2014-06-11 version 0.4.5: * Added prestogres_trust auth method * Added support for VARBINARY type introduced by Presto 0.69 by converting it to bytea type * Added support for date, time and timestamp types with and without time zone * Getting table metadata ignores schema, table and column names longer than 63 (NAMEDATALEN - 1) characters which cause an error in PostgreSQL 2014-05-12 version 0.4.4: * Send session variable 'timezone' to Presto using X-Presto-Time-Zone HTTP header introduced by Presto 0.66 so that Presto uses the same time zone setting with PostgreSQL. 2014-04-22 version 0.4.3: * Updated default parameters related to connections so that pgpool-II can always acquire a connection to cancel a running query. 2014-03-19 version 0.4.2: * Send queries to PostgreSQL if they most likely cause parse erorr because Presto doesn't return appropriate error code (42601 SYNTAX ERROR). * Cast Presto query results to PostgreSQL types explicitly when it inserts themn to a temporary table to not cause "value too long for type character varying(255)" exceptions 2014-03-05 version 0.4.1: * Send queries to Presto if they include Presto's SQL syntax extension * Fixed build scripts 2014-03-05 version 0.4.0: * Preserve OID of tables when clients SELECT from system catalogs * Increased maximum rewritten query length to 32768 bytes * Fixed protocol version v2 handling * Fixed 'too long error message' errors * Fixed build scripts * Add "LIMIT 1000" to "SELECT * FROM table" queries automatically (ad-hoc fix for Tableau) 2014-02-07 version 0.3.0: * Fixed system catalog queries to support multiple schemas * Removed presto_schema parameter from pgpool.conf * Use connecting database name as the default schema name * Updated type mapping to map varchar type of Presto to varchar(100) * Implemented query cache for system catalog queries * Improved prestogres-setup command to not listen on TCP socket * Improved prestogres-setup command to support -P option * Fixed build scripts to work with bundler * Fixed build scripts to work with RubyGems >= 1.8.26 * Fixed "rake install" task 2014-01-24 version 0.2.0: * Authentication mechanisms support pg_database and pg_user options to overwrite connecting PostgreSQL database and role name * Forward error message from PostgreSQL to clients instead of killing the session so that clients can know the reason * Reject 'P' (Parse) command to reject extended query protocol immediately * Enabled timeout in Presto HTTP client * Queries to system catalogs delete created tables by rollbacking subtransaction so that other sessions does not conflict 2014-01-15 version 0.1.0: * First release