module Tekeya module Feed module Activity module Resque # A resque worker to copy activities when an entity tracks another class DeleteActivity include Tekeya::Feed::Activity::Resque @queue = :activity_queue # @private def self.perform(activity_aggregate_key) # get the activity properties from the key key_components = activity_aggregate_key.split(':') entity_type = key_components[2].safe_constantize entity_id = key_components[3] # get the entity entity = entity_type.where(entity_type.entity_primary_key.to_sym => entity_id).first # we only need the feed keys of the trackers entity_trackers_feeds = entity_trackers_feeds << entity.profile_feed_key entity_trackers_feeds << entity.feed_key # remove the aggregate key from the trackers' feeds and prepare the activity for garbage collection ::Tekeya.redis.multi do entity_trackers_feeds.each do |feed_key| if ::Tekeya.redis.zrank(feed_key, activity_aggregate_key) # remove the activity aggregate key from the feed ::Tekeya.redis.zrem(feed_key, activity_aggregate_key) # decrement the activity counter ::Tekeya.redis.decr("#{activity_aggregate_key}:counter") end end end # trim the tracker feed and cleanup collect_garbage [activity_aggregate_key] end end end end end end