jQuery -> # The elements receive 'edit', 'save' and 'cancel' events, # when the user clicks the corresponding buttons '.edit_button', '.save_button' or '.cancel_button'. # The edit_mode_group has to pass these events down to the contained .editable elements. $( ".edit_mode_group" ).bind( "edit", -> unless $( this ).hasClass( "currently_in_edit_mode" ) $( this ).addClass( "currently_in_edit_mode" ) $( $( this ).find( ".editable" ).get().reverse() ).each -> $( this ).trigger( "edit" ) ) $( ".edit_mode_group" ).bind( "save", -> if $( this ).hasClass( "currently_in_edit_mode" ) $( this ).removeClass( "currently_in_edit_mode" ) edit_mode_group = $( this ) button_effect( $( this ).find( ".save_button" ), -> edit_mode_group.find( ".editable" ).trigger( "save" ) ) ) $( ".edit_mode_group" ).bind( "cancel", -> if $( this ).hasClass( "currently_in_edit_mode" ) $( this ).removeClass( "currently_in_edit_mode" ) edit_mode_group = $( this ) button_effect( $( this ).find( ".cancel_button" ), -> edit_mode_group.find( ".editable" ).trigger( "cancel" ) ) ) button_effect = ( button, callback ) -> button.effect( "pulsate", { times: 2 }, "fast", callback )