# encoding: utf-8
# Most font families come with some styles other than normal. Most common are
# bold
, italic
and bold_italic
# The style can be set the using the :style
option, with either the
# font
method which will set the font and style for rest of the
# document, or with the inline text methods.
require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),
%w[.. example_helper]))
filename = File.basename(__FILE__).gsub('.rb', '.pdf')
Prawn::ManualBuilder::Example.generate(filename) do
["Courier", "Helvetica", "Times-Roman"].each do |example_font|
move_down 20
[:bold, :bold_italic, :italic, :normal].each do |style|
font example_font, :style => style
text "I'm writing in #{example_font} (#{style})"