require_relative '../helper' require 'fluent/test/driver/parser' require 'fluent/plugin/parser' class SyslogParserTest < ::Test::Unit::TestCase def setup Fluent::Test.setup @parser = @expected = { 'host' => '', 'ident' => 'fluentd', 'pid' => '11111', 'message' => '[error] Syslog test' } end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse(param) @parser.configure({'parser_type' => param}) @parser.instance.parse('Feb 28 12:00:00 fluentd[11111]: [error] Syslog test') { |time, record| assert_equal(event_time('Feb 28 12:00:00', format: '%b %d %H:%M:%S'), time) assert_equal(@expected, record) } assert_equal(Fluent::Plugin::SyslogParser::RFC3164_WITHOUT_TIME_AND_PRI_REGEXP, @parser.instance.patterns['format']) assert_equal("%b %d %H:%M:%S", @parser.instance.patterns['time_format']) end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_time_format(param) @parser.configure('time_format' => '%b %d %M:%S:%H', 'parser_type' => param) @parser.instance.parse('Feb 28 00:00:12 fluentd[11111]: [error] Syslog test') { |time, record| assert_equal(event_time('Feb 28 12:00:00', format: '%b %d %H:%M:%S'), time) assert_equal(@expected, record) } assert_equal('%b %d %M:%S:%H', @parser.instance.patterns['time_format']) end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_time_format2(param) @parser.configure('time_format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', 'parser_type' => param) @parser.instance.parse("#{}-03-03T10:14:29Z fluentd[11111]: [error] Syslog test") { |time, record| assert_equal(event_time('Mar 03 10:14:29', format: '%b %d %H:%M:%S'), time) assert_equal(@expected, record) } assert_equal('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', @parser.instance.patterns['time_format']) end def test_parse_with_time_format_rfc5424 @parser.configure('time_format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', 'message_format' => 'rfc5424') @parser.instance.parse("#{}-03-03T10:14:29Z fluentd 11111 - - [error] Syslog test") { |time, record| assert_equal(event_time('Mar 03 10:14:29', format: '%b %d %H:%M:%S'), time) assert_equal(@expected.merge('host' => '', 'msgid' => '-', 'extradata' => '-'), record) } assert_equal('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', @parser.instance.patterns['time_format']) end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_subsecond_time(param) @parser.configure('time_format' => '%b %d %H:%M:%S.%N', 'parser_type' => param) @parser.instance.parse('Feb 28 12:00:00.456 fluentd[11111]: [error] Syslog test') { |time, record| assert_equal(event_time('Feb 28 12:00:00.456', format: '%b %d %H:%M:%S.%N'), time) assert_equal(@expected, record) } end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_priority(param) @parser.configure('with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param) @parser.instance.parse('<6>Feb 28 12:00:00 fluentd[11111]: [error] Syslog test') { |time, record| assert_equal(event_time('Feb 28 12:00:00', format: '%b %d %H:%M:%S'), time) assert_equal(@expected.merge('pri' => 6), record) } assert_equal(Fluent::Plugin::SyslogParser::RFC3164_WITHOUT_TIME_AND_PRI_REGEXP, @parser.instance.patterns['format']) assert_equal("%b %d %H:%M:%S", @parser.instance.patterns['time_format']) end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_rfc5452_with_priority(param) @parser.configure('with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param, 'message_format' => 'rfc5424') @parser.instance.parse('<30>1 2020-03-31T20:32:54Z myhostname 02abaf0687f5 10339 02abaf0687f5 - method=POST db=0.00') do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time('2020-03-31T20:32:54Z', format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'), time) expected = { 'extradata' => '-', 'host' => 'myhostname', 'ident' => '02abaf0687f5', 'message' => 'method=POST db=0.00', 'msgid' => '02abaf0687f5', 'pid' => '10339', 'pri' => 30 } assert_equal(expected, record) end end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_empty_priority(param) @parser.configure('with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param) @parser.instance.parse('<>Feb 28 12:00:00 fluentd[11111]: [error] Syslog test') { |time, record| assert_nil time assert_nil record } end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_without_colon(param) @parser.configure({'parser_type' => param}) @parser.instance.parse('Feb 28 12:00:00 fluentd[11111] [error] Syslog test') { |time, record| assert_equal(event_time('Feb 28 12:00:00', format: '%b %d %H:%M:%S'), time) assert_equal(@expected, record) } assert_equal(Fluent::Plugin::SyslogParser::RFC3164_WITHOUT_TIME_AND_PRI_REGEXP, @parser.instance.patterns['format']) assert_equal("%b %d %H:%M:%S", @parser.instance.patterns['time_format']) end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_keep_time_key(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%b %d %M:%S:%H', 'keep_time_key'=>'true', 'parser_type' => param ) text = 'Feb 28 00:00:12 fluentd[11111]: [error] Syslog test' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal "Feb 28 00:00:12", record['time'] end end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_various_characters_for_tag(param) ident = '~!