// Scales for responsive SVG containers $ct-scales: ((1), (15/16), (8/9), (5/6), (4/5), (3/4), (2/3), (5/8), (1/1.618), (3/5), (9/16), (8/15), (1/2), (2/5), (3/8), (1/3), (1/4)) !default; $ct-scales-names: (ct-square, ct-minor-second, ct-major-second, ct-minor-third, ct-major-third, ct-perfect-fourth, ct-perfect-fifth, ct-minor-sixth, ct-golden-section, ct-major-sixth, ct-minor-seventh, ct-major-seventh, ct-octave, ct-major-tenth, ct-major-eleventh, ct-major-twelfth, ct-double-octave) !default; // Class names to be used when generating CSS $ct-class-chart: ct-chart !default; $ct-class-chart-line: ct-chart-line !default; $ct-class-chart-bar: ct-chart-bar !default; $ct-class-horizontal-bars: ct-horizontal-bars !default; $ct-class-chart-pie: ct-chart-pie !default; $ct-class-chart-donut: ct-chart-donut !default; $ct-class-label: ct-label !default; $ct-class-series: ct-series !default; $ct-class-line: ct-line !default; $ct-class-point: ct-point !default; $ct-class-area: ct-area !default; $ct-class-bar: ct-bar !default; $ct-class-slice-pie: ct-slice-pie !default; $ct-class-slice-donut: ct-slice-donut !default; $ct-class-grid: ct-grid !default; $ct-class-vertical: ct-vertical !default; $ct-class-horizontal: ct-horizontal !default; $ct-class-start: ct-start !default; $ct-class-end: ct-end !default; // Container ratio $ct-container-ratio: (1/1.618) !default; // Text styles for labels $ct-text-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) !default; $ct-text-size: 1em !default; $ct-text-align: flex-start !default; $ct-text-justify: flex-start !default; $ct-text-line-height: 1; // Grid styles $ct-grid-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !default; $ct-grid-dasharray: 2px !default; $ct-grid-width: 1px !default; // Line chart properties $ct-line-width: 4px !default; $ct-line-dasharray: false !default; $ct-point-size: 10px !default; // Line chart point, can be either round or square $ct-point-shape: round !default; // Area fill transparency between 0 and 1 $ct-area-opacity: 0.1 !default; // Bar chart bar width $ct-bar-width: 10px !default; // Donut width (If donut width is to big it can cause issues where the shape gets distorted) $ct-donut-width: 60px !default; // If set to true it will include the default classes and generate CSS output. If you're planning to use the mixins you // should set this property to false $ct-include-classes: true !default; // If this is set to true the CSS will contain colored series. You can extend or change the color with the // properties below $ct-include-colored-series: $ct-include-classes !default; // If set to true this will include all responsive container variations using the scales defined at the top of the script $ct-include-alternative-responsive-containers: $ct-include-classes !default; // Series names and colors. This can be extended or customized as desired. Just add more series and colors. $ct-series-names: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) !default; /* $ct-series-colors: ( $info-navbar, $green-navbar, $orange-navbar, $red-navbar, $blue-navbar, rgba($azure-navbar,.8), rgba($green-navbar,.8), rgba($orange-navbar,.8), rgba($red-navbar,.8), rgba($blue-navbar,.8), rgba($azure-navbar,.6), rgba($green-navbar,.6), rgba($orange-navbar,.6), rgba($red-navbar,.6), rgba($blue-navbar,.6) ) !default; */ $ct-series-colors: ( $info-color, $success-color, $warning-color, $danger-color, $primary-color, rgba($info-color,.8), rgba($success-color,.8), rgba($warning-color,.8), rgba($danger-color,.8), rgba($primary-color,.8), rgba($info-color,.6), rgba($success-color,.6), rgba($warning-color,.6), rgba($danger-color,.6), rgba($primary-color,.6) ) !default; @mixin ct-responsive-svg-container($width: 100%, $ratio: $ct-container-ratio) { display: block; position: relative; width: $width; &:before { display: block; float: left; content: ""; width: 0; height: 0; padding-bottom: $ratio * 100%; } &:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } > svg { display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; } } @mixin ct-align-justify($ct-text-align: $ct-text-align, $ct-text-justify: $ct-text-justify) { -webkit-box-align: $ct-text-align; -webkit-align-items: $ct-text-align; -ms-flex-align: $ct-text-align; align-items: $ct-text-align; -webkit-box-pack: $ct-text-justify; -webkit-justify-content: $ct-text-justify; -ms-flex-pack: $ct-text-justify; justify-content: $ct-text-justify; // Fallback to text-align for non-flex browsers @if($ct-text-justify == 'flex-start') { text-align: left; } @else if ($ct-text-justify == 'flex-end') { text-align: right; } @else { text-align: center; } } @mixin ct-flex() { // Fallback to block display: block; display: -webkit-box; display: -moz-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: -webkit-flex; display: flex; } @mixin ct-chart-label($ct-text-color: $ct-text-color, $ct-text-size: $ct-text-size, $ct-text-line-height: $ct-text-line-height) { fill: $ct-text-color; color: $ct-text-color; font-size: $ct-text-size; line-height: $ct-text-line-height; } @mixin ct-chart-grid($ct-grid-color: $ct-grid-color, $ct-grid-width: $ct-grid-width, $ct-grid-dasharray: $ct-grid-dasharray) { stroke: $ct-grid-color; stroke-width: $ct-grid-width; @if ($ct-grid-dasharray) { stroke-dasharray: $ct-grid-dasharray; } } @mixin ct-chart-point($ct-point-size: $ct-point-size, $ct-point-shape: $ct-point-shape) { stroke-width: $ct-point-size; stroke-linecap: $ct-point-shape; } @mixin ct-chart-line($ct-line-width: $ct-line-width, $ct-line-dasharray: $ct-line-dasharray) { fill: none; stroke-width: $ct-line-width; @if ($ct-line-dasharray) { stroke-dasharray: $ct-line-dasharray; } } @mixin ct-chart-area($ct-area-opacity: $ct-area-opacity) { stroke: none; fill-opacity: $ct-area-opacity; } @mixin ct-chart-bar($ct-bar-width: $ct-bar-width) { fill: none; stroke-width: $ct-bar-width; } @mixin ct-chart-donut($ct-donut-width: $ct-donut-width) { fill: none; stroke-width: $ct-donut-width; } @mixin ct-chart-series-color($color) { .