require 'gen' require 'fileutils' require 'open3' require 'pathname' require 'tmpdir' module Gen class Generator def new(project_name).run end TEMPLATE_ROOT = File.expand_path('gen/template', Gen::ROOT) VALID_PROJECT_NAME = /\A[a-z][a-z0-9]*\z/ private_constant :VALID_PROJECT_NAME # false -> delete file # string -> rename file before applying template substitutions VENDOR_TRANSLATIONS = { 'Gemfile' => false, 'exe/__app__-gems' => false, 'exe/__app__-vendor' => 'exe/__app__', 'dev-gems.yml' => false, 'dev-vendor.yml' => 'dev.yml', }.freeze private_constant :VENDOR_TRANSLATIONS BUNDLER_TRANSLATIONS = { 'bin/update-deps' => false, 'exe/__app__-gems' => 'exe/__app__', 'exe/__app__-vendor' => false, 'dev-gems.yml' => 'dev.yml', 'dev-vendor.yml' => false, }.freeze private_constant :BUNDLER_TRANSLATIONS def initialize(project_name) raise( CLI::Kit::Abort, "project name must match {{bold:#{VALID_PROJECT_NAME}}} (but can be changed later)" ) unless project_name =~ VALID_PROJECT_NAME @project_name = project_name @title_case_project_name = @project_name.sub(/^./, &:upcase) end def run vendor = ask_vendor? create_project_dir if vendor copy_files(translations: VENDOR_TRANSLATIONS) update_deps else copy_files(translations: BUNDLER_TRANSLATIONS) end end private def ask_vendor? return 'vendor' if ENV['DEPS'] == 'vendor' return 'bundler' if ENV['DEPS'] == 'bundler' vendor = nil'Configuration') do q = 'How would you like the application to consume {{command:cli-kit}} and {{command:cli-ui}}?' vendor = CLI::UI::Prompt.ask(q) do |c| c.option('Vendor {{italic:(faster execution, more difficult to update deps)}}') { 'vendor' } c.option('Bundler {{italic:(slower execution, easier dep management)}}') { 'bundler' } end end vendor == 'vendor' end def create_project_dir info(create: '') FileUtils.mkdir(@project_name) rescue Errno::EEXIST error("directory already exists: #{@project_name}") end def copy_files(translations:) each_template_file do |source_name| target_name = translations.fetch(source_name, source_name) next if target_name == false target_name = apply_template_variables(target_name) source = File.join(TEMPLATE_ROOT, source_name) target = File.join(@project_name, target_name) info(create: target_name) if Dir.exist?(source) FileUtils.mkdir(target) else content = apply_template_variables( File.write(target, content) end File.chmod(File.stat(source).mode, target) end end def update_deps Dir.mktmpdir do |tmp| clone(tmp, 'cli-ui') clone(tmp, 'cli-kit') info(run: 'bin/update-deps') Dir.chdir(@project_name) do system({ 'SOURCE_ROOT' => tmp }, 'bin/update-deps') end end end def clone(dir, repo) info(clone: repo) out, stat = Open3.capture2e('git', '-C', dir, 'clone', "{repo}") unless stat.success? STDERR.puts(out) error("git clone failed") end end def each_template_file return enum_for(:each_template_file) unless block_given? root = Dir.glob("#{TEMPLATE_ROOT}/**/*").each do |f| el = yield(el.relative_path_from(root).to_s) end end def apply_template_variables(s) s .gsub(/__app__/, @project_name) .gsub(/__App__/, @title_case_project_name) .gsub(/__cli-kit-version__/, cli_kit_version) .gsub(/__cli-ui-version__/, cli_ui_version) end def cli_kit_version require 'cli/kit/version' CLI::Kit::VERSION.to_s end def cli_ui_version require 'cli/ui/version' CLI::UI::VERSION.to_s end def info(create: nil, clone: nil, run: nil) if clone puts(CLI::UI.fmt("\t{{bold:{{yellow:clone}}\t#{clone}}}")) elsif create puts(CLI::UI.fmt("\t{{bold:{{blue:create}}\t#{create}}}")) elsif run puts(CLI::UI.fmt("\t{{bold:{{green:run}}\t#{run}}}")) end end def error(msg) raise(CLI::Kit::Abort, msg) end end end