@#$%^&*()_+=-`]{};"\'/?\\,.<>' @parser.configure({'parser_type' => param}) @parser.instance.parse("Feb 28 12:00:00 #{ident}[11111]: [error] Syslog test") { |time, record| assert_equal(event_time('Feb 28 12:00:00', format: '%b %d %H:%M:%S'), time) assert_equal(@expected.merge('ident' => ident), record) } end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_various_characters_for_tag_with_priority(param) ident = '~!@#$%^&*()_+=-`]{};"\'/?\\,.<>' @parser.configure('with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param) @parser.instance.parse("<6>Feb 28 12:00:00 #{ident}[11111]: [error] Syslog test") { |time, record| assert_equal(event_time('Feb 28 12:00:00', format: '%b %d %H:%M:%S'), time) assert_equal(@expected.merge('pri' => 6, 'ident' => ident), record) } end sub_test_case 'Check the difference of regexp and string parser' do # examples from rfc3164 data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') test 'wrong result with no ident message by default' do |param| @parser.configure('parser_type' => param) @parser.instance.parse('Feb 5 17:32:18 Use the BFG!') { |time, record| assert_equal({'host' => '', 'ident' => 'Use', 'message' => 'the BFG!'}, record) } end test "proper result with no ident message by 'support_colonless_ident false'" do @parser.configure('parser_type' => 'string', 'support_colonless_ident' => false) @parser.instance.parse('Feb 5 17:32:18 Use the BFG!') { |time, record| assert_equal({'host' => '', 'message' => 'Use the BFG!'}, record) } end test "string parsers can't parse broken syslog message and generate wrong record" do @parser.configure('parser_type' => 'string') @parser.instance.parse("1990 Oct 22 10:52:01 TZ-6 sched[0]: That's All Folks!") { |time, record| expected = {'host' => '', 'ident' => 'sched', 'pid' => '0', 'message' => "That's All Folks!"} assert_not_equal(expected, record) } end test "regexp parsers can't parse broken syslog message and raises an error" do @parser.configure('parser_type' => 'regexp') assert_raise(Fluent::TimeParser::TimeParseError) { @parser.instance.parse("1990 Oct 22 10:52:01 TZ-6 sched[0]: That's All Folks!") { |time, record| } } end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') test "':' included message breaks regexp parser" do |param| @parser.configure('parser_type' => param) @parser.instance.parse('Aug 10 12:00:00 test foo:bar') { |time, record| expected = {'host' => '', 'ident' => 'test', 'message' => 'foo:bar'} if param == 'string' assert_equal(expected, record) else assert_not_equal(expected, record) end } end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') test "Only no whitespace content in MSG causes different result" do |param| @parser.configure('parser_type' => param) @parser.instance.parse('Aug 10 12:00:00 value1,value2,value3,value4') { |time, record| # 'message' is correct but regexp set it as 'ident' if param == 'string' expected = {'host' => '', 'message' => 'value1,value2,value3,value4'} assert_equal(expected, record) else expected = {'host' => '', 'ident' => 'value1,value2,value3,value4', 'message' => ''} assert_equal(expected, record) end } end end class TestRFC5424Regexp < self data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_message(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z', 'message_format' => 'rfc5424', 'with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param ) text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd - - - Hi, from Fluentd!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "-", record["pid"] assert_equal "-", record["msgid"] assert_equal "-", record["extradata"] assert_equal "Hi, from Fluentd!", record["message"] end assert_equal(Fluent::Plugin::SyslogParser::RFC5424_WITHOUT_TIME_AND_PRI_REGEXP, @parser.instance.patterns['format']) end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_message_trailing_eol(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z', 'message_format' => 'rfc5424', 'with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param ) text = "<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd - - - Hi, from Fluentd!