# Disable Back/Forward ######################################## history.pushState(null, null, document.URL) window.addEventListener 'popstate', -> history.pushState(null, null, document.URL) # NProgress ######################################## if NProgress? window.progress_bar_timeout = null ws.send_before_actions.push (data) -> unless window.progress_bar_timeout? window.progress_bar_timeout = setTimeout(-> NProgress.start() , 500) ws.onmessage_before_actions.push (event) -> NProgress.done() clearTimeout(window.progress_bar_timeout) window.progress_bar_timeout = null # Pjax ######################################## # Note: it's working for now, but it might be better to do something similar to the real pjax implementation if $.pjax? PROTOCOL = /^.*:\/{2}/i $(document).on 'pjax:beforeSend', (event, xhr, settings) -> event.preventDefault() ws.send(action: 'pjax', url: settings.url.replace(PROTOCOL, '')) ws.onmessage_actions.pjax = (event) -> new_page = $("
") new_page.html(ws_data.html) container = new_page.find('[data-pjax-container]') $('[data-pjax-container]').html(container.html()) $(document).trigger('rails_admin.dom_ready') # Submit ######################################## $(document).on 'submit', (event) -> event.preventDefault() form = $(event.target) return if form.hasClass('pjax-form') ws.send(action: 'submit', url: form.attr('action'), form: form.serialize(), button: document.activeElement.name) ws.onmessage_actions.submit = if $.pjax? ws.onmessage_actions.pjax else ws.onmessage_actions.page # File ######################################## if saveAs? window.ws_file = null ws.onmessage_actions.file = (event) -> window.ws_file = ws_data.name document.title = 'Downloading...' ws.send_before_actions.unshift (data) -> if window.ws_file? ws.send_skip_action = true ws.onmessage_before_actions.unshift (event) -> if window.ws_file? saveAs(event.data, window.ws_file) document.title = window.ws_file window.ws_file = null ws.onmessage_skip_action = true # Ajax ######################################## # Note: app specific, $.ajax must be overriden # Ex.: # window.ajax_handler = $.ajax # # $.ajax = (xhr) -> # if xhr.type? # return ws.ajax_handler(xhr) # # switch xhr.dataType # when 'text' # modal = $('#modal').data('ra-remoteForm') # ... # when 'json' # ... # else # ...