{I" class:EFI"ProcessedAsset; FI"logical_path; FI"bootstrap3-typeahead.js; TI" pathname; FI"r/Users/jrochkind/.gem/ruby/1.9.3/gems/umlaut-4.1.0.pre.alpha.1/app/assets/javascripts/bootstrap3-typeahead.js; TI"content_type; FI"application/javascript; FI" mtime; Fl+“RïTI"length; Fi‡*I"digest; F"%a3b1ea22daa735d2fb1f388903edb457I"source; FI"‡*/* ============================================================= * bootstrap3-typeahead.js v3.0.3 * https://github.com/bassjobsen/Bootstrap-3-Typeahead * ============================================================= * Original written by @mdo and @fat * ============================================================= * Copyright 2014 Bass Jobsen @bassjobsen * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============================================================ */ (function(root, factory) { "use strict"; // CommonJS module is defined if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory(require('jquery')(root)); } // AMD module is defined else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("bootstrap3-typeahead", ["jquery"], function($) { return factory($); }); } else { factory(root.jQuery); } }(this, function($) { "use strict"; // jshint laxcomma: true /* TYPEAHEAD PUBLIC CLASS DEFINITION * ================================= */ var Typeahead = function (element, options) { this.$element = $(element); this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.typeahead.defaults, options); this.matcher = this.options.matcher || this.matcher; this.sorter = this.options.sorter || this.sorter; this.select = this.options.select || this.select; this.autoSelect = typeof this.options.autoSelect == 'boolean' ? this.options.autoSelect : true; this.highlighter = this.options.highlighter || this.highlighter; this.render = this.options.render || this.render; this.updater = this.options.updater || this.updater; this.source = this.options.source; this.delay = typeof this.options.delay == 'number' ? this.options.delay : 250; this.$menu = $(this.options.menu); this.shown = false; this.listen(); this.showHintOnFocus = typeof this.options.showHintOnFocus == 'boolean' ? this.options.showHintOnFocus : false; }; Typeahead.prototype = { constructor: Typeahead , select: function () { var val = this.$menu.find('.active').data('value'); if(this.autoSelect || val) { this.$element .val(this.updater(val)) .change(); } return this.hide(); } , updater: function (item) { return item; } , setSource: function (source) { this.source = source; } , show: function () { var pos = $.extend({}, this.$element.position(), { height: this.$element[0].offsetHeight }), scrollHeight; scrollHeight = typeof this.options.scrollHeight == 'function' ? this.options.scrollHeight.call() : this.options.scrollHeight; this.$menu .insertAfter(this.$element) .css({ top: pos.top + pos.height + scrollHeight , left: pos.left }) .show(); this.shown = true; return this; } , hide: function () { this.$menu.hide(); this.shown = false; return this; } , lookup: function (query) { var items; if (typeof(query) != 'undefined' && query !== null) { this.query = query; } else { this.query = this.$element.val() || ''; } if ((this.query.length < this.options.minLength) && !this.showHintOnFocus) { return this.shown ? this.hide() : this; } var worker = $.proxy(function() { items = $.isFunction(this.source) ? this.source(this.query, $.proxy(this.process, this)) : this.source; if (items) { this.process(items); } }, this) clearTimeout(this.lookupWorker) this.lookupWorker = setTimeout(worker, this.delay) } , process: function (items) { var that = this; items = $.grep(items, function (item) { return that.matcher(item); }); items = this.sorter(items); if (!items.length) { return this.shown ? this.hide() : this; } if (this.options.items == 'all') { return this.render(items).show(); } else { return this.render(items.slice(0, this.options.items)).show(); } } , matcher: function (item) { return ~item.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.query.toLowerCase()); } , sorter: function (items) { var beginswith = [] , caseSensitive = [] , caseInsensitive = [] , item; while ((item = items.shift())) { if (!item.