module Refinery class CmsGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root'../templates', __FILE__)) class_option :update, :type => :boolean, :aliases => nil, :group => :runtime, :desc => "Update an existing Refinery CMS based application" class_option :fresh_installation, :type => :boolean, :aliases => nil, :group => :runtime, :default => false, :desc => "Allow Refinery to remove default Rails files in a fresh installation" class_option :heroku, :type => :string, :default => nil, :group => :runtime, :banner => 'APP_NAME', :desc => "Deploy to Heroku after the generator has run." class_option :stack, :type => :string, :default => 'cedar', :group => :runtime, :desc => "Specify which Heroku stack you want to use. Requires --heroku option to function." class_option :skip_db, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => nil, :group => :runtime, :desc => "Skip over any database creation, migration or seeding." class_option :skip_migrations, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => nil, :group => :runtime, :desc => "Skip over installing or running migrations." def generate start_pretending? manage_roadblocks! unless self.options[:update] ensure_environments_are_sane! stop_pretending? append_gemfile! append_gitignore! forced_overwriting? copy_files! create_decorators! mount! run_additional_generators! if self.options[:fresh_installation] migrate_database! seed_database! deploy_to_hosting? end protected def append_gemfile! if destination_path.join('Gemfile').file? && destination_path.join('Gemfile').read !~ %r{group :development, :test do\n.+?gem 'sqlite3'\nend}m gsub_file 'Gemfile', %q{gem 'sqlite3'}, %q{group :development, :test do gem 'sqlite3' end} end end def append_gitignore! # Ensure .gitignore exists and append our rules to it. create_file ".gitignore" unless destination_path.join('.gitignore').file? our_ignore_rules = self.class.source_root.join('.gitignore').read our_ignore_rules = our_ignore_rules.split('# REFINERY CMS DEVELOPMENT').first if destination_path != Refinery.root append_file ".gitignore", our_ignore_rules end def append_heroku_gems! append_file 'Gemfile', %q{ # The Heroku gem allows you to interface with Heroku's API gem 'heroku' # Fog allows you to use S3 assets (added for Heroku) gem 'fog' } # If postgres is not the database in use, Heroku still needs it. if destination_path.join('Gemfile').file? && destination_path.join('Gemfile').read !~ %r{gem ['"]pg['"]} append_file 'Gemfile', %q{ # Postgres support (added for Heroku) gem 'pg' } end end def bundle! run 'bundle install' end def copy_files! # The extension installer only installs database templates. Pathname.glob(self.class.source_root.join('**', '*')).reject{|f| or f.to_s =~ /\/db\// }.sort.each do |path| copy_file path, path.to_s.gsub(self.class.source_root.to_s, destination_path.to_s) end end def create_decorators! # Create decorator directories %w[controllers models].each do |decorator_namespace| src_file_path = "app/decorators/#{decorator_namespace}/refinery/.gitkeep" copy_file self.class.source_root.join(src_file_path), destination_path.join(src_file_path) end end def deploy_to_hosting? if heroku? append_heroku_gems! bundle! # Sanity check the heroku application name and save whatever messages are produced. message = sanity_check_heroku_application_name! # Supply the deploy process with the previous messages to make them visible. deploy_to_hosting_heroku!(message) end end def deploy_to_hosting_heroku!(message = nil) say_status "Initializing and committing to git..", nil run "git init && git add . && git commit -am 'Created application using Refinery CMS #{Refinery.version}'" say_status message, nil, :yellow if message say_status "Creating Heroku app..", nil run ["heroku create", (options[:heroku] if heroku?), "#{"--stack #{options[:stack]}" if options[:stack]}" ].compact.join(' ') say_status "Pushing to Heroku (this takes time, be patient)..", nil run "git push heroku master" say_status "Setting up the Heroku database..", nil run "heroku#{' run' if options[:stack] == 'cedar'} rake db:migrate" say_status "Restarting servers...", nil run "heroku restart" end # Helper method to quickly convert destination_root to a Pathname for easy file path manipulation def destination_path @destination_path ||= end def ensure_environments_are_sane! # Massage environment files %w(development test production).map{|e| "config/environments/#{e}.rb"}.each do |env| next unless destination_path.join(env).file? gsub_file env, "config.assets.compile = false", "config.assets.compile = true", :verbose => false end end def forced_overwriting? force_options = self.options.dup force_options[:force] = self.options[:force] || self.options[:update] self.options = force_options end def heroku? options[:heroku].present? end def manage_roadblocks! %w(public/index.html app/views/layouts/application.html.erb).each do |roadblock| if (roadblock_path = destination_path.join(roadblock)).file? if self.options[:fresh_installation] remove_file roadblock_path, :verbose => true else say_status :"-- You may need to remove '#{roadblock}' for Refinery to function properly --", nil, :yellow end end end end def migrate_database! unless self.options[:skip_migrations] rake 'railties:install:migrations' rake 'db:create db:migrate' unless self.options[:skip_db] end end def mount! if (routes_file = destination_path.join('config', 'routes.rb')).file? && (self.behavior == :revoke || ( !~ %r{mount\ Refinery::Core::Engine})) # Append routes mount = %Q{ # This line mounts Refinery's routes at the root of your application. # This means, any requests to the root URL of your application will go to Refinery::PagesController#home. # If you would like to change where this extension is mounted, simply change the :at option to something different. # # We ask that you don't use the :as option here, as Refinery relies on it being the default of "refinery" mount Refinery::Core::Engine, :at => '/' } inject_into_file 'config/routes.rb', mount, :after => "Application.routes.draw do\n" end end def run_additional_generators! generator_args = [] generator_args << '--quiet' if self.options[:quiet] Refinery::CoreGenerator.start generator_args Refinery::AuthenticationGenerator.start generator_args Refinery::ResourcesGenerator.start generator_args Refinery::PagesGenerator.start generator_args Refinery::ImagesGenerator.start generator_args Refinery::I18nGenerator.start generator_args if defined?(Refinery::I18nGenerator) end def sanity_check_heroku_application_name! if heroku? && options[:heroku].to_s.include?('_') || options[:heroku].to_s.length > 30 message = ["\nThe application name '#{options[:heroku]}' that you specified is invalid for Heroku."] suggested_name = options[:heroku].dup.to_s if suggested_name.include?('_') message << "This is because it contains underscores which Heroku does not allow." suggested_name.gsub!(/_/, '-') end if suggested_name.length > 30 message << "This is#{" also" unless suggested_name.nil?} because it is longer than 30 characters." suggested_name = suggested_name[0..29] end options[:heroku] = suggested_name message << "We have changed the name to '#{suggested_name}' for you, hope it suits you.\n" message.join("\n") end options[:heroku] = '' if options[:heroku] == 'heroku' end def seed_database! rake 'db:seed' unless self.options[:skip_db] || self.options[:skip_migrations] end def start_pretending? # Only pretend to do the next actions if this is Refinery to stay DRY if destination_path == Refinery.root say_status :'-- pretending to make changes that happen in an actual installation --', nil, :yellow old_pretend = self.options[:pretend] new_options = self.options.dup new_options[:pretend] = true self.options = new_options end end def stop_pretending? # Stop pretending if destination_path == Refinery.root say_status :'-- finished pretending --', nil, :yellow new_options = self.options.dup new_options[:pretend] = old_pretend self.options = new_options end end end end