# # Author:: John Keiser (<jkeiser@chef.io>) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "chef/config" require "chef/knife" require "chef/application/knife" require "logger" require "chef/log" require "chef/chef_fs/file_system_cache" module KnifeSupport DEBUG = ENV["DEBUG"] def knife(*args, input: nil, instance_filter: nil) # Allow knife('role from file roles/blah.json') rather than requiring the # arguments to be split like knife('role', 'from', 'file', 'roles/blah.json') # If any argument will have actual spaces in it, the long form is required. # (Since knife commands always start with the command name, and command # names with spaces are always multiple args, this is safe.) if args.length == 1 args = args[0].split(/\s+/) end # Make output stable Chef::Config[:concurrency] = 1 # Work on machines where we can't access /var Dir.mktmpdir("checksums") do |checksums_cache_dir| Chef::Config[:cache_options] = { path: checksums_cache_dir, skip_expires: true, } # This is Chef::Knife.run without load_commands--we'll load stuff # ourselves, thank you very much stdout = StringIO.new stderr = StringIO.new stdin = if input StringIO.new(input) else STDIN end old_loggers = Chef::Log.loggers old_log_level = Chef::Log.level begin puts "knife: #{args.join(" ")}" if DEBUG subcommand_class = Chef::Knife.subcommand_class_from(args) subcommand_class.options = Chef::Application::Knife.options.merge(subcommand_class.options) subcommand_class.load_deps instance = subcommand_class.new(args) # Load configs instance.merge_configs # Capture stdout/stderr instance.ui = Chef::Knife::UI.new(stdout, stderr, stdin, instance.config.merge(disable_editing: true)) # Don't print stuff Chef::Config[:verbosity] = ( DEBUG ? 2 : 0 ) instance.config[:config_file] = File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "null_config.rb") # Ensure the ChefFS cache is empty Chef::ChefFS::FileSystemCache.instance.reset! # Configure chef with a (mostly) blank knife.rb # We set a global and then mutate it in our stub knife.rb so we can be # extra sure that we're not loading someone's real knife.rb and then # running test scenarios against a real chef server. If things don't # smell right, abort. # To ensure that we don't pick up a user's credentials file we lie through our teeth about # it's existence. allow(File).to receive(:file?).and_call_original allow(File).to receive(:file?).with(File.expand_path("~/.chef/credentials")).and_return(false) # Set a canary that is modified by the default null_config.rb config file. $__KNIFE_INTEGRATION_FAILSAFE_CHECK = "ole" # Allow tweaking the knife instance before configuration. instance_filter.call(instance) if instance_filter instance.configure_chef # The canary is incorrect, meaning the normal null_config.rb didn't run. Something is wrong. unless $__KNIFE_INTEGRATION_FAILSAFE_CHECK == "ole ole" raise Exception, "Potential misconfiguration of integration tests detected. Aborting test." end logger = Logger.new(stderr) logger.formatter = proc { |severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{severity}: #{msg}\n" } Chef::Log.use_log_devices([logger]) Chef::Log.level = ( DEBUG ? :debug : :warn ) Chef::Log::Formatter.show_time = false instance.run_with_pretty_exceptions(true) exit_code = 0 # This is how rspec catches exit() rescue SystemExit => e exit_code = e.status ensure Chef::Log.use_log_devices(old_loggers) Chef::Log.level = old_log_level Chef::Config.delete(:cache_options) Chef::Config.delete(:concurrency) end KnifeResult.new(stdout.string, stderr.string, exit_code) end end class KnifeResult include ::RSpec::Matchers def initialize(stdout, stderr, exit_code) @stdout = stdout @stderr = stderr @exit_code = exit_code end attr_reader :stdout attr_reader :stderr attr_reader :exit_code def should_fail(*args) expected = {} args.each do |arg| if arg.is_a?(Hash) expected.merge!(arg) elsif arg.is_a?(Integer) expected[:exit_code] = arg else expected[:stderr] = arg end end expected[:exit_code] = 1 unless expected[:exit_code] should_result_in(expected) end def should_succeed(*args) expected = {} args.each do |arg| if arg.is_a?(Hash) expected.merge!(arg) else expected[:stdout] = arg end end should_result_in(expected) end private def should_result_in(expected) expected[:stdout] = "" unless expected[:stdout] expected[:stdout] = expected[:stdout].is_a?(String) ? expected[:stdout].gsub(/[ \t\f\v]+$/, "") : expected[:stdout] expected[:stderr] = "" unless expected[:stderr] expected[:stderr] = expected[:stderr].is_a?(String) ? expected[:stderr].gsub(/[ \t\f\v]+$/, "") : expected[:stderr] expected[:exit_code] = 0 unless expected[:exit_code] # TODO make this go away stderr_actual = @stderr.sub(/^WARNING: No knife configuration file found\n/, "") stderr_actual = stderr_actual.gsub(/[ \t\f\v]+$/, "") stdout_actual = @stdout stdout_actual = stdout_actual.gsub(/[ \t\f\v]+$/, "") if ChefUtils.windows? stderr_actual = stderr_actual.gsub("\r\n", "\n") stdout_actual = stdout_actual.gsub("\r\n", "\n") end if expected[:stderr].is_a?(Regexp) expect(stderr_actual).to match(expected[:stderr]) else expect(stderr_actual).to eq(expected[:stderr]) end expect(@exit_code).to eq(expected[:exit_code]) if expected[:stdout].is_a?(Regexp) expect(stdout_actual).to match(expected[:stdout]) else expect(stdout_actual).to eq(expected[:stdout]) end end end end