Array::dup = -> return @slice(0) Array::empty = -> @length == 0 Array::first = -> @[0] Array::intersects = (arr) -> @intersection(arr).length > 0 Array::last = -> @[@length - 1] Array::min = -> return Math.min.apply(null,@) Array::max = -> return Math.max.apply(null,@) Array::present = -> @length != 0 Array::remove_all = -> @splice(0,@length) Array::add = (arr) -> (@push(item) unless @includes(item)) for item in arr @ Array::allIndicesOf = (arg) -> res = [] until res.last() == -1 || res.length > 10 start = if (res.last() > -1) then res.last() + 1 else 0 res.push(@indexOf(arg,start)) res[0..-2] Array::compact = -> arr = [] arr.push(i) if !!i or i == false for i in @ arr Array::drop = (entry)-> if (entry || {}).hasOwnProperty('id') index = @pluck('id').indexOf( else index = @indexOf(entry) return @ unless index > -1 @splice(index,1) Array::find = (id) -> index = @pluck('id').indexOf(id) @[index] Array::flatten = -> arr = [] for l in @ if Array.isArray(l) for i in l.flatten() arr.push i else arr.push l arr Array::includes = (entry)-> return @indexOf(entry) > -1 unless entry if entry instanceof Date (@map (obj) -> obj.toDateString()).includes(entry.toDateString()) else if entry.hasOwnProperty('id') return @pluck('id').includes( else return @indexOf(entry) > -1 Array::index = (obj) -> return unless (obj || {}).hasOwnProperty('id') @pluck('id').indexOf( Array::$inject = (action) -> operators = { '+': (a,b) -> a + b '-': (a,b) -> a - b '*': (a,b) -> a * b '/': (a,b) -> a / b '&': (a,b) -> a && b '|': (a,b) -> a || b 'merge': (a,b) -> res = new Object(a) res[key] = value for key,value of b res } result = null for item,index in @ result ||= item continue if index == 0 result = operators[action](result,item) result Array::intersection = (arr) -> res = [] (res.push(val) if arr.includes(val)) for val in @ return res Array::merge = (arg) -> @push(i) for i in arg @ Array::pluck = (property) -> return [] if !(@ && property) property = String(property) return @map (object) -> object = Object(object) return object[property] if (object.hasOwnProperty(property)) return '' Array::railsMap = (func)-> args = func.match(/\|(.*)\|,(.*)/) || [] throw 'Invalid syntax "|a|, a.b"' unless args.length == 3 arr = [] for obj in @ eval args[1] + '= obj' if args[2].includes(':') arr.push eval "(" + args[2] + ")" else arr.push eval args[2] arr Array::reject = (func) -> arr=[] (arr.push(item) unless func(item)) for item in @ arr Array::remove = (arr) -> indices = [] for item in arr indices.push(@indexOf(item)) if @indexOf(item) > -1 (while indices.length > 0 @splice(indices.drop(indices.max())[0],1)).flatten() Array::select = (func) -> arr=[] (arr.push(item) if func(item)) for item in @ arr Array::sum = -> total = 0 (total += parseFloat(i) if i) for i in @ total Array::update = (obj) -> return unless (obj || {}).hasOwnProperty('id') @[@index(obj)] = obj Array::union = (arr) -> dup = @slice(0) dup.add(arr) Array::unique = (filterOn) -> equiv = (first,second) -> return true if first == second return !first && !second newItems = [] for item in @ item = item[filterOn] if filterOn for newItem in newItems isDuplicate = false if equiv(item,newItem) isDuplicate = true break newItems.push(item) if (!isDuplicate) return newItems Array::where = (obj) -> equiv = (first,second) -> return true if first == second if !isNaN(first) && !isNaN(second) return true if parseFloat(first) == parseFloat(second) return false result = [] for entry in @ addEntry = true for key,value of obj addEntry = addEntry && equiv(entry[key], value) result.push(entry) if addEntry result