#{$ct-class-point}, .#{$ct-class-line}, .#{$ct-class-bar}, .#{$ct-class-slice-donut} { stroke: $color; } .#{$ct-class-slice-pie}, .#{$ct-class-area} { fill: $color; } } @mixin ct-chart($ct-container-ratio: $ct-container-ratio, $ct-text-color: $ct-text-color, $ct-text-size: $ct-text-size, $ct-grid-color: $ct-grid-color, $ct-grid-width: $ct-grid-width, $ct-grid-dasharray: $ct-grid-dasharray, $ct-point-size: $ct-point-size, $ct-point-shape: $ct-point-shape, $ct-line-width: $ct-line-width, $ct-bar-width: $ct-bar-width, $ct-donut-width: $ct-donut-width, $ct-series-names: $ct-series-names, $ct-series-colors: $ct-series-colors) { .#{$ct-class-label} { @include ct-chart-label($ct-text-color, $ct-text-size); } .#{$ct-class-chart-line} .#{$ct-class-label}, .#{$ct-class-chart-bar} .#{$ct-class-label} { @include ct-flex(); } .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-horizontal}.#{$ct-class-start} { @include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-start); // Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects text-anchor: start; } .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-horizontal}.#{$ct-class-end} { @include ct-align-justify(flex-start, flex-start); // Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects text-anchor: start; } .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-vertical}.#{$ct-class-start} { @include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-end); // Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects text-anchor: end; } .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-vertical}.#{$ct-class-end} { @include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-start); // Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects text-anchor: start; } .#{$ct-class-chart-bar} .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-horizontal}.#{$ct-class-start} { @include ct-align-justify(flex-end, center); // Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects text-anchor: start; } .#{$ct-class-chart-bar} .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-horizontal}.#{$ct-class-end} { @include ct-align-justify(flex-start, center); // Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects text-anchor: start; } .#{$ct-class-chart-bar}.#{$ct-class-horizontal-bars} .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-horizontal}.#{$ct-class-start} { @include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-start); // Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects text-anchor: start; } .#{$ct-class-chart-bar}.#{$ct-class-horizontal-bars} .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-horizontal}.#{$ct-class-end} { @include ct-align-justify(flex-start, flex-start); // Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects text-anchor: start; } .#{$ct-class-chart-bar}.#{$ct-class-horizontal-bars} .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-vertical}.#{$ct-class-start} { //@include ct-chart-label($ct-text-color, $ct-text-size, center, $ct-vertical-text-justify); @include ct-align-justify(center, flex-end); // Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects text-anchor: end; } .#{$ct-class-chart-bar}.#{$ct-class-horizontal-bars} .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-vertical}.#{$ct-class-end} { @include ct-align-justify(center, flex-start); // Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects text-anchor: end; } .#{$ct-class-grid} { @include ct-chart-grid($ct-grid-color, $ct-grid-width, $ct-grid-dasharray); } .#{$ct-class-point} { @include ct-chart-point($ct-point-size, $ct-point-shape); } .#{$ct-class-line} { @include ct-chart-line($ct-line-width); } .#{$ct-class-area} { @include ct-chart-area(); } .#{$ct-class-bar} { @include ct-chart-bar($ct-bar-width); } .#{$ct-class-slice-donut} { @include ct-chart-donut($ct-donut-width); } @if $ct-include-colored-series { @for $i from 0 to length($ct-series-names) { .#{$ct-class-series}-#{nth($ct-series-names, $i + 1)} { $color: nth($ct-series-colors, $i + 1); @include ct-chart-series-color($color); } } } } @if $ct-include-classes { @include ct-chart(); @if $ct-include-alternative-responsive-containers { @for $i from 0 to length($ct-scales-names) { .#{nth($ct-scales-names, $i + 1)} { @include ct-responsive-svg-container($ratio: nth($ct-scales, $i + 1)); } } } } // Paper Kit Colors .ct-blue{ stroke: $primary-color !important; } .ct-azure{ stroke: $info-color !important; } .ct-green{ stroke: $success-color !important; } .ct-orange{ stroke: $warning-color !important; } .ct-red{ stroke: $danger-color !important; }