\n" @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "-", record["pid"] assert_equal "-", record["msgid"] assert_equal "-", record["extradata"] assert_equal "Hi, from Fluentd!", record["message"] end assert_equal(Fluent::Plugin::SyslogParser::RFC5424_WITHOUT_TIME_AND_PRI_REGEXP, @parser.instance.patterns['format']) end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_multiline_message(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z', 'message_format' => 'rfc5424', 'with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param ) text = "<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd - - - Hi,\nfrom\nFluentd!" @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "-", record["pid"] assert_equal "-", record["msgid"] assert_equal "-", record["extradata"] assert_equal "Hi,\nfrom\nFluentd!", record["message"] end assert_equal(Fluent::Plugin::SyslogParser::RFC5424_WITHOUT_TIME_AND_PRI_REGEXP, @parser.instance.patterns['format']) end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_message_and_without_priority(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z', 'message_format' => 'rfc5424', 'parser_type' => param ) text = '2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd - - - Hi, from Fluentd!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "-", record["pid"] assert_equal "-", record["msgid"] assert_equal "-", record["extradata"] assert_equal "Hi, from Fluentd!", record["message"] end assert_equal(Fluent::Plugin::SyslogParser::RFC5424_WITHOUT_TIME_AND_PRI_REGEXP, @parser.instance.patterns['format']) end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_empty_message_and_without_priority(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z', 'message_format' => 'rfc5424', 'parser_type' => param ) text = '2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd - - -' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "-", record["pid"] assert_equal "-", record["msgid"] assert_equal "-", record["extradata"] assert_nil record["message"] end assert_equal(Fluent::Plugin::SyslogParser::RFC5424_WITHOUT_TIME_AND_PRI_REGEXP, @parser.instance.patterns['format']) end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_message_without_time_format(param) @parser.configure( 'message_format' => 'rfc5424', 'with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param ) text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd - - - Hi, from Fluentd!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "-", record["pid"] assert_equal "-", record["msgid"] assert_equal "-", record["extradata"] assert_equal "Hi, from Fluentd!", record["message"] end end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_message_with_priority_and_pid(param) @parser.configure( 'message_format' => 'rfc5424', 'with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param ) text = '<28>1 2018-09-26T15:54:26.620412+09:00 machine minissdpd 1298 - - peer is not from a LAN' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2018-09-26T15:54:26.620412+0900", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "1298", record["pid"] assert_equal "-", record["msgid"] assert_equal "-", record["extradata"] assert_equal " peer is not from a LAN", record["message"] end end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_structured_message(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z', 'message_format' => 'rfc5424', 'with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param ) text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd 11111 ID24224 [exampleSDID@20224 iut="3" eventSource="Application" eventID="11211"] [Hi] from Fluentd!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "11111", record["pid"] assert_equal "ID24224", record["msgid"] assert_equal "[exampleSDID@20224 iut=\"3\" eventSource=\"Application\" eventID=\"11211\"]", record["extradata"] assert_equal "[Hi] from Fluentd!", record["message"] end end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_multiple_structured_message(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z', 'message_format' => 'rfc5424', 'with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param ) text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd 11111 ID24224 [exampleSDID@20224 iut="3" eventSource="Application" eventID="11211"][exampleSDID@20224 class="high"] Hi, from Fluentd!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "11111", record["pid"] assert_equal "ID24224", record["msgid"] assert_equal "[exampleSDID@20224 iut=\"3\" eventSource=\"Application\" eventID=\"11211\"][exampleSDID@20224 class=\"high\"]", record["extradata"] assert_equal "Hi, from Fluentd!", record["message"] end end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_message_includes_right_bracket(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z', 'message_format' => 'rfc5424', 'with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param ) text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd 11111 ID24224 [exampleSDID@20224 iut="3" eventSource="Application" eventID="11211"] [Hi] from Fluentd]!