0.",".")}) } generator.parse_element(t) end end end