module Rip module Commands x 'Checks that your rip installation is valid.' def check(*args) Setup.check_installation ui.puts "All systems go." rescue => e ui.abort "Installation failed: #{e.message}" end o 'rip install SOURCE [options]' x 'Installs a package from SOURCE.' x '-f forces installation (overwrites existing)' def install(options = {}, source = nil, version = nil, *args) if source.to_s.empty? ui.abort "Please tell me what to install." end package = Rip::Package.for(source, version) if !package ui.abort "I don't know how to install #{source}" end if options[:f] if package.installed? elsif package.installed? ui.puts "#{package} already installed" else installer = installer.install(package) # puts "#{installer.installed.size.to_i} packages installed" end end end end