@pathI"IO#fileno:EF:@parameters[�:@files[[I"	io.c;T0:@current_file_has_commentsF:
@tags[�:@docstringIC:YARD::Docstring"�Returns an integer representing the numeric file descriptor for

   $stdin.fileno    #=> 0
   $stdout.fileno   #=> 1;F:@objectIu:YARD::StubProxyIO#fileno;F:
;I"return;F;I"�;F;0;[I"Fixnum;F;0:	@allI"@return [Fixnum];F;[�;Iu;IO#fileno;Fo;
overload;F;0;:	to_i;0;I"	to_i;F;IC;"�;F;Iu;IO#fileno;F;0;[�;[o;
;I"return;F;I"�;F;0;[I"Fixnum;F;0; I"@return [Fixnum];F;[�;Iu;IO#fileno;F; I"�Returns an integer representing the numeric file descriptor for

   $stdin.fileno    #=> 0
   $stdout.fileno   #=> 1

@overload fileno
  @return [Fixnum]
@overload to_i
  @return [Fixnum];F:@namespaceIu;IO;F:@docstring_extra0:@sourceI"y/*
 *  call-seq:
 *     ios.fileno    -> fixnum
 *     ios.to_i      -> fixnum
 *  Returns an integer representing the numeric file descriptor for
 *  <em>ios</em>.
 *     $stdin.fileno    #=> 0
 *     $stdout.fileno   #=> 1

static VALUE
rb_io_fileno(VALUE io)
    rb_io_t *fptr;
    int fd;

    GetOpenFile(io, fptr);
    fd = fptr->fd;
    return INT2FIX(fd);