require 'billme' Billme.bill do number "2016-1-1" filename "Bill printout" company do logo "logo.png" company_name "Enterprise LLC" company_address "The Neutral Zone 123" company_city "Beta Quadrant" company_country "Universe" company_phone "+ 123 123 123 1" company_email "" end client do project_name "Battle engagement" name "Federation" date "2015-05-05" due_date "2015-06-05" address "Earth" email "" vat "1234567891011" end services do tax "0.25" service do name "Engage Romulans" description "Warmup for battle" unit "1000" currency "$" quantity "1" end service do name "Rescue mission" description "Rescue captive away teams" unit "2000" currency "$" quantity "2" end end other do notice "A finance charge of 1.5% will be made on unpaid balances after 30 days." footer "Invoice was created on a computer and is valid without the signature and seal." end end