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "11111", record["pid"] assert_equal "ID24224", record["msgid"] assert_equal "[exampleSDID@20224 iut=\"3\" eventSource=\"Application\" eventID=\"11211\"]", record["extradata"] assert_equal "[Hi] from Fluentd]!", record["message"] end end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_empty_message(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z', 'message_format' => 'rfc5424', 'with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param ) text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd 11111 ID24224 [exampleSDID@20224 iut="3" eventSource="Application" eventID="11211"]' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "11111", record["pid"] assert_equal "ID24224", record["msgid"] assert_equal "[exampleSDID@20224 iut=\"3\" eventSource=\"Application\" eventID=\"11211\"]", record["extradata"] assert_nil record["message"] end end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_space_empty_message(param) @parser.configure( 'message_format' => 'rfc5424', 'with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param ) text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd 11111 ID24224 [exampleSDID@20224 iut="3" eventSource="Application" eventID="11211"] ' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| if param == 'string' assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "11111", record["pid"] assert_equal "ID24224", record["msgid"] assert_equal "[exampleSDID@20224 iut=\"3\" eventSource=\"Application\" eventID=\"11211\"]", record["extradata"] assert_equal '', record["message"] else assert_nil time assert_nil record end end end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_message_without_subseconds(param) @parser.configure( 'message_format' => 'rfc5424', 'with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param ) text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15Z fluentd - - - Hi, from Fluentd!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'), time) assert_equal "-", record["pid"] assert_equal "-", record["msgid"] assert_equal "-", record["extradata"] assert_equal "Hi, from Fluentd!", record["message"] end end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_message_both_timestamp(param) @parser.configure( 'message_format' => 'rfc5424', 'with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param ) text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15Z fluentd - - - Hi, from Fluentd!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'), time) assert_equal "-", record["pid"] assert_equal "-", record["msgid"] assert_equal "-", record["extradata"] assert_equal "Hi, from Fluentd!", record["message"] end text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd - - - Hi, from Fluentd with subseconds!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "-", record["pid"] assert_equal "-", record["msgid"] assert_equal "-", record["extradata"] assert_equal "Hi, from Fluentd with subseconds!", record["message"] end end end class TestAutoRegexp < self data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_auto_with_legacy_syslog_message(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%b %d %M:%S:%H', 'message_format' => 'auto', 'parser_type' => param ) text = 'Feb 28 00:00:12 fluentd[11111]: [error] Syslog test' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("Feb 28 00:00:12", format: '%b %d %M:%S:%H'), time) assert_equal(@expected, record) end end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_auto_with_legacy_syslog_priority_message(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%b %d %M:%S:%H', 'with_priority' => true, 'message_format' => 'auto', 'parser_type' => param ) text = '<6>Feb 28 12:00:00 fluentd[11111]: [error] Syslog test' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("Feb 28 12:00:00", format: '%b %d %M:%S:%H'), time) assert_equal(@expected.merge('pri' => 6), record) end end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_message(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z', 'message_format' => 'auto', 'with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param ) text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd - - - Hi, from Fluentd!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "-", record["pid"] assert_equal "-", record["msgid"] assert_equal "-", record["extradata"] assert_equal 16, record["pri"] assert_equal "Hi, from Fluentd!", record["message"] end end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_rfc5424_structured_message(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z', 'message_format' => 'auto', 'with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param ) text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd 11111 ID24224 [exampleSDID@20224 iut="3" eventSource="Application" eventID="11211"] Hi, from Fluentd!