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.query.toLowerCase())) beginswith.push(item); else if (~item.indexOf(this.query)) caseSensitive.push(item); else caseInsensitive.push(item); } return beginswith.concat(caseSensitive, caseInsensitive); } , highlighter: function (item) { var query = this.query.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&'); return item.replace(new RegExp('(' + query + ')', 'ig'), function ($1, match) { return '' + match + ''; }); } , render: function (items) { var that = this; items = $(items).map(function (i, item) { i = $(that.options.item).data('value', item); i.find('a').html(that.highlighter(item)); return i[0]; }); if (this.autoSelect) { items.first().addClass('active'); } this.$menu.html(items); return this; } , next: function (event) { var active = this.$menu.find('.active').removeClass('active') , next = active.next(); if (!next.length) { next = $(this.$menu.find('li')[0]); } next.addClass('active'); } , prev: function (event) { var active = this.$menu.find('.active').removeClass('active') , prev = active.prev(); if (!prev.length) { prev = this.$menu.find('li').last(); } prev.addClass('active'); } , listen: function () { this.$element .on('focus', $.proxy(this.focus, this)) .on('blur', $.proxy(this.blur, this)) .on('keypress', $.proxy(this.keypress, this)) .on('keyup', $.proxy(this.keyup, this)); if (this.eventSupported('keydown')) { this.$element.on('keydown', $.proxy(this.keydown, this)); } this.$menu .on('click', $.proxy(this.click, this)) .on('mouseenter', 'li', $.proxy(this.mouseenter, this)) .on('mouseleave', 'li', $.proxy(this.mouseleave, this)); } , destroy : function () { this.$element.data('typeahead',null); this.$element .off('focus') .off('blur') .off('keypress') .off('keyup'); if (this.eventSupported('keydown')) { this.$element.off('keydown'); } this.$menu.remove(); } , eventSupported: function(eventName) { var isSupported = eventName in this.$element; if (!isSupported) { this.$element.setAttribute(eventName, 'return;'); isSupported = typeof this.$element[eventName] === 'function'; } return isSupported; } , move: function (e) { if (!this.shown) return; switch(e.keyCode) { case 9: // tab case 13: // enter case 27: // escape e.preventDefault(); break; case 38: // up arrow e.preventDefault(); this.prev(); break; case 40: // down arrow e.preventDefault(); this.next(); break; } e.stopPropagation(); } , keydown: function (e) { this.suppressKeyPressRepeat = ~$.inArray(e.keyCode, [40,38,9,13,27]); if (!this.shown && e.keyCode == 40) { this.lookup(""); } else { this.move(e); } } , keypress: function (e) { if (this.suppressKeyPressRepeat) return; this.move(e); } , keyup: function (e) { switch(e.keyCode) { case 40: // down arrow case 38: // up arrow case 16: // shift case 17: // ctrl case 18: // alt break; case 9: // tab case 13: // enter if (!this.shown) return; this.select(); break; case 27: // escape if (!this.shown) return; this.hide(); break; default: this.lookup(); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } , focus: function (e) { if (!this.focused) { this.focused = true; if (this.options.minLength === 0 && !this.$element.val() || this.options.showHintOnFocus) { this.lookup(); } } } , blur: function (e) { this.focused = false; if (!this.mousedover && this.shown) this.hide(); } , click: function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); this.select(); this.$element.focus(); } , mouseenter: function (e) { this.mousedover = true; this.$menu.find('.active').removeClass('active'); $(e.currentTarget).addClass('active'); } , mouseleave: function (e) { this.mousedover = false; if (!this.focused && this.shown) this.hide(); } }; /* TYPEAHEAD PLUGIN DEFINITION * =========================== */ var old = $.fn.typeahead; $.fn.typeahead = function (option) { var arg = arguments; return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this) , data = $this.data('typeahead') , options = typeof option == 'object' && option; if (!data) $this.data('typeahead', (data = new Typeahead(this, options))); if (typeof option == 'string') { if (arg.length > 1) { data[option].apply(data, Array.prototype.slice.call(arg ,1)); } else { data[option](); } } }); }; $.fn.typeahead.defaults = { source: [] , items: 8 , menu: '
' , item: '