/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Diego Perini * All rights reserved. * * this is just a small example to show * how an extension for NWMatcher could be * adapted to handle WebForms/HTML5 selectors * * Pseudo Selectors * :default, :indeterminate, :optional, :required, * :valid, :invalid, :in-range, :out-of-range, * :read-only, :read-write * :has, :matches (not yet in a defined specification) * */ // for UI pseudo-classes extensions (WebForms/HTML5) NW.Dom.registerSelector( 'html5:pseudos', /^\:(default|indeterminate|optional|required|valid|invalid|in-range|out-of-range|read-only|read-write)(.*)/, (function(global) { return function(match, source) { var status = true, HTML5PseudoClasses = { 'default': 4, 'indeterminate': 4, 'invalid': 4, 'valid': 4, 'optional': 4, 'required': 4, 'read-write': 4, 'read-only': 4 }; switch (match[1]) { // HTML5 UI element states (form controls) case 'default': // only radio buttons, check boxes and option elements source = 'if(((typeof e.form!=="undefined"&&(/radio|checkbox/i).test(e.type))||/option/i.test(e.nodeName))&&(e.defaultChecked||e.defaultSelected)){' + source + '}'; break; case 'indeterminate': // only radio buttons, check boxes and option elements source = 'if(typeof e.form!=="undefined"&&(/radio|checkbox/i).test(e.type)&&s.select("[checked]",e.form).length===0){' + source + '}'; break; case 'optional': // only fields for which "required" applies source = 'if(typeof e.form!=="undefined"&&typeof e.required!="undefined"&&!e.required){' + source + '}'; break; case 'required': // only fields for which "required" applies source = 'if(typeof e.form!=="undefined"&&typeof e.required!="undefined"&&e.required){' + source + '}'; break; case 'read-write': // only fields for which "readOnly" applies source = 'if(typeof e.form!=="undefined"&&typeof e.readOnly!="undefined"&&!e.readOnly){' + source + '}'; break; case 'read-only': // only fields for which "readOnly" applies source = 'if(typeof e.form!=="undefined"&&typeof e.readOnly!="undefined"&&e.readOnly){' + source + '}'; break; case 'invalid': // only fields for which validity applies source = 'if(typeof e.form!=="undefined"&&typeof e.validity=="object"&&!e.validity.valid){' + source + '}'; break; case 'valid': // only fields for which validity applies source = 'if(typeof e.form!=="undefined"&&typeof e.validity=="object"&&e.validity.valid){' + source + '}'; break; case 'in-range': // only fields for which validity applies source = 'if(typeof e.form!=="undefined"&&' + '(s.getAttribute(e,"min")||s.getAttribute(e,"max"))&&' + 'typeof e.validity=="object"&&!e.validity.typeMismatch&&' + '!e.validity.rangeUnderflow&&!e.validity.rangeOverflow){' + source + '}'; break; case 'out-of-range': // only fields for which validity applies source = 'if(typeof e.form!=="undefined"&&' + '(s.getAttribute(e,"min")||s.getAttribute(e,"max"))&&' + 'typeof e.validity=="object"&&(e.validity.rangeUnderflow||e.validity.rangeOverflow)){' + source + '}'; break; default: status = false; break; } // compiler will add this to "source" return { 'source': source, 'status': status }; }; })(this));