= ruboss4ruby * FIX (url) == DESCRIPTION: FIX (describe your package) == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * FIX (list of features or problems) == SYNOPSIS: FIX (code sample of usage) == REQUIREMENTS: * FIX (list of requirements) == INSTALL: * FIX (sudo gem install, anything else) == LICENSE: Copyright 2008, Ruboss Technology Corporation. This software is dual-licensed under both the terms of the Ruboss Commercial License v1 (RCL v1) as published by Ruboss Technology Corporation and under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3 (GPL v3) as published by the Free Software Foundation. Both the RCL v1 (rcl-1.0.txt) and the GPL v3 (gpl-3.0.txt) are included in the source code. If you have purchased a commercial license then only the RCL v1 applies; otherwise, only the GPL v3 applies. To learn more or to buy a commercial license, please go to http://ruboss.com.