require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe Culerity::RemoteObjectProxy do describe "block_to_string method" do it "should return block result when result is lambda string" do proxy = nil, nil block = lambda { "lambda { true}" } proxy.send(:block_to_string, &block).should == "lambda { true}" end it "should return lambda string when block result isn't a lambda string" do proxy = nil, nil [true, false, "blah", 5].each do |var| block = lambda { var } proxy.send(:block_to_string, &block).should == "lambda { #{var} }" end end end it "should send the serialized method call to the output" do io = stub 'io', :gets => '[:return]' io.should_receive(:<<).with(%Q{[[345, "goto", "/homepage"]]\n}) proxy = 345, io proxy.goto '/homepage' end it "should send the serialized method call with a proc argument to the output" do io = stub 'io', :gets => "[:return]" io.should_receive(:<<).with(%Q{[[345, "method", true, lambda { true }]]\n}) proxy = 345, io proxy.send_remote(:method, true, lambda{true}) end it "should send the serialized method call and a block to the output" do io = stub 'io', :gets => "[:return]" io.should_receive(:<<).with(%Q{[[345, "method"], lambda { true }]\n}) proxy = 345, io proxy.send_remote(:method) { "lambda { true }" } end it "should return the deserialized return value" do io = stub 'io', :gets => "[:return, :okay]\n", :<< => nil proxy = 345, io proxy.goto.should == :okay end it "should raise the received exception" do io = stub 'io', :gets => %Q{[:exception, "RuntimeError", "test exception", []]}, :<< => nil proxy = 345, io lambda { proxy.goto '/home' }.should raise_error(Culerity::CulerityException) end it "should send exit" do io = stub 'io', :gets => '[:return]' io.should_receive(:<<).with('["_exit_"]') proxy = 345, io proxy.exit end end