# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "gcloud/proto/datastore_v1.pb" require "gcloud/datastore/errors" require "stringio" module Gcloud module Datastore # rubocop:disable all ## # @private # # Proto is the namespace that contains all Protocol Buffer objects. # # The methods in this module are for convenience in using the # Protocol Buffer objects and as such can change in the future. # Neither the convenience methods nor the Protocol Buffer objects # are not part of the gcloud public API. These methods, and even # this module's existance, may change in the future. # # You have been warned. module Proto def self.from_proto_value proto_value if !proto_value.timestamp_microseconds_value.nil? microseconds = proto_value.timestamp_microseconds_value self.time_from_microseconds microseconds elsif !proto_value.key_value.nil? Gcloud::Datastore::Key.from_proto(proto_value.key_value) elsif !proto_value.entity_value.nil? Gcloud::Datastore::Entity.from_proto(proto_value.entity_value) elsif !proto_value.boolean_value.nil? proto_value.boolean_value elsif !proto_value.double_value.nil? proto_value.double_value elsif !proto_value.integer_value.nil? proto_value.integer_value elsif !proto_value.string_value.nil? return proto_value.string_value elsif !proto_value.list_value.nil? return Array(proto_value.list_value).map do |item| from_proto_value item end elsif !proto_value.blob_value.nil? return StringIO.new(proto_value.blob_value.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")) else nil end end def self.to_proto_value value v = Gcloud::Datastore::Proto::Value.new if Gcloud::Datastore::Key === value v.key_value = value.to_proto elsif Gcloud::Datastore::Entity === value v.entity_value = value.to_proto elsif NilClass === value # The correct behavior is to not set a value property elsif TrueClass === value v.boolean_value = true elsif FalseClass === value v.boolean_value = false elsif Float === value v.double_value = value elsif defined?(BigDecimal) && BigDecimal === value v.double_value = value elsif Integer === value v.integer_value = value elsif String === value v.string_value = value elsif Array === value v.list_value = value.map { |item| to_proto_value item } elsif value.respond_to?(:to_time) v.timestamp_microseconds_value = self.microseconds_from_time value.to_time elsif value.respond_to?(:read) && value.respond_to?(:rewind) value.rewind v.blob_value = value.read.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") else fail PropertyError, "A property of type #{value.class} is not supported." end v end def self.from_proto_properties proto_properties hash_properties = {} Array(proto_properties).each do |p| hash_properties[p.name] = Proto.from_proto_value p.value end hash_properties end def self.to_proto_properties hash_properties hash_properties.map do |name, value| Proto::Property.new.tap do |p| p.name = name.to_s p.value = Proto.to_proto_value value end end end def self.microseconds_from_time time (time.utc.to_f * 1000000).to_i end def self.time_from_microseconds microseconds Time.at(microseconds / 1000000, microseconds % 1000000).utc end @private PROP_FILTER_OPS = { "<" => PropertyFilter::Operator::LESS_THAN, "lt" => PropertyFilter::Operator::LESS_THAN, "<=" => PropertyFilter::Operator::LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, "lte" => PropertyFilter::Operator::LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, ">" => PropertyFilter::Operator::GREATER_THAN, "gt" => PropertyFilter::Operator::GREATER_THAN, ">=" => PropertyFilter::Operator::GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, "gte" => PropertyFilter::Operator::GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, "=" => PropertyFilter::Operator::EQUAL, "eq" => PropertyFilter::Operator::EQUAL, "eql" => PropertyFilter::Operator::EQUAL, "~" => PropertyFilter::Operator::HAS_ANCESTOR, "~>" => PropertyFilter::Operator::HAS_ANCESTOR, "ancestor" => PropertyFilter::Operator::HAS_ANCESTOR, "has_ancestor" => PropertyFilter::Operator::HAS_ANCESTOR, "has ancestor" => PropertyFilter::Operator::HAS_ANCESTOR } def self.to_prop_filter_op str PROP_FILTER_OPS[str.to_s.downcase] || PropertyFilter::Operator::EQUAL end def self.to_prop_order_direction direction if direction.to_s.downcase.start_with? "d" PropertyOrder::Direction::DESCENDING else PropertyOrder::Direction::ASCENDING end end def self.encode_cursor cursor Array(cursor.to_s).pack("m").chomp end def self.decode_cursor cursor dc = cursor.to_s.unpack("m").first.force_encoding Encoding::ASCII_8BIT dc = nil if dc.empty? dc end def self.to_more_results_string more_results if QueryResultBatch::MoreResultsType::NOT_FINISHED == more_results "NOT_FINISHED" elsif QueryResultBatch::MoreResultsType::MORE_RESULTS_AFTER_LIMIT == more_results "MORE_RESULTS_AFTER_LIMIT" elsif QueryResultBatch::MoreResultsType::NO_MORE_RESULTS == more_results "NO_MORE_RESULTS" else nil end end ## # Convenience methods to create protocol buffer objects def self.new_filter Filter.new end def self.new_composite_filter CompositeFilter.new.tap do |cf| cf.operator = Proto::CompositeFilter::Operator::AND cf.filter = [] end end def self.new_mutation Mutation.new.tap do |m| m.upsert = [] m.update = [] m.insert = [] m.insert_auto_id = [] m.delete = [] end end def self.new_property_filter name, operator, value PropertyFilter.new.tap do |pf| pf.property = new_property_reference name pf.operator = Proto.to_prop_filter_op operator pf.value = Proto.to_proto_value value end end def self.new_property_expressions *names names.map do |name| new_property_expression name end end def self.new_property_expression name PropertyExpression.new.tap do |pe| pe.property = new_property_reference name end end def self.new_property_references *names names.map do |name| new_property_reference name end end def self.new_property_reference name PropertyReference.new.tap do |pr| pr.name = name end end def self.new_path_element new_kind, new_id_or_name Key::PathElement.new.tap do |pe| pe.kind = new_kind if new_id_or_name.is_a? Integer pe.id = new_id_or_name else pe.name = new_id_or_name end end end def self.new_partition_id new_dataset_id, new_namespace PartitionId.new.tap do |pi| pi.dataset_id = new_dataset_id pi.namespace = new_namespace end end def self.new_run_query_request query_proto RunQueryRequest.new.tap do |rq| rq.query = query_proto end end # @private class Key def dup proto_request_body = "" self.encode proto_request_body Key.decode proto_request_body end end end end end