require "metanorma/generic/processor" require "metanorma/generic/version" require 'forwardable' require 'yaml' module Metanorma module Generic ORGANIZATION_NAME_SHORT = "Acme" ORGANIZATION_NAME_LONG = "Acme Corp." DOCUMENT_NAMESPACE = "" YAML_CONFIG_FILE = 'metanorma.yml' class Configuration CONFIG_ATTRS = %i[ organization_name_short organization_name_long bibliography_titles boilerplate committees document_namespace docid_template doctypes default_doctype i18nyaml logo_path logo_paths header htmlcoverpage htmlintropage htmlstylesheet html_bodyfont html_headerfont html_monospacefont html_normalfontsize html_monospacefontsize html_smallerfontsize html_footnotefontsize metadata_extensions metanorma_name normref_titles published_stages relations default_stage stage_abbreviations scripts scripts_pdf standardstylesheet symbols_titles termsdefs_titles validate_rng_file webfont wordcoverpage wordintropage wordstylesheet word_bodyfont word_headerfont word_monospacefont word_normalfontsize word_monospacefontsize word_smallerfontsize word_footnotefontsize xml_root_tag ].freeze def filepath_attrs return %i[ i18nyaml boilerplate logo_path logo_paths header htmlcoverpage htmlintropage htmlstylesheet scripts scripts_pdf standardstylesheet validate_rng_file wordcoverpage wordintropage wordstylesheet ] end attr_accessor(*CONFIG_ATTRS) class << self attr_accessor :_file end def self.inherited( k ) k._file = caller_locations.first.absolute_path end def initialize(*args) super # Try to set config values from yaml file in current directory @yaml = File.join(File.dirname(self.class::_file || __FILE__), "..", "..", YAML_CONFIG_FILE) set_default_values_from_yaml_file(@yaml) if File.file?(@yaml) self.organization_name_short ||= ORGANIZATION_NAME_SHORT self.organization_name_long ||= ORGANIZATION_NAME_LONG self.document_namespace ||= DOCUMENT_NAMESPACE self.termsdefs_titles ||= ["Terms and definitions", "Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms", "Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations", "Terms, definitions and symbols", "Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms"] self.symbols_titles ||= ["Symbols and abbreviated terms", "Symbols", "Abbreviated terms", "Abbreviations"] self.normref_titles ||= ["Normative references"] self.bibliography_titles ||= ["Bibliography"] end def set_default_values_from_yaml_file(config_file) root_path = File.dirname(self.class::_file || __FILE__) default_config_options = YAML.load( if default_config_options["doctypes"]&.is_a? Array default_config_options["doctypes"] = default_config_options["doctypes"]. each_with_object({}) { |k, m| m[k] = nil } end CONFIG_ATTRS.each do |attr_name| value = default_config_options[attr_name.to_s] if value && filepath_attrs.include?(attr_name) value = absolute_path(value, root_path) end instance_variable_set("@#{attr_name}", value) end end def blank?(v) v.nil? || v.respond_to?(:empty?) && v.empty? end def absolute_path(value, root_path) if value.is_a? Hash then absolute_path1(value, root_path) elsif value.is_a? Array value.reject { |a| blank?(a) }.each_with_object([]) do |v1, g| g << absolute_path(v1, root_path) end elsif value.is_a?(String) && !value.empty? File.join(root_path, "..", "..", value) else value end end def absolute_path1(h, pref) h.reject { |k, v| blank?(v) }.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), g| g[k] = absolute_path(v, pref) end end end class << self extend Forwardable attr_accessor :configuration Configuration::CONFIG_ATTRS.each do |attr_name| def_delegator :@configuration, attr_name end def configure self.configuration ||= yield(configuration) end end configure {} end end