# Invokr Invoke methods with a consistent Hash interface. Useful for metaprogramming. ## Basic Usage Let's say you've got a method you want to call: ```ruby class BankAccount def add_transaction(amount, account_id:, description: '') # adds transaction end end ``` You can invoke this method through the class interface with pure ruby. But sometimes you've got a Hash containing the parameters. This is where Invokr comes in: ```ruby bank_account = BankAccount.new params = JSON.parse http_request.response_body Invokr.invoke method: :add_transaction, on: bank_account, with: params ``` Behind the scenes, Invokr figured out how to translate that `Hash` into a method signature compatible with `BankAccount#add_transaction`. You can also pass in procs to invokr: ```ruby my_proc = ->|a,b| { a + b } Invokr.invoke proc: my_proc, with: { a: 2, b, 4 } ``` ## Querying Want to investigate the arguments of a method? ```ruby meth = Invokr.query_method bank_account.method(:add_transaction) ``` This will return an object that you can use to inspect the optional/required dependencies of a method: ```ruby meth.required_dependencies => [:amount, :account_id] meth.optional_dependencies => [:description] ``` ## Limitations Currently, more than one optional positional argument isn't supported. Consider: ```ruby def my_method arg1 = 'foo', arg2 = 'bar' end ``` Without knowing how to parse the source code for `#my_method`, Invokr couldn't know what the default values are. And even if I brought in e.g. [ruby_parser](https://github.com/seattlerb/ruby_parser), I'd have to support lazy evaluation, for when you supply a method or constant as the default. This complexity is completely unneccessary when using keyword arguments, so I suggest using that approach for multiple defaults for now. ## Todo * Cleanup * Use the `Invokr::Method` object within the `Invokr::Builder`. ## Pre-keyword argument hash defaults Before ruby 2.x introduced keyword arguments, it was common to end your method signature with a default hash, e.g. `def my_method args = {}`. Invoker supports this by building a Hash out of all the unused arguments you passed in, and passing *that* into the optional argument. ## Dependency injection One of the use cases for Invokr is building abstract factories. In this case, you want to inspect the method signature of `Object#initialize`, but actually pass `.new` to the class to have it allocate memory and invoke the initializer for you. Check out `test/dependency_injection_example_test.rb` for how it is used. You can use a hash to serve as the registry of objects, or build your own custom resolver. Here's an example supplying a Hash as the registry: ```ruby class MyKlass attr :foo, :bar def initiailze foo, bar @foo, @bar = foo, bar end end Invokr.inject MyKlass, using: { foo: 'FOO', bar: 'BAR', baz: 'BAZ' } ``` Even though `MyKlass` doesn't depend on `baz`, because everything it *did* need was present in the `using` Hash, Invokr was able to instantiate an instance of `MyKlass` ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/invokr/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request