module PaidUp @@feature_object = {} def self.add_feature(params) feature = @@feature_object[feature.slug.to_sym] = feature end def self.features @@feature_object end class Feature include ActiveModel::Model include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods attr_accessor :slug, :title, :setting_type, :description validates_presence_of :slug, :title, :setting_type validates :setting_type, inclusion: { in: %w(boolean table_rows rolify_rows) } validates_with PaidUp::Validators::TableRows, field: 'setting_type', comparison: 'table_rows', found_in: 'slug' validates_with PaidUp::Validators::RolifyRows, field: 'setting_type', comparison: 'rolify_rows', found_in: 'slug' def self.raw PaidUp.features end def to_s slug end def feature_model_name acceptable_setting_types = ['table_rows', 'rolify_rows'] unless acceptable_setting_types.include? setting_type raise :no_implicit_conversion_of_type_features.l(type: setting_type) end slug.classify end def feature_model feature_model_name.constantize end def self.find_by_slug(slug) raw[slug.to_sym] end def self.all raw.values end def self.find_all(**conditions) collection = [] for feature in all qualifies = true conditions.each do |key, value| unless feature.send(key) == value qualifies = false end end if qualifies collection << feature end end collection end def self.find(**conditions) find_all(conditions).first end # Define on self, since it's a class method def self.method_missing(method_sym, *arguments, &block) # the first argument is a Symbol, so you need to_s it if you want to pattern match if method_sym.to_s =~ /^find_by_(.*)$/ self.find($1.to_sym => arguments.first) elsif method_sym.to_s =~ /^find_all_by_(.*)$/ self.find_all($1.to_sym => arguments.first) else super end end def self.respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) method_name.to_s.start_with?('find_') || super end end end