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "11111", record["pid"] assert_equal "ID24224", record["msgid"] assert_equal "[exampleSDID@20224 iut=\"3\" eventSource=\"Application\" eventID=\"11211\"]", record["extradata"] assert_equal "Hi, from Fluentd!", record["message"] end end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_both_message_type(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%b %d %M:%S:%H', 'rfc5424_time_format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z', 'message_format' => 'auto', 'with_priority' => true, 'parser_type' => param ) text = '<1>Feb 28 12:00:00 fluentd[11111]: [error] Syslog test' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("Feb 28 12:00:00", format: '%b %d %M:%S:%H'), time) assert_equal(@expected.merge('pri' => 1), record) end text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd 11111 ID24224 [exampleSDID@20224 iut="3" eventSource="Application" eventID="11211"] Hi, from Fluentd!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "11111", record["pid"] assert_equal "ID24224", record["msgid"] assert_equal "[exampleSDID@20224 iut=\"3\" eventSource=\"Application\" eventID=\"11211\"]", record["extradata"] assert_equal "Hi, from Fluentd!", record["message"] end text = '<1>Feb 28 12:00:02 fluentd[11111]: [error] Syslog test 2>1' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("Feb 28 12:00:02", format: '%b %d %M:%S:%H'), time) assert_equal(@expected.merge('pri' => 1, 'message'=> '[error] Syslog test 2>1'), record) end text = '<1>Feb 28 12:00:02 fluentd[11111]: [error] Syslog test' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("Feb 28 12:00:02", format: '%b %d %M:%S:%H'), time) assert_equal(@expected.merge('pri' => 1), record) end text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd - - - Hi, from Fluentd!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "-", record["pid"] assert_equal "-", record["msgid"] assert_equal "-", record["extradata"] assert_equal "Hi, from Fluentd!", record["message"] end end data('regexp' => 'regexp', 'string' => 'string') def test_parse_with_both_message_type_and_priority(param) @parser.configure( 'time_format' => '%b %d %M:%S:%H', 'rfc5424_time_format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z', 'with_priority' => true, 'message_format' => 'auto', 'parser_type' => param ) text = '<6>Feb 28 12:00:00 fluentd[11111]: [error] Syslog test' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("Feb 28 12:00:00", format: '%b %d %M:%S:%H'), time) assert_equal(@expected.merge('pri' => 6), record) end text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd 11111 ID24224 [exampleSDID@20224 iut="3" eventSource="Application" eventID="11211"] Hi, from Fluentd!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "11111", record["pid"] assert_equal "ID24224", record["msgid"] assert_equal "[exampleSDID@20224 iut=\"3\" eventSource=\"Application\" eventID=\"11211\"]", record["extradata"] assert_equal "Hi, from Fluentd!", record["message"] end text = '<16>Feb 28 12:00:02 fluentd[11111]: [error] Syslog test' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("Feb 28 12:00:02", format: '%b %d %M:%S:%H'), time) assert_equal(@expected.merge('pri' => 16), record) end text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd - - - Hi, from Fluentd!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z'), time) assert_equal "-", record["pid"] assert_equal "-", record["msgid"] assert_equal "-", record["extradata"] assert_equal "Hi, from Fluentd!", record["message"] end text = '<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15Z fluentd - - - Hi, from Fluentd without subseconds!' @parser.instance.parse(text) do |time, record| assert_equal(event_time("2017-02-06T13:14:15Z", format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'), time) assert_equal "-", record["pid"] assert_equal "-", record["msgid"] assert_equal "-", record["extradata"] assert_equal "Hi, from Fluentd without subseconds!", record["message"] end end end # "parser_type" config shouldn't hide Fluent::Plugin::Parser#plugin_type # data('regexp' => :regexp, 'fast' => :string) def test_parser_type_method(engine) @parser.configure({'parser_type' => engine.to_s}) assert_equal(:text_per_line, @parser.instance.parser_type) end data('regexp' => :regexp, 'string' => :string) def test_parser_engine(engine) @parser.configure({'parser_engine' => engine.to_s}) assert_equal(engine, @parser.instance.parser_engine) end end